Dave70 said:
What the hell can I tell the likes of manticle? (other than subjective stuff like his taste in music makes make me want to self harm)
OT - I agree 100% with this statement. And he's not on his own either, there some weird music out there, and plenty of people who like it.
Back on topic - I've been on here for around 4 years, and have seen a lot of experienced brewers leave. I dont know why they leave, and I dont really care, apart from the fact that this site looses a valuable member. I can remember early on looking at some of manticles posts from when he started brewing, and the help and encouragement that he received. It was those types of posts that gave me the courage to not only post but research before I posted. Yes I was a noob, and now with a couple of hundred all grain batches under my belt, I am still a noob. I dont tell noobs to do a search, and will reply to posts when I have something of use to offer. I do get annoyed with people who continually ask questions, after being directed to relevant sections of the forum that answers the questions, but in saying that, I dont ever comment. Thats the mods job to sort that stuff out.
My biggest gripe on here is - if somebody asks for help, there are normally too many posters who want to bag them out. Quite often the OP is not a noob. Recently there was a post requesting a recipe for a Brown Ale for a bloke who was going to contract brew. The first 4 post were all telling him he was going to fail. Not one recipe???
I can live with all the characters on here, it makes it interesting. Even the weird music thread, as I dont think with out that, I would have heard anything that god dammed awful in my everyday life. What I dont need is some of the rudeness and intolerance that is displayed in some threads.
Too much off topic, not enough beer. I dont care if a beer topic is rehashed a hundred times, we can teach new users about the search function and forum ettiquette without being rude and obnoxious. When i started on here the search fuction was ****. Even today, for new forum users, it doesnt always do what we think it will or produce results that we think we are going to get. If somebody posts in the wrong section, can we just move it, its not that big a deal. It doesnt need 10 people to say its wrong.
Anyway, I'm still here, and still enjoying the place.