Gripes about AHB

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I've been here a while, and don't engage in trolling/whinging/etc type posts.

I will help someone with something if I think I can, but will not indulge someones every whim. Eg type/amount/method of hop, but not if they will like it!

People can get too wrapped up in stuff. If you think someone is having a go and you see a few posts of that type from them, simply report it to the mod squad and option to not see that persons posts anymore. Easy.

Cheers all, now RAHAHB! (Relax And Have A Home Brew!)

- boingk
bradsbrew said:
Yes, I believe he is working on software. Austin may be able to give more info on this though.
It's a central admin account for programmers to access now. It has limitations in place.

Camo6 said:
What Pisses Me Off is how these threads get derailed so easily! :)
That is an issue, one we're trying very hard to correct.

stakka82 said:
I struggle to understand all the hoo-ha really... Site is pretty good, I don't be a ******** and so I have a source of information about brewing that is culturally Australian with a community feel.

I've never really felt constricted by the rules, the only thing that pisses me off is pages of off topic b/s that really belongs in the chat or in real life. It's annoying, as others have stated, when you want to learn about something but only every 10th post is relevant... and it just seems stupid and a waste of internet space when you're trying to read about grists for alts or something and have to dodge around five year old in-jokes of people who mightn't even be here anymore.
As someone learning brewing (and a handful of other hobbies) I find it hard to get the info I need while sifting through post that have nothing to do with the subject matter. As brewing increased in popularity we will see more new people,and it's important we provide them with the information they need to make the right decisions.

Bribie G said:
The suggestion has been made that, when the site has settled down and the new modding arrangements are well understood that a list of lapsed members be invited back on ? Their email addresses would be on the system.

Of course some have left for reasons other than being fed up with the site, family and work commitments or just taken up wingsuit flying or another hobby instead, still others may have been banned but, when directed to the current rules, may be invited to return but toe the line, and there would surely be some who would shrug their shoulders and say, well why not give it another go.

What does Admin think of that idea, to get some quality posters back in the fold?

edit: a bit like an amnesty
We can discuss it. Typically the answer would be no, but I'm trying to understand moderating through an Aussie's perspective. My greatest challenge in all this has been to discern the cultural differences, and bring people into the fold that can help me better understand the needs of the community.

What would be considered abrasive in other communities is understood and outright demanded here. It's been great getting things back on the right path, and the team we now have is energetic and ready to get AHB back on the right course.

Like all communities, online or otherwise, we will grow and change. What and who was here last year might not be there next year, but growth and change is not a reason to mourn, but to celebrate. The potential of this community is amazing. In just a couple of weeks the mods have managed to get things on the right path, and have done so through clear and concise communication, setting the example for the rest of the forum.

I'm both proud and happy to be a part of this community, and that sense grows as we move into the new year. I'm excited by our potential.
Cocko said:
Lets move in to the future,


Please set the example by changing your opinion to the more base ten friendly 5c.
Your living in the early 90's man.
but I'm trying to understand moderating through an Aussie's perspective...What would be considered abrasive in other communities is understood and outright demanded here.

Well on the basis that there's nothing nicer than hearing other people talk about you, I'd be very very interested to know what it is that we Aussies do differently to others. I dunno.... do we utter a few more 'bloody idiots' or 'stupid nongs' than in other countries?
but I'm trying to understand moderating through an Aussie's perspective...What would be considered abrasive in other communities is understood and outright demanded here.

Well on the basis that there's nothing nicer than hearing other people talk about you, I'd be very very interested to know what it is that we Aussies do differently to others. I dunno.... do we utter a few more 'bloody idiots' or 'stupid nongs' than in other countries?
I think Austin is referring to the favourite Aussie sport of "Bagging". It's part of our culture to poke fun at someone & it's absolutely expected that you'll get it back in spades.
bradsbrew said:
To be honest the last week has been my hardest as a member.....

Also Batz- you have been a pillar for this community, you will always be an honorary moderator in my book.

I second it being the hardest week as a member. It's hard seeing the steady decline of a place, another thing to being involved in discussing tough decisions. It's not fun, and when you get the backlash we've had and you question each of your own decisions or inputs in the group, and others outside the group have been giving it to you. Without sounding like I'm giving out lots of compliments to the mods/myself - if we didn't believe in what this place was, is and has the potential to be, the last week would have been enough to make a few give up.

I'd add in that some of the mods spent their weekends on mobile phones accessing AHB, and discussing and modding and organising stuff behind the scenes around our "real lives". Even if you don't agree 100% with the decision, please don't doubt our committment.

For those that say "I only log on to read" or "I don't feel the need to help every noob" - 90% of us were noobs. Sites like this wither when no-one who has the knowledge shares it. If you got knowledge, please share on, even if the questions are a bit spoonfed. There's nothing wrong with discussing hops to infinity or yeast to infinity. One day, the site you used (and might again use for a highly technical idea/tip) mightn't be here because too many people took the path of "I'll use it but I won't participate".

