Hag Xmas Case

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I have my backup brew bubbling. A Golden ale that smells great. ITs currently spewing yeast out into a blowo tube and bottle at 18 deg with US-05. the yyeast is on its third run.... being pitched strait rom the primary irment into a new brew as the beer was recked o it. Its so strong now its going nuts and rothing out the lid.

This one better work out. In starting to think the yeast was OK with the ESB. ITs just my experimntal hopping schedule.

The tops o the caps are starting to bulge a bit so it may be carbing up..... time will tell.

Either way there will be something in the bottle

Well I tried my bottle of the wheat I brewed tonight, and its fair dinkum pus. It's a little cloudy like a wheat should be, smells like wheat, looks like wheat and its nice and carbed, but it won't hold a head and it tastes like its full of SO2.

So I've updated the list with a brew of Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale. It just may have to be the last one out of the case you try some time in late January is all. :(

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - APA (Flying Dog ale Wyeast)
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - Golden Ale.
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - will decide later, brew next weekend
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale

1. HKS
did you use that new dried yeadt mate?

Yeah I used the WB06. I dont't know if it's a yeast thing or whether I actually should have rinsed the fermenter/bottles after sterilising even though the SO2 bottle says not to worry about it.
why did you steralise the bottles?

I have never steralised a bottle and no problems. I rinse them out ater drinking and then a quick rince with a dash o boiling water beore bottling.

I have even bottled beer into bottles that had mould growing in them and the alcahol killed the mould. It turned white and sunk to the bottom.... dead. The beer was ine.

the less chemicals the better i say. SO2..... is that the metabisulate powder sold with home brew kits? I it is i have heard all its good or killing is yeast...... not germs but who knows.

I like the boiling water..... works great.

As or that dried wheat yeast...... mine tastes like clove soup and was tangy and a bit harsh. smelt ine but tastes so bad i tipped it out.

I will be sticking with 3068. I preer bananna to clove in a wheat.

Ummm... because thats the way I've always done it I guess. Bit like the 5 gorillas in a cage analogy I guess. I used to always use neo pink and never had a problem.. :shrugs:

Ahh well, you live you learn I guess. Maybe it was the yeast, it is a bit clovey. But it's got this metallicy chemical after taste. I'm not sure what diacetyl or esters taste like if they are excessive, could it be one or the other of those?
yeah thats what mine had too. Perhaps it wasnt chenical in the bottles.

Mine smelt great but tasted tangy..... metalic is a better description. I thought i had bad yeast but.....

Some have had good success with it though. who knows.

I have a bottle waiting or you on the bar to mate.....

Edit: not the wheat beer :)


You cheapskate! Buy a new keyboard that has an "F" on it that works. Check your posts and see how many "f" 's are missing.

Schooey, keep the beer and sample it closer to swap day. It may become nicer with a little maturation, however the metallic flavour is unlikely to fade (if it's really metallic). [The SO2 should fade with time (*edit).]

Les :p
Tony, you dont even have to buy a keyboard, I have a perfectly good one here that I'm not using, with an 'F' key and all! its uber cool black with a palm rest and media keys and all...its here if you want it - anything to make your posts closer to being readable!! :lol:
Just updating with my brew, unfortunately it won't be completely ready when I hand it out, was a longer ferment than expected, then I was sick as a dog.

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - APA (Flying Dog ale Wyeast)
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - Golden Ale.
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale

1. HKS
:lol: just pissed my sel laughing

its a laptop. and a work laptop so i have to wait or work to organise a new one under warantiy which may be next week.

I already had a discussion in some poor *******s post about this issue :p

I do recal it died while i was writing a post and i ended it with "Ahhhh uck it"


PS..... thank god my login pasword doesnt have that certain letter in it. :eek: that would have sucked.
Howdy.. have gone with some pommy swill just to be different :p followed a recipe though cos I dont have time for a prototype. Its full of styrian goldings... so does that make it more of a slovenian IPA?

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - English IPA
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - Golden Ale.
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale

1. HKS
Tried an ESB this arvo. Its actually Shaping up to be a good beer.

Its been so long since i bottled beer i orgot how long it took to carb and mature in them. What a PITA!

