Hop Dealz Australia

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Nick, I think Yob is talking about selling yeast at a reasonable markup as a service to his hops clients who are his core business, where he makes his "profit".

Yob, correct me if I am wrong.

Spot on mate, looking at this by request, not as a part of the business model as such, more complimentary and additional.

I'm not sure you can be a nice guy in the online HBS industry in Australia.

If you start encroaching on the major sponsor's hop sales expect a price reduction (finally! Yob I wanna smother you in kisses for offering "pound pricing" in Australia) that might be difficult to compete with.

Or might not be. But your NS is within $3 of Craftbrewers pound price ... and you don't sell everything else.

Just a quick observation about "limited stock" pricing BS.
It was suggested by email that I should list postage prices for clarification and to avoid confusion.

Postage prices as they stand are now listed >HERE< on the site. I hope to lock in a courier option next week and will update when things firm up.


Ed: tidied for relevance
Yob, I've never met you in person, but you must be a handsome man to be attracting all this turbid tension.
slash22000 said:
Yob, I've never met you in person, but you must be a handsome man to be attracting all this turbid tension.
I have met Yob in person. Not handsome.

Put him on the "good bloke" scale, and it's another matter altogether.
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah?

The site is great and the deals look quite good, thanks Yob!
WarmBeer said:
I have met Yob in person. Not handsome.

Put him on the "good bloke" scale, and it's another matter altogether.
he has a great personality :p
beerdrinkingbob said:
he has a great personality :p

Yob mate, can't wait to get through some of the hops in my freezer. Look forward to becoming a regular. :icon_drool2:
Thanks for all the orders over the weekend, all orders placed have been weighed, bagged and are ready for postage first thing in the morning.

As an update on postage, Im down to 3 options that Im looking at in a serious way, Fastway couriers, E-Go (Bit unsure on these guys) and E-Parcel. All of which I hope to get further details from in the coming week.

:icon_cheers: to all
Yob said:
It's not about my profits Nick, it's about convenience for others, I would be happy to make it a break evenish sort of level.

Despite what you may think, I'm trying to tailor a service that appeals and is a quality service, not just emptying you of your wallet.

Is it so unreasonable that someone just wants to do good?
It certainly isn't Yob, and if you live up to it, you'll make a good living out of this without even trying. What people want is honesty. Hope it all goes well for you. :beerbang:
Have hope Yob, i started Stilldragon off here in Aus as a partial service offering some of our most popular items in limited quantities. We have the same sort of ideals when it comes to customer service, we do our very best to offer the best quality we possibly can at the best value we can do it at.

It has grown so much in the last 2 years that i don't do anything else any more, it's been my full time occupation for a while now, i hope you have the same success. :super:

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