Hop Hog Extract Recipe

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Bottled mine on friday, now the waiting game begins...

Johnny; do you wash your beer glasses by hand or in the dishwasher? Soap residue from some dishwashers and from a sudsy sink of water can leave a residue on your glasses that kills beer heads dead. Oily and waxy contaminants to the same.

I either wash my beer glasses by hand in hot tap water (no detergent) or give them a thorough rinse after they come out of the dishwasher.

Also it's getting cooler here in Brisbane (at least it is at my place), they might need another 2 weeks or so to carb up properly in this weather.
menoetes said:
Bottled mine on friday, now the waiting game begins...

Johnny; do you wash your beer glasses by hand or in the dishwasher? Soap residue from some dishwashers and from a sudsy sink of water can leave a residue on your glasses that kills beer heads dead. Oily and waxy contaminants to the same.

I either wash my beer glasses by hand in hot tap water (no detergent) or give them a thorough rinse after they come out of the dishwasher.

Also it's getting cooler here in Brisbane (at least it is at my place), they might need another 2 weeks or so to carb up properly in this weather.
Interesting. I'm wondering about how dish soap may have affected the krausen In the primary. I had none
Hi all,

I am new to homebrewing and this site. I have done this recipe as my second batch of homebrew. It's bubbling away in my fermenter as I type.

In WWDWD's recipe it says to let wort cool for 20mins, is this just turning off gas and let it cool? Or is it using a method such as a ice bath? I just let it cool by itself for 20mins before transferring to fermenter. Now I'm worried I may have ruined my wort by doing this. Have I ruined my wort by letting it cool by itself?

Cheers Mez
I use extract and pour the boil straight into the fermenter then top up the desired volume (20- 24lts depending) with cold water to drop the temp straight away. This rapid cooling method works unless you are doing partial or all-grain brewing IMHO. It means you have greater control of the hop schedule with the rapid cooling. This also works with kit and bits brewing...
Ok so I bottled my version of this tonight. My first all extract recipe! My recipe was as follows:

1.5kg Briess Munich
1.5kg Coopers wheat extract
400g medium crystal ( I wanted a bit of extra colour)

10g Galaxy @ 30 minutes
15g of citra galaxy and centennial each @ 10 minutes
15g of citra cascade and centennial each @ 5 minutes

15g of citra cascade each dry hop
6 g centennial dry hop ( Stupid me, I ran out!)

I should have added 200g of dextrose to boost ABV but didn't this time around

According To Ian's spread sheet the IBU make 43.4 and the EBC or 19 ( Had to guess on the Briess Extract for colour, used coopers light.)

Used US05 yeast

OG 1.046
FG 1.012

I can tell you the Hydrometer sample taste quite nice. Looking forward to mid July!

How long till you sample your Menoetes?
Sampling this weekend sir :)

In fact I'll go pop one in the fridge now and probably crack it open tomorrow or Sunday.evening.

Will keep you guys posted...
Sorry for the late post guys, I went out on Sunday and got some Feral Hop Hogs for a side-by-side comparison and here's how I went. I took lot of notes but bear in mind this is my first time doing a comparison...


Bottled Feral Hop Hog on the left, home brewed Hop Hogger on the right.

Appearance: Feral HH is paler in colour and a bit cloudy. I guess the malt used in there's is lighter than the liquid Light ME & Wheat ME I used. Also I might trade the Crystal 20 back to Crystal 10 or even drop it completely for more Carapils. Despite having drank it before I didn't realize the Feral HH was bottle conditioned so in the pic it seems a bit cloudier than my own. I could have corrected this by pouring carefully as I do with my own creation. Do we know if Feral brewery primes with the primary yeast? I'd be interested in harvesting it if that is the case...

Smell: The Feral HH has floral/resin nose leaning more towards the resin in my opinion, where-as my HH has more of a floral nose with little resin or citrus. If I didn't know better I'd be thinking there was a hint of simcoe dry hopped in the original somewhere and if I were to try again I might try adding 10g of simcoe to the dry-hop to capture this scent.

Taste (aka the import part): Ferals HH has a strong floral citrus taste with a background of passion-fruit. The galaxy is definitely there in the aftertaste but the base of the flavor has pronounced elements that I can see might come from the cascade and citra. The flavour is complex and I had a hard time trying to sort it out. It also has a strong malt presence giving it a sweetness to compliment the punchy hoppiness that my own doesn't have, but I made mine to a higher volume and so a lower abv, which accounts for this difference.

My own HH has a more resinous than floral taste than the Feral HH though a very similar citrus presence, the fruit aftertaste is there but a bit rougher. A few more weeks in the bottle may smooth that out (I figure it's the galaxy). It lacks the malty backbone of the Feral HH (as mentioned above) which brings the strong hop elements to the forefront and I'm going to give it at least another 2 - 3 weeks to mature before trying it again.

Mouthfeel: Surprisingly similar, the Feral HH is higher in alcohol than my own (5.8% vs 4.4%) and with my addition of the carapils I think I might have leveled that playing field a little. So a small victory on this front IMHO.

