aah.. yes.. that... been meaning to mention this
do you mean the
New 250g Bag Line?
I'm afraid the 110g line is down for a while, I've not currently got the time to service it adequately, family commitments mean I'm running on a
bit of a reduced time frame and the 110g line is extremely time consuming meaning something had to give somewhere, I'd rather take it down than not be able to deliver the service to my standards and it was looking like I would not be able to do that, hence Ive currently pulled it.
Ive not had the time to split the current load of New Season Hops that Ive got in (post #1774 above + 20(ish) pounds of Simcoe + something else as well) into 500g Bag size so there is no way I'm able to do the 110g currently.
PM me if you like and if I have some split I can sort it out with you, There are a number of 110's currently split up but Ive not had time to do an inventory of them.
If you are local? you can always pop over and we can sort something out too