Hop Plantation 2005

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I can confirm the weed theory and I put it to the test with my last round of cuttings. I put a single leaf in water 2 weeks ago and potted it last night. It also had an abundance of roots. Not sure what it wil do from here. I took photo's and will post later.

Consequently my columbus showed it's first flower yesterday with many more flower stems ready to bud.

I have a few columbus cuttings and would be interested in another variety of american hops. Has anyone got some small cuttings of cascade, chinook or dare I say Amarillo that they are keen for a postal swap with at the moment. I figure that wrapping the roots of a recently shot cutting in wet cotton wool and putting in an appropiate container and doing express post ( definately not regualr post in summer) would be a viable option to get another variety in the ground/pot and establishing before next season.

WTF?! I was half way through writing a reply with 'Quick Reply', when the page refreshed (automaticaly?) and all was gone. Strange.

Anyway, Doc and GL, thanks, but I was already aware of the rhizome/seasonal thing.
I'm planning to buy a Hallertau from Grumpy's, GT say's they're taking orders in May.

I just thought, with all the talk of tip cuttings(I read the thread from the start before posting), that someone in Perth may have had one sitting in a windowsill or potted.
I figured theres about a month left of growing season before dormancy? I wouldn't expect hops from that, but thought it might get that first year thing half out of the way?

A sixpack of HB sounds like a great deal if DeeBee's up for it, dunno if the quality of mine will match his tho! I've only done two small(6L - equipment challenged) simple AG brews since leaping out of the K+K pothole.

Just out of interest, I've never seen any mention(here or on web) of what happens to the rhizomes in the off season, do ya dig them up and winter them in the fridge, or leave them in the ground?

All the buds coming up on my POR.
I will hopefully get about 50-60 grams of dry yeild.
I will make an Aussie ale with them if there are enough.


I agree with Chatty, and maybe some mulch to keep the frost out.(pea straw?)
Cheers Glenn.
Heres a pic of the my 2nd generation deebee POR special. Last year I also purchased a Hallertau and Tettnanger rhizome along with a backup POR rhizome that ausdb subsequently purchased and is growing like jack and the bean stalk. My tettnanger and Hallertau croaked it due to crap home made potting mix(Compost, sand etc) that was too waterlogged and rotted the rhizomes in November. I have recently removed the black arm band and moved on......Look at the G316 Stainless trellis - worth nearly as much as the family car and has hops growing over it!

I will shortly post a pic of a hop plant I received from a mate of mine (Koffo) who lives near Pemberton. For those that don't know, hops were grown in the SW of WA some years ago(60's?) until I belive a virus killed off the industry. He found the plant growing wild over a fence line and he believes the strain is EKG or Fuggles(Not POR as to be expected??). I did a quick search to find out what varieties were grown around Pemby and Manjimup to identify what strain it could be but found naff all info. Any help would be appreciated. I have taken 3-4 cuttings of the feral Pemby strain and they are slowly growing in a jar on the kitchen window sill and I will offer them to any sandgropbrewers at a brewday next year.

Cheers :beer:
Chilla - my mum's family are from down there. Apparently, the Dam at Karri Valley (Resort) was built to water the hops and the paddocks out to the road were where they were grown. Was that the sort of area where your mate picked up his plant?
Goat. Yes around that area, he lives between Karri Valley Resort and Donnelly River Winery.He saw them growing along a fence line one day and pulled over to investigate. I have sent an email to the Manjimup Shire and will conduct further research tonight.
fingers crossed chilla that the council doesnt take the wrong view and spray them out of existance.
anyway for what its worth when i get down to perth later this year you guys are more than welcome to grow hops on my acreage if space is an issue.im hoping i/we can put aside a reasonably large area for hop growing and maybe make it some sort of annual hop harvest for the west coast brew crew a brewday and feed and whatever happens sort of thing.of course this is all dependent on how hops grow in the west and if you guys are keen on the idea.

big d
Just for interest sake.... here's the hop leaf I stuck in water 2 weeks ago.
Crazy weed.


I nver thought of the possible shire herbicide frenzy. Fortunately my email to the shire did not disclose the location, mostly because I don't know the exact where abouts only the general region! I'll take some cuttings off the POR tonight for the future Big D hop grove. I think even if the hops are a fizzer a hop harvest beer festival would still be a ripper idea.
I'll swap you an 'Ornamental Hallertau' for a 'Pride of Pemberton' Chilla.....
Sounds good Asher. I have a few cuttings going now. A fella from Manjimup shire council just called and has put me onto a fella at the Ag Dept. I am awaiting his call for further leads! As goat said the Karri Valley Resort lake/dam was built to supply Bunns(sp?) Hop Farm about 30+ years ago. I hope these mofos at the Ag Dept don't go and spray out the hops but I guess if they do I will have to plant out some of the cuttings.....a sort of reverse bush regeneration.

Do you have any concern that the hop plant that you got from an area that had "a virus that wiped out the industry' maybe something you don't want to be distributing around the country? I know none of us are commercial growers or even close but it might be a consideration to keep it away from your other varieties for a season or 2 to see how it goes..

Don't know how much of a concern it is, just thought I would raise the question?? Perhaps a question for the Dept of AG.

Chilla, I'll put my hand up for a Pemby cutting.
Hops are still farmed down south, I think by the family of one of the micro's down that way.
I found some info on the net about southwest hop farming a few years back, I think it was on a government website. There was a photo only, no info, and the photo looks to be very old, maybe 20's? dunno. I'll try to find it again.

Good point Brent re: the virus. In my excitement of another baby in the nursery I overlooked the possibility of further infections. I did speak to a fella at the Manjimup Ag Dept and he didn't seem to think the industry shut down due to a virus and is investigating further and will send me some info in due course.
There are no flowers on mine yet.
The Hersbrucker is at the top of the line (~4 meters) and the Columbus are about half way up.
Hopefully some flowers will come along soon (fingers crossed).

Try a bit of flowering fertiliser on them.

Chilla, I found the photo, butnot the site, I'll keep looking.
The photo is from the 20's, and is from Pemberton.



EDIT: fixed image.

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