Gripes about AHB

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So I had to Google DASFFS to see what it meant. My post count is fairly low given the two years or more since I joined maybe due to that acronym. I can empathise with what is being said here and I wonder why a Newbie should be denied the opportunity to interact with other Home Brewers just because all their questions have been asked before. If was the case then every forum would have a very limited life cycle and only those who joined at the beginning would experience the excitement of being involved, once it peaked the DASFFS's would start to occur and then the we'd be down the slippery slope to forum obsolescence.
beerkravin said:
the internet is not real life,
Its this level of disconnect from which many a shitfight is spawned, not least of which is the ubiquitous keyboard warrior / troll.

As unlikley as it is that I should meet anybody - not that I wouldn't want to - from this board, I'm confident I'd not have to feel embarrased or run from my opinions.
No, the internet isn't 'real life' in the literal sence, but I sit typing these words as a real human being, with real emotions.

One thing I can say, from meeting the odd person from other motorcycling forums, online arseholes tend to be real life arseholes also. And / or far less opinionated when standing around face to face with a bunch of blokes.
Unfortunatly there are noobs that do get on here and lay bait. And as much as you want to, taking the bait doesnt help.
Maybe at the start of it. I thought it became a bit of a noob bashing bitchfest towards the end tho. Only time I thought moderating was overdue on this forum.

Yea it did get that way towards the end. The ending of the post before mine reminded me of the start of WPMO..
I struggle to understand all the hoo-ha really... Site is pretty good, I don't be a ******** and so I have a source of information about brewing that is culturally Australian with a community feel.

I've never really felt constricted by the rules, the only thing that pisses me off is pages of off topic b/s that really belongs in the chat or in real life. It's annoying, as others have stated, when you want to learn about something but only every 10th post is relevant... and it just seems stupid and a waste of internet space when you're trying to read about grists for alts or something and have to dodge around five year old in-jokes of people who mightn't even be here anymore.
AndrewQLD said:
And that is sadly how a lot of threads end up and something we are trying to prevent.
Most now in fact Andrew.

When I joined this site it consisted or around 150 members, of that 5-6 where online at anyone time. It was a nice friendly site and we were all learning about AG brewing. Posts consisted of nothing but brewing or help obtaining grain and hops, it was not easy to buy either of these years ago, and bulk buys where our life savers.

I became a moderator when the team numbered only 5, I was a shift worker so I spent many nights deleting spam posts. Spam was a major problem to our primitive site back then, nothing much else.

We now have almost 30,000 members, put 30,000 people together and your not all going to get on all the time. In fact in 30,000 people your going find a few ******s right?

To me personally it's all a bit much ATM, I have contacted admin and handed in my moderator badge.
This has nothing to do with the recent activity on this site, but I do find that very disturbing. I believe with the new moderators AHB can be a saved and improved for all true home brewers..

Austin has not been keen to remove my moderator status and I find that quite humbling, but I as Batz need a break after 10 years. I'll still be around the site of course, meanwhile....
I wish the new mods all the best, I wish AHB all the best, and I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
+1 Batz

I remember when a lot of us early members moved accross to here from Grumpy's forum for some of the same reasons that have caused angst on here recently

Managing 30,000 members who enjoy and indulge in beer would be a tough ask.

It is fantastic to see, and be involved in the growth of this forum.

And I will put my hand up for disruptive on occasions. Its the nature of the beast when passion & alchohol are involved
I came onto this site maybe 5 or so years ago which is well after Batz's and ducatiboy's intro to it but I remember being overwhelmed by the lengths that many would go to to help ignoramuses like me to make better beer.

Here and there was some argy bargy but in amongst that was so much knowledge that people were willing to share: people giving away redundant equipment, sending links to brewing texts, answering every question like it mattered, etc.

As I've developed my understanding of brewing through both reading and experience, I've endeavoured to give back in a meaningful way because it wasn't long ago I was still adding brigalow hop finishing tablets and maltodextrin and thinking I was really getting towards great homebrewing. Without this site, I might not have developed the knowledge of brewing and love for it that I now have. With that knowledge comes an understanding that that is just the tip of the iceberg and there's so much more I could know and want to know.