Second, Third, Fourth about Batz. Absolute legend, and this game has been hard for him as virtually alone. Should remain a mod, pro member and anything else.
I'm a noob. Joined here bc a friend told me about the site. His little boy and mine play soccer together. I wanted to get into brewing beer he had been doing it for years(biab).So I went around for a brew day at his place (or three).I was very excited to start brewing.So much so I hopped on here and found a thread for cider that I could start strait away whilst waiting for my burner and other stuff to arrive.I asked some very stupid questions.I've always found plp here helpfull. This site is very good I feel,every time I log on I learn something new. Keep up the good work mods and admins.
I lurk here and use google to search the site. I rarely even sign in.
it's not that i dont want to be a part of the site or community, i just want the information im after and move on.
i have seen some ridiculous comments made in threads, had my laugh and moved on.
i dont want to get involved in the rubbish that goes on here, there's plenty of other sites and forums with just as much if not better information that don't have the mounds of bollocks to wade through before you find what you're after.
i think once the site is cleaned up from that i will contribute but for now, while some of the information here is golden, i dont want any part of the crap.
also, just as an observation
if some of the stuff being said was in my house, i would kick people out too.
but if without the people my house is nothing more than a place for a handful of volunteers to compare appendages and tell stories about what they did when kicking people out... it's pretty pointless existing and valuable resources will be lost.
the internet is not real life, this is no-ones house and i think the comparison of that is some sort of justification to carry a big axe to chop down a few weeds.
i dont question the moderators intention, but i do question their methods at times and can see how other members would view it as an abuse of power.
A good starting point would be to encourage the wealth of knowledge that have stopped contributing, have left or have been kicked to return to AHB and contribute again, especially if the moderators are chopping out weeds more vigilantly.
just my opinion, happy to be chopped down and return to the lurkers corner.

fletcher said:
i second this idea
I'm not sure this place has gone completely to rack and ruin as seems to be the general opinion. I still find it a valuable resource, as well as a place to have a bit of a laugh.

Has it declined in the relatively short time I've been here? Slightly

Does it require an increase in moderating activity to clean up some of the **** fights? Probably, but only a little, and I'm glad to see blokes I've learnt heaps off like manticle and Qld Kev become mods.

I'd hate to see it come to a point where a noob asks "Why isn't my airlock bubbling?", and someone wasn't allowed to make a AHB specific joke about it being clogged with kittens. I didn't get the joke when I started, but seen it referenced so often I searched it, found the origin of it and pissed myself laughing. I still have a bit of a smile if I see a kitten in the airlock joke. But I do get the part about being helpful as well, so maybe someone could answer the airlock question with "Have you checked it for kittens lol, but seriously, piss your airlock off and use gladwrap".

What I'm getting at is tidy the place up a little, but please don't go overboard. For example, I recently seen someone given a warning 'on the run', as it were, for referencing another brewing forum. Seriously? Now if they're on here saying "Come over to Bob's Brewing Blog, it's much better than this s*%thole", then fair enough, they don't like it here, show them the door. But if someone asks about converting hopping schedules for no chilling and someone else says "Check out this article on Bob's Brewing Blog, has heaps of good info", then what's the problem? Surely they're just answering a question on brewing, the main purpose of AHB.

Finally, to posters in general, if you do find a post offensive, either ignore it, report it, or take it up with the poster via PM. I recently made a post which offended QldKev, he didn't jump into the same thread with an abusive post, he PM'd questioning my post, I explained that it was not meant how he had interpreted it and apologized for inadvertently causing offence, he apologized for taking it the wrong way. We settled it like adults. I'll bet 9 times out of 10 if you contact someone who's offended you, there'll be a reasonable explanation, such as there was with QldKev and I, but if you jump in abusing the poster, they'll probably abuse you back, funnily enough, and that's when the bitchfest begins.

I'm glad to see blokes I've learnt heaps off like manticle and Qld Kev become mods.
Couldn't agree more with this. The current mods, and Batz, are held in high regard by me, as they have really helped me with my brewing over the last year or so. And from what I've seen, they are also respected by some of the old hands around here too.

Hopefully good things to come. :)
We're not going to get rid of kitten jokes or larrikinism, just trying to tone down the abuse and going too off topic. That seems to universally frustate people.

Also, look at the positives. We're asking for consultation and feedback as to how to mod (what standards, the points system). Looking for site improvements and implementing them (if possible) expediently (the thread about a separate BIAB topic is one being discussed). This sort of stuff wasn't always possible with lower mod and admin numbers, but it's now happening. We're not standing up, beating our chest and playing dictator and not asking for ideas and consultation. We're looking to engage, because we are members of this forum first and foremost.
I think this forum has done pretty well to have run for this long before the rot started to set in considering the pissed while typing effect.

