How Much Beer Do You Drink?

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How many glasses of beer do you drink per night?

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  • 9 or more. (can you even read this)

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He He, just got home and yep, its Friday night. I look forward to it all week as I very rarely drink on weeknights now. Really gives me something to look forward all week. and just like Duke of Padyy stated I have definently lost alot of "piss fitness" but hey at least it doesn't take as much now. but in saying that its not unusual for me to knock back 4 or 5 tallies on a friday night, not much compared to some but enough for me at the moment. maybe i need to get some drinking fitness back up for xmas though. Slightly off topic but are many of you Perth brewers going to the craft beer show tomorrow?
Yep, be drinking you under the table cats...till I pass out and at booth number two

4 - 5 tallies a session, forget piss fit your piss wreck... He he

Which of our wives is picking us up and dropping us off mate? Mine is happy too
during the week - usually 0, maybe a couple after an hour of squash
friday night, saturday and maybe sunday - pretty much hammered
and definitely no beer before the boil, which is why my brewdays start at 5am

which option do i pick in the poll?
during the week - usually 0, maybe a couple after an hour of squash
friday night, saturday and maybe sunday - pretty much hammered
and definitely no beer before the boil, which is why my brewdays start at 5am

which option do i pick in the poll?
Truman can we do a poll how many nights a week? This poll is not helping your cause with the little miss at all. perhaps you can start a new thread purely designed for us to fill it out like piss wrecks and make you look like a priest?
This strong ale is great!
On a week night I'll have 2-3 (8 drinks or midnight is my upper limit though). I've cut back to 1 per night till the missus pops the kid out (due this week). She told me to get too pissed to drive tonight in a Murphy's Law attempt to bring on labour. Good ol' Dr's Golden Ale is working a treat on the pissed bit. No baby yet.
during the week - usually 0, maybe a couple after an hour of squash
friday night, saturday and maybe sunday - pretty much hammered
and definitely no beer before the boil, which is why my brewdays start at 5am

which option do i pick in the poll?
yeah definently not before the boil.... made that mistake the first few AG brews :chug:
yeah definently not before the boil.... made that mistake the first few AG brews :chug:

Yup, same here. Brew day started at 8am but hooked into it during the mash. oops....

Hopefully I won't do that again :rolleyes:
Drinking before boil always ends up a ferkup. Went to a local microbrewery once for lunch and told eveyone come back i'll show you how its made. Milled grain, heated water, doughed in, got smashed and threw the lot to neighbours chooks, never even got to mash out.

Drink shedloads fri sat sun, try and have very little during the week.

Mind you, i make such nice beer that the weekday limitations are always under pressure :)
On a week night I'll have 2-3 (8 drinks or midnight is my upper limit though). I've cut back to 1 per night till the missus pops the kid out (due this week). She told me to get too pissed to drive tonight in a Murphy's Law attempt to bring on labour. Good ol' Dr's Golden Ale is working a treat on the pissed bit. No baby yet.
Mudzy congrats on up coming, you know what you have order?
Guns are great mate.... Beer AND guns, well then, thats even better :kooi:
Drinking before boil always ends up a ferkup.

It's funny, I've never really thought about it, but I rarely feel like a beer before the yeast is pitched and everything is cleaned up. Usually the coffee machine is cranking all day though, maybe that's a separate issue...

As for drinking habits, I usually go about 3 nights per week without but that's because I have 9pm meetings for work one night, and play squash one or two other nights and am just too knackered afterwards. Other nights (including weekends), it's usually just my wife and I sharing a bottle, occasionally two if we're watching a TV show or something (on the computer, because we don't actually own a TV). As much as I love beer, I'm not at all a fan of being drunk.
On a week night I'll have 2-3 (8 drinks or midnight is my upper limit though). I've cut back to 1 per night till the missus pops the kid out (due this week). She told me to get too pissed to drive tonight in a Murphy's Law attempt to bring on labour. Good ol' Dr's Golden Ale is working a treat on the pissed bit. No baby yet.
eat raisins
have sex
scrubbing the floor
watch a suspense movie. (I suggest Pacific Heights and A Perfect Host)
I drink anywhere from 4 - 10 a night. I consider myself a high functioning alcoholic, and I'm comfortable with this.

In the same boat here. Doctor tells me he'll be amazed if i last ten years though if i don't stop drinking.

I drink about 1.5 cornie kegs a week.

Man's gotta die of something.
1.5 cornies a week?? Jeebus!!

I try not to drink too much, because all the men in my dad's family are, well, large. My dad will drink every night, maybe 3-5 drinks, but every night. Diet is not great either. I do not want to end up on 50 different pills everyday, and not be able to run around with grandkids etc when im 55. Hard though, i could easily have a few every night. Very lucky my wife is pretty much a non drinker. If she was a drinker, i'd be a big boy haha
For a bloke who works with and around booze, and has hundreds of litres of the stuff in his house; I don't tend to drink all that much.
Having said that I tend to balance my beer addiction with my wine addiction, so whilst I may drink an average of around 15 beers a week, that's on top of 3 bottles of wine.

Try to get in at least 2 consequative days without booze every week just to give the liver a rest
Truman, back onto the subject of your OP, I infiltrated the enemy lines this morning. My missus says that far more annoying than the drinking itself is talking/listening about beer/brewing/brewery - pretty much described it as brutal. :lol:
Im a shiftworker too my job has a 0 alcohol policy,so on work nite,days.arvos etc no drink,BUT on days off i more than make up for it,i reckon it averages out 4 a day!!
Truman tell your mrs shes got nothing to worry about :icon_drunk:
I go though about a cornie a week. Also a highly functioning alcoholic, and also comfortable
I'm a little bit upset by the suggestion that you can't crack one until the boil.

Get into it. If you can have all manner of **** go wrong with your mash and still sort it out at the end of the day, you are doing well.

You're not a real brewer unless you can have six pints before mash out.

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