Help! I Had A Brain Fade Today

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Don't know why it happened, but it did. :unsure: :unsure:

I put a brew down today, on top of a previous brew trub. Problem is that I did it without straining the hops and gunk after the boil..... yep... just turfed the whole lot into the fermenter.
It was only when I was putting the last of it in that I saw all the gunk. I know.. I know.. I should have stopped then....

Anyway..... what should I do now? I was thinking of:
1. Letting it all settle overnight.
2. Transferring from the fermenter to a racking cube, leaving all the gunk in the fermenter.
3. Clean the fermenter out.
4. Transfer back from the racking cube into the fermenter.
5. Giving it a packet of yeast.

If I leave it as it is, the gunk will almost definitely end up covering the tap on the inside of the fermenter, then I wont even be able to take samples for SG readings.

I should go back to my village, at least there I was a celebrity. Since I left they haven't been able to find another idiot to replace me.

Only wish I could say that I had had a few HBs when I did this awful thing, but I was stone cold sober. Will real brewers ever be able to forgive me?


Just let it ferment out as is. It will all settle to the bottom anyway.

T'will be fine. :beer:

ill probably get strung up for saying this but... dont worry about it! unless of course you brewed a dark beer and then put a light beer onto it. then your in for interesting times.

Ive done a light beer then thrown a dark straight onto the yeast cake. came out fine. if you transfer then your running risk of infection. personally i wouldt be arserd doing asnything about it. but then again if it was an expensive brew then i'd prob think twice. someone else might be able to give you hints about what ou should do, if you decide to do anything at all.
yeah brother i agree.. no need to string yourself up!! i have done it more than once, and on purpose! as long as they are reasonably complimentary beers ie. not tossing a hefe on a imperial stout cake there is no reason why the hop gunk will cause you dramas..

i reckon the less you fiddle with it the better the result, so just leave it and be suprised at the lack of difference all that straining does!
Yeah don't worry about it, probably will come out fine. We all have our own Stuff ups. If someone hasn't had a stuff up then they probably haven't been brewing for long. Just hope you remember for next time...
Your idea of racking once and returning it to the fermenter would be OK. There is probably enough yeast in the wort now to finish the fermenting.

Another idea is to skim the krausen a few times over the first two days of fermentation. Just sanitize a stainless steel spoon or similar (e.g., hold it over a gas flame for a few seconds) and scoop the frothy krausen off the top. Do this every 6 to 12 hours for two days and you'll find a lot of the hops and trub will be pulled out with the yeast.

If you do as the other guys suggest (and I tend to agree with them that would also be OK) and just leave it, and if you are concerned about the tap being clogged, then just siphon the fermented beer rather than use the tap. That's how I move all my stuff. Don't have a tap on a single brewing vessel.
For the blocked tap, when mine was fermented i just gave a quick puff back up the racking tube and it worked....

Probably not the ideal method, but i didnt have a syphon....
as previous people have mentioned, just leave it as-is..... who knows the brew might turn out to be the best beer you've ever brewed.... Then you'll be trying for years to replicate the freak circumstances that led to such a brew!
Thanks for all the advice folks.

As you have suggested, I will just leave it to its own devices. Its bubbling away like mad now, so I won't disturb it.

cheers :beer:

I did the same thing, I let it ferment out. Its undertaking a rest at the moment, after I'll transfer it too a cube so hopefully it will all be good!

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