How many folks still read brewing Mag's?

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  • Only Beer and Brewer - Australain Mag

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BYO - US Brewing Mag

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My Brewclub has them and I read them monthly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I get them from the Library coz Im a tight arse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mag's are for chumps

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Looking to advertise in a particular mag or mags?
Maybe, not sure yet, just after generic stats to look at it at this point.

Interesting to know what the general feel is regardless of my final direction.

Didn't bother renewing my subscription to Beer and Brewer as I outgrew the back section for homebrewers pretty quickly, seems to cater more towards kit brewers. Byo is a very comprehensive mag and if I'm going to buy one I'll buy that, although when you get down to the stats and figures everything needs to be converted to metric which makes it a bit of a pain in the arse.
I became bored with BYO as well, I subscribed for several years. I sort of miss it now.

If you are looking at advertising dollars, then I would say 'brewing' mags would not be the best way for this...

BTW you are asking an audience you are already in touch with and can reach in a simple, free, post. Not really an answer of your who reads mags Q - If you really want to know, put a add in what ever mag as a promo, text X to your number and gauge from there,,, 2c.

Wholesale would be your next option IMO.. but margins in this industry seem so lean that may not be possible either.

Keep up the good work regardless Yob, well done.
BYO magazine for me mate. I find it a lot more enjoyable and informative to read
BYO and just subscribed so will read every edition from here on

Also discontinued subscibtion to Beer And Brewer as it was boring and mostly kit based
I was given a subscription to a mag but generally prefer to buy a book 1. all info in one place 2. looks good on shelf:)

Most of them are just regurgitated rubbish or an article on some "must build" contraption.
I got a subscription to a mag as a gift and won't renew once subscription expires.

For all the reasons listed above as well as the poor standard of writing in it.

Seriously, $10 an issue (over the counter) for regular typos, poorly cut & pasted images, lists of questions and brewers responses to them being passed off as 'interviews' and worthless reviews of various beers. I could go on...

I'm often so frustrated with the magazine that I rarely bother to look at any of the advertisements - although this could be the best quality content in the whole thing.

If it didn't arrive in my letterbox I wouldn't go near it.
The magazines should be pretty happy to tell you their circulation if you make an inquiry in regard to advertising with them.
I'm often so frustrated with the magazine that I rarely bother to look at any of the advertisements - although this could be the best quality content in the whole thing.
Who buys mag's for the advertisements???

The magazines should be pretty happy to tell you their circulation if you make an inquiry in regard to advertising with them.
No doubt, but see my response above.
I still look at BYO in news agency but generally I dont feel like im getting value out of a lot of the info,
I like the style column in BYO
bum said:
The magazines should be pretty happy to tell you their circulation if you make an inquiry in regard to advertising with them.
In one instance I do have the figures, this isn't about that Bum, it's more of a snapshot of general opinion from a peer group of like minded people. As noted above, I've not made up my mind which way I will go and this is just a 'curiosity' sort of thing and will probably have little bearing on my decision at the end of the day.

Maybe an option to advertise to the brewing community (other than on here) trying getting into the brewing club newsletters.....
I subscibe to BYO and look forward to it coming. A bit sad when it has pages and pages of results that aren't relevant to me, but i still enjoy a quiet read.

Also interested in advertising, but i don't know of any Aussie magazines that would suit my product range and aren't owned by competitiors.
i got a 2 year subscription to Beer and Brewer, because it came with a free slab. When the slab turned out to be dry dock (bloody funny choice for a audience that enjoys good beer) I decided not to renew when the subscription expired. Having said that I do enjoy reading it, just probably out grown it like others.
I really like kicking back on the deck with a beer and reading BYO.
It always has some interesting recipes and info in it. Most of the Q&A stuff is a bit fluffy but I like to think of the magazines as a good reference to go back to,like a brew book.
Actually, I like the thick paper slip with the Briess recipes. There is usually something there I would have never thought of brewing.
Read Beer and Brewer (good coverage of craft brewing in Australia and NZ) BYO (good mix of home brewing information)and Zymurgy (also good for latest thoughts, methods etc.).
All have articles/sections that not relevant to me at present/or ever but overall they keep the mind working.

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