Howdy, howdy, howdy,
at this point it looks like I will be unable to make an appearance on Saturday :angry: , much to my disappointment.
My beers are at Marks

Sadly my AIPA didn't stretch to 28 bottles so I have include a substitute. By no means is my substitute inferior, rather it is - and I am putting it out there - a very well made foreign extra stout. I invite any criticism, bring it on! I have labelled this beer, creativity being one of my stong points, 5S - the 'S' is for stout. Have a grand day and I am looking forward to the beers.
1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale aka Teninch Double D (Dunkelweizen Doppelbock). 7.7% alc. Bottled with reserved wort on 8/12 (so give it a little time in the fridge - maybe up to 6 months for a strong beer like this)
2. Offline - APA Bottled 11/12
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner. Wyeast 2001. 6.5% abv. Bottled 20/11/2007
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - AIPA, Wyeast 1028. Bottled 07/12/07; 5s A Foreign extra stout, Yeast S04, 5.5% DRINK NOW
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - English IPA
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - Golden ale. Bottled 2.10.07....... NOT ready yet. leave it till after xmas.
11 - Trent - Saison - give it 2 weeks to carb. Also a Belgian Pale Ale - ready to drink.
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye - Bottled 26/11/2007 5.4% US05
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB OG 1.055 FG 1.008 Bottled 25/10/07 (Ready to drink, carbonation higher than I would have liked) Critisism welcome!!!
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale READY TO DRINK
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - cascade / amarillo IPA, bottled 04/12/07
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale
1. HKS