Homegrown Hops Questions

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Beer Idiot
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My homegrown hops are now in their second year. Despite pulling the rhizome up from it's original location and splitting it in half lengthways in the process, the tough little bugger has survived and is now producing lots of decent sized cones. Since these are my first hops, a couple of questions:

1. Are these ready to pick? When I squeeze it between my thumb and forefinger, the cone springs back into shape. It feels dry and papery, and it has brown tips, which I understand are all signs that it's ready to pick, I just want to be sure. There's not loads of yellow lupulin between the leaves, but it's definitely there.


2. As there's only currently a few cones ready, how long can I leave them on the bine for before I pick them?

3. These are Mt. Hood hops. Initially I wanted to make a wet hop beer, but when I rub the hops between my palms, they smell spicy and minty, sort of like the smell you get when rubbing tomato leaves. I haven't ever used Mt Hood before, however I can't say that 'spicy and minty' would be a great addition for a wet hop beer. Has anyone ever wet hopped with Mt Hood? I found one commercial example rated on ratebeer, and it wasn't raved about. Maybe I should just dry them?

4. Has anyone frozen wet hops? There's a fair bit of suggestion on other forums that it can be done successfully, but I can't find a post by anyone who's actually done it.

Sorry for all the questions...
My homegrown hops are now in their second year. Despite pulling the rhizome up from it's original location and splitting it in half lengthways in the process, the tough little bugger has survived and is now producing lots of decent sized cones. Since these are my first hops, a couple of questions:

1. Are these ready to pick? When I squeeze it between my thumb and forefinger, the cone springs back into shape. It feels dry and papery, and it has brown tips, which I understand are all signs that it's ready to pick, I just want to be sure. There's not loads of yellow lupulin between the leaves, but it's definitely there.

Break one open and have a look at the color of the lupulin. Bright yellow is too early, mid yellow is excellent, dark yellow/orangey too late. The one in the pic looks ready.

2. As there's only currently a few cones ready, how long can I leave them on the bine for before I pick them?

Pick what is ready and leave the rest

3. These are Mt. Hood hops. Initially I wanted to make a wet hop beer, but when I rub the hops between my palms, they smell spicy and minty, sort of like the smell you get when rubbing tomato leaves. I haven't ever used Mt Hood before, however I can't say that 'spicy and minty' would be a great addition for a wet hop beer. Has anyone ever wet hopped with Mt Hood? I found one commercial example rated on ratebeer, and it wasn't raved about. Maybe I should just dry them?

Wet hopped beers rock! If you did not want a wet hop beer I would not bother growing them. Dry hops are relatively cheap. Mt Hood is an awesome late hop addition, think of Hersbrucker for the style; I have Mt Hood growing out the back :D

4. Has anyone frozen wet hops? There's a fair bit of suggestion on other forums that it can be done successfully, but I can't find a post by anyone who's actually done it.

I have personally frozen wet hops for many years. The do go soggy if you let them defrost, but they still taste great.

Sorry for all the questions...
Looks ready, and there is only one real way to see if you like mt hood wet.

I vac seal wet hops and they freeze great. It pays to kneel on them when vacuuming to keep them flat for easier storage.
Thanks guys!

Have just picked my first harvest - 15g!!! Not a lot up front, but considering I thought I'd killed the rhizome, not too bad a start...
Cool that = about 4gr dry weight.
being early in the season you should get a fare few more.
Bloody hell, already got hops, mine are still trying to climb with no signs of any flowers yet.