In summery; it's close but no cigar. My Hop Hogger does taste good, very good in fact and I look forward to drinking more of it. It'll probably be one of my favorite extract brews once it mellows out a little but it's not quite the real thing. I know we limit ourselves a little using kits and extracts but this just goes to show you can get pretty damn close anyway.

Next time I'll use the same malt to a lower volume (thus upping the maltiness & abv), add 10g simcoe to the dry hop in place of the citra, and sub out the crystal 20 for carapils to fix the colour a little.

So... does anyone know anything about that bottling yeast?
Sorry I don't know anything about any bottling yeast... But I've heard that US05 is a good option for the HH clone.
Also, try using only pale malts next time. Get rid of the crystal; it's making it too dark.
menoetes said:
Sorry for the late post guys, I went out on Sunday and got some Feral Hop Hogs for a side-by-side comparison and here's how I went. I took lot of notes but bear in mind this is my first time doing a comparison...


Bottled Feral Hop Hog on the left, home brewed Hop Hogger on the right.

Appearance: Feral HH is paler in colour and a bit cloudy. I guess the malt used in there's is lighter than the liquid Light ME & Wheat ME I used. Also I might trade the Crystal 20 back to Crystal 10 or even drop it completely for more Carapils. Despite having drank it before I didn't realize the Feral HH was bottle conditioned so in the pic it seems a bit cloudier than my own. I could have corrected this by pouring carefully as I do with my own creation. Do we know if Feral brewery primes with the primary yeast? I'd be interested in harvesting it if that is the case...

Smell: The Feral HH has floral/resin nose leaning more towards the resin in my opinion, where-as my HH has more of a floral nose with little resin or citrus. If I didn't know better I'd be thinking there was a hint of simcoe dry hopped in the original somewhere and if I were to try again I might try adding 10g of simcoe to the dry-hop to capture this scent.

Taste (aka the import part): Ferals HH has a strong floral citrus taste with a background of passion-fruit. The galaxy is definitely there in the aftertaste but the base of the flavor has pronounced elements that I can see might come from the cascade and citra. The flavour is complex and I had a hard time trying to sort it out. It also has a strong malt presence giving it a sweetness to compliment the punchy hoppiness that my own doesn't have, but I made mine to a higher volume and so a lower abv, which accounts for this difference.

My own HH has a more resinous than floral taste than the Feral HH though a very similar citrus presence, the fruit aftertaste is there but a bit rougher. A few more weeks in the bottle may smooth that out (I figure it's the galaxy). It lacks the malty backbone of the Feral HH (as mentioned above) which brings the strong hop elements to the forefront and I'm going to give it at least another 2 - 3 weeks to mature before trying it again.

Mouthfeel: Surprisingly similar, the Feral HH is higher in alcohol than my own (5.8% vs 4.4%) and with my addition of the carapils I think I might have leveled that playing field a little. So a small victory on this front IMHO.

In summery; it's close but no cigar. My Hop Hogger does taste good, very good in fact and I look forward to drinking more of it. It'll probably be one of my favorite extract brews once it mellows out a little but it's not quite the real thing. I know we limit ourselves a little using kits and extracts but this just goes to show you can get pretty damn close anyway.

Next time I'll use the same malt to a lower volume (thus upping the maltiness & abv), add 10g simcoe to the dry hop in place of the citra, and sub out the crystal 20 for carapils to fix the colour a little.

So... does anyone know anything about that bottling yeast?
Nice experiment. Sounds like a great beer in its own right. I'll have to have a go.
Lochem said:
Sorry I don't know anything about any bottling yeast... But I've heard that US05 is a good option for the HH clone.
Also, try using only pale malts next time. Get rid of the crystal; it's making it too dark.
Thanks for the feedback.

I agree that paler malt is the way to go and I have a 15kg growler of Liquid Pilsen Malt Extract from national homebrew (site sponsor) that should do the job nicely with some wheat added to it. Definately subbing the crystal malt for more carapils too.

As for yeast I have no complaints about having used wyeast 1272, it turned out well but I had thought if the bottle yeast was the same as the primary used in the brewery, culturing that up and using it might get me a bit closer to the real deal.
menoetes said:
So... does anyone know anything about that bottling yeast?
As far as ive noticed, it isnt bottle conditioned. Never noticed any sediment. Im thinking it is hazy as it probably isnt filtered. Could be wrong though.
So I put this one down a few weeks ago for my 50th brew as per WWDWD's recipe listed in post #30. Kegged and tapped on the weekend and my god! What a beer!

OG 1.062
FG 1.016
ABV ~6%
2 weeks in primary, 1 week cold crash.

I would highly recommend this beer to any hop head.

I've got a real hop hog in the fridge to do a comparison with but tbh, I don't care if its not like the real thing because its amazing in its own right.

