I planted 3 rhizomes last year, POR, Hallertau and Tettnanger
Picked 500g green weight of hops.
Some pointers to hop cultivation:
1. Prepare a raised bed by digging in a few bags well rotted cow manure
2. Hops must face north for max sunlight when growing. Horizontal or vertical training is fine, let them grow up a bit, then along a fence or shed wall etc is fine
3. Ironically, they need shade early on in spring, so plant some flowers in the front of the hop bed
4. They hate their roots being wet all the time. I deep watered once a week all through summer
5. cut off excess shoots
6. To pick, cut off the bines and collect the cones. Cover hop bed with mulch, compost and manure
A client that had bought a couple rizomes was boasting about how high his rizomes were, while mine were only a few inches high, but in the end I had collected 500g of cones, he collected nothing!
Jovial Monk