Oh Dear..
I drink anywhere from 4 - 10 a night. I consider myself a high functioning alcoholic, and I'm comfortable with this.
But naked.
I drink anywhere from 4 - 10 a night. I consider myself a high functioning alcoholic, and I'm comfortable with this.
Funny - I get the opposite. I feel the effects less at home than I do out. Maybe I'm just more conscious because I'm around people.
I'm around my partner at home but we've been together twelve years so self consciousness is a thing of the past. We booth fart with impunity.
Fucken oath i do....
I hate being squashed into a box called 'you have a problem if....'
I'm a big guy....i thought that would be obvious from my AHB user name.
I can put away a substantial amount of BEER without being affected. I have voluntarily walked up to RBT stations at music festivals to 'see how much i blow' .....answer, ' you're right to drive home buddy'....
I have proven on several occasions, that i'm right to drive home at all hours of the morning (im a professional musician/music tutor for a living), after drinking considerably more than the 'government based guidelines' recommend.
Now, i deliberately italicised BEER, because im a different animal when it comes to spirits. My tolerance is greatly reduced when i get on the distilled kinds of liquor that we dont like talking about here. Get me on the beer though, and i'll drink my mates under the table no problem.
I rarely go out nowadays to 'get pissed' so dont take this whole post the wrong way. It's just that it takes me a long time to be 'affected' by beer when i am out and about.
Every one is affected in different ways and i think it's high time the government stopped labelling me a binge drinker, or someone with an alocohol problem just because i enjoy a couple of beers a night.
For the record, i drink because i like the flavour of my beers, nothing more, nothing less.
I dont drink to get drunk.
IMHO there are two types of alcoholic functional and dysfunctional. The dysfunctional type is your typical bloke in the gutter now your functional type still manages to go about his or her life and keep it all together. Not for me to say if I fit either category suffice to say I sleep in a bed not a gutter![]()
Never underestimate the power of denial...
1. Are you Concerned that you drink too much?
2. Have you got Angry or upset that someone has suggested that you drink too much?
3. Do you feel Guilty that you may drink too much or had to put something off because you did drink too much?
4. Do you ever, or have you ever had an Eye-opener because you drank too much.
1/4 and you probably do drink too much.
COI: 2-3 / day, minimum 48hrs booze-free / week.
When Im out I can drink 6 Coronas
Nath when I lived in Broome I was huge, 128 kgs and only 175cm tall. I could drink shitloads and still not get pissed which I put down to my size, but also probably because you sweat a lot of it out in the tropics.
Since moving back to Melb in 2007 Ive lost 38 kgs but Ive noticed I can still generally drink a lot and not be to pissed. I have a breathalyzer in my car which belongs to the company I work for and gets calibrated every 6 months so is accurate and Im often way under what Id expect to be and compared to everyone else. Also Ive noticed I can go from say .03 down to zero in a very short amount of time. Up at the King Valley on the weekend I was .015 when we left and 10 mins down the road got pulled over by an RBT cop in Oxley and blew 0.
Everybodys different I suppose.
They say you give up one habit for another and Ive given up eating too much but now started smoking again after 12 years of quitting. Will have to work on giving up in the new year.
Got the cranky pants on tonight cocko. No action at the public toilets?