Thanks heaps WWDWD.
gsouth said:
So I put this one down a few weeks ago for my 50th brew as per WWDWD's recipe listed in post #30. Kegged and tapped on the weekend and my god! What a beer!

OG 1.062
FG 1.016
ABV ~6%
2 weeks in primary, 1 week cold crash.

I would highly recommend this beer to any hop head.

I've got a real hop hog in the fridge to do a comparison with but tbh, I don't care if its not like the real thing because its amazing in its own right.

Thanks heaps WWDWD.
That's the best attitude mate
Excellent thread, it appears that pursuing a HH clone using the recipes and ideas on here produces pretty good beer even id you miss the mark. Hop hog is a great bench marker. I loved my pint of HH in Fremantle but its not quiet from Dan Murphys over here in the east. From this thread I'm adding wheat malt to my concoction's, and more resinous hop. Next attempt in a fortnight.
So recently have made the plunge and have started down the slippery slope of homebrewing. I bottled my first brew last Friday and i am chomping at the bit to get the next one started. After a long time between Hop Hogs i had a few on Saturday and wondered why i had left it so long between drinks. So then it was decided that was brew number 2.

I have been looking around a bit was thinking of throwing down WWDWD's recipe but i also found another forum that a few of the guys went to a Ferel Brewery presentation night and word around the camp fire is they use Simcoe, Centennial, Amarillo and Citra as the Hops. I was wondering what you thoughts are using these hops over some of the ones in WWDWD's recipe. On the other hand i might just stick to the recipe it looks to be getting pretty good raps.

Also i am not setup to cold crash do you think this will be an issue as far as i know so far it is just for clarity isnt it.
mmcenall said:
So recently have made the plunge and have started down the slippery slope of homebrewing. I bottled my first brew last Friday and i am chomping at the bit to get the next one started. After a long time between Hop Hogs i had a few on Saturday and wondered why i had left it so long between drinks. So then it was decided that was brew number 2.

I have been looking around a bit was thinking of throwing down WWDWD's recipe but i also found another forum that a few of the guys went to a Ferel Brewery presentation night and word around the camp fire is they use Simcoe, Centennial, Amarillo and Citra as the Hops. I was wondering what you thoughts are using these hops over some of the ones in WWDWD's recipe. On the other hand i might just stick to the recipe it looks to be getting pretty good raps.

Also i am not setup to cold crash do you think this will be an issue as far as i know so far it is just for clarity isnt it.
As I was alluding to WWDWD's recipe provides a perfect base to replicate or experiment with, and without wild deviation is likely to still produce good beers. It makes the thread interesting. Because we all know we all have similar tastes given our appreciation of Hop Hog. So give what you think a whirl and report back to us.
mmcenall said:
I have been looking around a bit was thinking of throwing down WWDWD's recipe but i also found another forum that a few of the guys went to a Ferel Brewery presentation night and word around the camp fire is they use Simcoe, Centennial, Amarillo and Citra as the Hops. I was wondering what you thoughts are using these hops over some of the ones in WWDWD's recipe. On the other hand i might just stick to the recipe it looks to be getting pretty good raps.

Also i am not setup to cold crash do you think this will be an issue as far as i know so far it is just for clarity isnt it.
Yes cold crashing your fermented beer after hitting FG is for clarity. You will be fine even if you dont crash chill it.

Those hops will work excellent. I have used those in my Hop Hog Clone with the addition of Cascade also. It came out very nice indeed.
mmcenall said:
So recently have made the plunge and have started down the slippery slope of homebrewing. I bottled my first brew last Friday and i am chomping at the bit to get the next one started. After a long time between Hop Hogs i had a few on Saturday and wondered why i had left it so long between drinks. So then it was decided that was brew number 2.

I have been looking around a bit was thinking of throwing down WWDWD's recipe but i also found another forum that a few of the guys went to a Ferel Brewery presentation night and word around the camp fire is they use Simcoe, Centennial, Amarillo and Citra as the Hops.
Snap. Bought some amarillo and simcoe to have a go at this brew after next.
I've had a bit of a go with centennial, galaxy and citra but it's a little sweet. I reckon the simcoe will be a good balance
mmcenall said:
So recently have made the plunge and have started down the slippery slope of homebrewing. I bottled my first brew last Friday and i am chomping at the bit to get the next one started. After a long time between Hop Hogs i had a few on Saturday and wondered why i had left it so long between drinks. So then it was decided that was brew number 2.

I have been looking around a bit was thinking of throwing down WWDWD's recipe but i also found another forum that a few of the guys went to a Ferel Brewery presentation night and word around the camp fire is they use Simcoe, Centennial, Amarillo and Citra as the Hops. I was wondering what you thoughts are using these hops over some of the ones in WWDWD's recipe. On the other hand i might just stick to the recipe it looks to be getting pretty good raps.

Also i am not setup to cold crash do you think this will be an issue as far as i know so far it is just for clarity isnt it.
-All pale malts
-Simcoe, Centennial, Citra (even proportions)

That's from my "campfire"

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