Hop Dealz Australia

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Friday Night sale..

2 Bags, One 2013 Amarillo (500g) and One 2013 Citra (500g) both on sale in the Dealz of the Day page..

A bit dusty but mostly whole pellet, both were the last one out of the bags and so up on offer :)

First in best dressed :ph34r:

Very Happy to say..

More Dealz of the Day listed tonight..

Current Season (2013) EKG, Fuggles and Tett, all big bags with weights listed on the description..

More may well be added as the night goes on as Im still splitting 2014 Cascade and 2014 Galaxy...

:beerbang: :icon_drool2: :ph34r: :)
Yob, Gidday mate, whats the chance of getting some Nelson Sauvin?
Regards Darren.
Darren, working on it, not easy me to get but I manage it.. No eta yet but thinking a few weeks, it's on high priority.

Doon, split some just now, will be listed as soon as I can move away from the vac sealer ;)
Limited stocks alert.

Amarillo, citra and mosaic

Not sure when I can re stock, what's in store is all there is for now, hoping more will land in ~1 month
Order placed Yob. Keen to give Ahtanum a go on a Punk IPA clone.
Smells great too Camo, if you like it half as much as I did, you'll be very happy indeed.

Re Willamette, US? AU?
Well, the only lot I tried was US and I rather liked them. If the AU taste as good though I wouldn't really care.
well just to confuse things, there are New Zealand Willamette too.. (Not discussed in depth though) if it's anything like their Cascade version V's US/AU it'd be the pick of the bunch.. not tried it though and any NZ hops for me is about 3 weeks away at a guess.

Im pretty sure I asked about US Willamette last week, still awaiting a reply so I cant give an ETA in all honesty but AU shouldnt be hard to lay my hands on.

Been a bit crook this week so I havnt been on the ball as much as would be the norm, but I'll get onto it early in the week.

Ah, just read back through the previous posts and saw the stuff about willamette. Guess I will just have to wait a bit :)
Yob, I see you have Target 450g, do you have any Challenger and Northdown too?

Thanks. :D