From what I can see, all forums have a limited life span, especially the ones with a particular topic ie beer or fishing, as against generic types like reddit etc.

When they are new there are lots of different ideas being tossed around, everyone is learning and contributing, all is fun.
When is the last time you saw constant **** fighting on a new forum?

Then after a number of years it reaches some sort of invisible critical mass.
Everything has been discussed, many times.
You end up with the same small percentage of a large number of members contributing.
Nothing new comes up.
Knowledgeable members leave or don't post anymore as they have seen it all.
Slanging matches. Bitching. Its always the same.
New members think - WTF is this?

Whats the answer? Good luck mods.
Its never an easy job, but mostly it is done well.

There was a site I frequented that was similar to AHB in respect to age and staleness.
Boring, bitching. (It was also over moderated, but we won't go into that.)

Anyway, the owner pulled the plug on it. All the information was lost.
A new site was formed by a co op of 5 or 6 of the original members.
Everyone who logged onto the old site was directed towards the new site.
The rebuilding process has started. What is being posted now is huge. I think the new site is better than the old one ever was.

Try this here? :ph34r: :ph34r:
I've only joined relatively recently but I find this site an invaluable resource, so from my perspective, keep up the good work!
Dave70 said:
Its this level of disconnect from which many a shitfight is spawned, not least of which is the ubiquitous keyboard warrior / troll.

As unlikley as it is that I should meet anybody - not that I wouldn't want to - from this board, I'm confident I'd not have to feel embarrased or run from my opinions.
No, the internet isn't 'real life' in the literal sence, but I sit typing these words as a real human being, with real emotions.

One thing I can say, from meeting the odd person from other motorcycling forums, online arseholes tend to be real life arseholes also. And / or far less opinionated when standing around face to face with a bunch of blokes.
Please, don't take me out of context. I was referring to the correlation between moderating an internet forum and moderating behavior in your house. Not the same thing.
If someone is offensive in my home, i would kick them out. But if someone is offensive to me on the internet, and im hurt by that, then maybe the internet isn't for me.
Not saying i condone trolling or abusive behavior, but that is the nature of the internet beast, just the way it is and the way it's been for a very long time.
People need to be made aware and prepared for that.
If you aren't confident to drive 100 in a 100 zone, then maybe you should find another way to get where you're going rather than hold up the rest of the traffic. this is the reason i don't contribute here, i don't want to be a part of an argument, derailment or a troll. i just want the info, so ive found another way to go, in this instance, lurking.
not that im a newb or anything, ive been an all grain brewer for many many years and have assisted in professional breweries numerous times.
im just old enough, and i hope wise enough to know that when it comes to an internet fight, excluding yourself in the first instance is better, especially if you are sensitive to keyboard warriors.
I hope im also wise enough to know that a flame thrower in the power of someone who is trying to control a fire, isnt going to stop the building burning down.
sorry if that's all a little cryptic, it's been a long night\day and i really don;t want to offend\upset anyone.
just my observations as a lurker. i hope you guys can work it all out.
beerkravin said:
If you aren't confident to drive 100 in a 100 zone, then maybe you should find another way to get where you're going rather than hold up the rest of the traffic. this is the reason i don't contribute here, i don't want to be a part of an argument, derailment or a troll. i just want the info, so ive found another way to go, in this instance, lurking.
Never mind that, I don't contribute much either. What the hell can I tell the likes of manticle? (other than subjective stuff like his taste in music makes make me want to self harm) Actually, I'd guess about 10% of the members constitute about 100% of the knowledge base, making the rest of us kind of redundant **** kickers and chuckleheads..
Doesn't mean you cant burrow yourself in like a tick and come along for the ride.

But hey, if it's not your bag, so be it.
You and your voyeuristic endeavors are most welcome.
AHB has always been my go to site for home brewing.
Clearly i have been away long enough to miss the alleged crapfest.
I have been out of the scene for a while.
I don't post a lot usually because a question has usually been answered and I won't have anything different to add.
That said I am always willing to help.
Maybe those that don't want to answer the Noob questions can leave them to those that were noobs last month and can easily consolidate their recent learnings.
I am far from a great brewer and always have questions and nearly always find the answer without asking, but we are not all the same.
I would also think that newcomers asking questions whether or not they have been answered before helps them to become part of conversations that ultimately leads to becoming part of this community.

My 5c

  • Amongst all the '****' that is supposedly flooding the forum it seems that it is still providing adequate knowledge to those that need it....
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Posted Today, 10:29 AM
Thanks to everyone whom has offered advice to me over the past couple of weeks . Very glad I joined this site. Such a great vibe for an up and coming Brewster
i do like the new moderation being clear and upfront for all to see...we will get to know what we can and can't do, its hard to stay behind the line if you can't see it.