ITs got a light carb which is great in an English Bitter but should gas up a bit more in the nex ew weeks.

anyway..... im thinking i will stop panicking and go back to my origional plan o an ESB :)

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - English IPA
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - ESB.
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale


1. HKS

The Teninch Brewery Dunkelweizen Doppelbock (Double D) has been born. It weighed in at a paltry 7.2% alcohol, with a final gravity of 1.010. Should be a nice sipping ale, of which I'll keep some tasters, for evaluation purposes.

When the beer's ready to drink, you'll read about it in the HAG case swap consumption thread.

No photos yet, she's camera-shy. <_<

Lez :p

BTW Tony, if your keyboard has no "f"s. I'll give you one to copy and paste. Just Ctrl-v when you need an "f". Copy from below:


Hope that helps... :lol:
Well, my efficiency was a lot better this time (73% into the fermenter) but unfortunately I overestimated my boiloff. So instead of 25L @ 1.074 I got 30L at 1.064. Should still be ok though.

Damn that WY1968 is a good floccer! It looked like some gross soup on the stir plate, and within minutes of turning it off I had about 3-4cm of yeast at the bottom with crystal clear wort on top.


Recipe for anyone who cares:

Ruby Ale
English IPA

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 25.00 L
Brewer: Sammus
Boil Size: 41.34 L
Boil Time: 90 min


Amount Item Type % or IBU
7.30 kg Pale Malt, Ale (IMC) (3.9 EBC) Grain 87.4 %
0.64 kg Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) (118.2 EBC) Grain 7.7 %
0.35 kg Vienna Malt (Weyermann) (5.9 EBC) Grain 4.2 %
0.06 kg Black Malt (Thomas Fawcett) (1300.2 EBC) Grain 0.7 %
57.00 gm Fuggles [5.70%] (90 min) Hops 33.6 IBU
40.00 gm Styrian Goldings [4.80%] (15 min) Hops 9.2 IBU
20.00 gm Styrian Goldings [4.80%] (2 min) Hops 0.8 IBU

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.074 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.064 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.022 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.8 %
Bitterness: 43.6 IBU
Est Color: 31.2 EBC
1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner. Wyeast 2001. 6.5% abv. Bottled 20/11/2007
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - English IPA
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - ESB.
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale


1. HKS
1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner. Wyeast 2001. 6.5% abv. Bottled 20/11/2007
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - English IPA
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - ESB. Bottles 1/11/07, 6.8% ABV 1.066, 56 IBU, ready to drink
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale


1. HKS

I just looked at the recipe for the ESB and i dont know what i was thinking. the amound of flavour hops i put in have infuenced the beer somewhat.......... but they are maturing well.

Drink it fresh i say. Its drinking well now so when you lot get it, it should be ok......OK ;)

Ahhhhh i will be interested to see what averyone thinks.

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale.
2. Offline - Style decided (beer)
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner. Wyeast 2001. 6.5% abv. Bottled 20/11/2007
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - English IPA
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - AIPA
10. Tony - ESB.
11 - Trent - APA
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight - Smoked Robust Porter
14 - Punter- American Amber
15 - Craig - American Rye
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - ESB
18 - Shmick - Spiced Belgian Golden Ale (WY3522)
19 - Leeboy - American Amber Ale
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
24. Stephen - English pale ale
25. Ms Thirsty Wench - Dark Ale
26. Fingolfin - UK Double IPA - Double IPA with a british twist
27. michael mosely - probably a stone IPA clone, not that I would even know what the real one tastes like
28. Colin Hansell - Irish Red Ale


1. HKS

My 'Just in Time' AIPA is underway. Should be nicely balanced with an OG of 1.069 and 69 IBU's ;)

Reluctantly pitched the starter on Sunday - reluctant as it looked so tasty with a thick creamy head that I wanted to drink it there and then. Boy that flying dog yeast knows how to work !

This pic shows the starter 8 hrs after stepping up from the smack pack.


My 'Just in Time' AIPA is underway. Should be nicely balanced with an OG of 1.069 and 69 IBU's ;)

Reluctantly pitched the starter on Sunday - reluctant as it looked so tasty with a thick creamy head that I wanted to drink it there and then. Boy that flying dog yeast knows how to work !

This pic shows the starter 8 hrs after stepping up from the smack pack.


What more could you expect from a Flying Dog?