Sharing what I have learned has often been appreciated, sometimes denigrated by those who thought I should brew more and post less but most more knowledgeable brewers seemed to understand I was trying to continue a cycle of generosity that was shown to me.

It still exists among brewers and the great thing here is that the community can and does extend offline - case swaps, brewclubs, beer comps or showing someone interested how to brew all grain beer and share a few. For my part, I'd like to see the signal to noise ratio increased in favour of the signal and for people to treat each other here as they would at a case swap. Doesn't always work and people don't always get along (I hate lots of people, lots of the time and have had a few passionate run-ins with more than one member) but it isn't hard to at least try if you're a sensible adult.

I also want less hearsay and more experience and/or brewing science and unfortunately many of the more tech minded contributors have moved on. I'd love to see them back or see more join - we've had great contributors here like Kai from braukaiser, Dr Smurto, Martin from brun water, Thirsty Boy, Butters, Brewer Pete, Postmodern, MHB and many others who for one reason or another have moved on. They added a lot to the site but if those that do wish to stay make an effort in turn to learn (AHB is not the only resource) and to pass on that knowledge with generosity of spirit, this will become a worthwhile place regardless of (or even because of) a large membership base. Knowledge is not repeating mantras or myths - educate yourself as much as you can and try it out in your own brewing. Even if you've been brewing for 15-20 years, there's always a bit more knowledge, a new technique, something you haven't tried.

That's what I aim to encourage both as a member and as a new mod. Anyone who's met me should know that my personality here is pretty similar to how it is away from the keyboard. Basically I crap on too much, like helping people and love drinking beer.
Have seen so many things that have evolved ftom this place. The birth of new breweries,the establishment of new businesses,the introduction of new technology...the brewing of beer ( strange but true )

AHB has changed. Aagain. As it has before. But it is still AHB underneath
The suggestion has been made that, when the site has settled down and the new modding arrangements are well understood that a list of lapsed members be invited back on ? Their email addresses would be on the system.

Of course some have left for reasons other than being fed up with the site, family and work commitments or just taken up wingsuit flying or another hobby instead, still others may have been banned but, when directed to the current rules, may be invited to return but toe the line, and there would surely be some who would shrug their shoulders and say, well why not give it another go.

What does Admin think of that idea, to get some quality posters back in the fold?

edit: a bit like an amnesty
Bribie, one of the reasons mods discussed the clean up was with a view to inviting back old members, particularly ones disenchanted with the garbage.

I'm sure admin and mods will discuss amnesties as an extension of this.
Bribie G said:
The suggestion has been made that, when the site has settled down and the new modding arrangements are well understood that a list of lapsed members be invited back on ? Their email addresses would be on the system.

Of course some have left for reasons other than being fed up with the site, family and work commitments or just taken up wingsuit flying or another hobby instead, still others may have been banned but, when directed to the current rules, may be invited to return but toe the line, and there would surely be some who would shrug their shoulders and say, well why not give it another go.

What does Admin think of that idea, to get some quality posters back in the fold?

edit: a bit like an amnesty
i second this idea
I fourth this idea.

Erm..did I miss the the thirding??

The recent "flush" seems already to have had a positive effect.
suggestion has been made that, when the site has settled down and the new modding arrangements are well understood that a list of lapsed members be invited back on ? Their email addresses would be on the system.

Of course some have left for reasons other than being fed up with the site, family and work commitments or just taken up wingsuit flying or another hobby instead, still others may have been banned but, when directed to the current rules, may be invited to return but toe the line, and there would surely be some who would shrug their shoulders and say, well why not give it another go.

What does Admin think of that idea, to get some quality posters back in the fold?

edit: a bit like an amnesty

Sounds a bit like Tony Abbott inviting our mate Kevin to supervise the reinvention of a Better Australia????


Bad luck if I'm going to be modified. :ph34r:
Can't give you an answer on that at this time Bribie as it would involve a great deal of consideration and discussion. I am not dismissing but lots of things would need to be covered in detail. At this point in time my main aim is to get AHB back to a friendly place to visit and learn.

To be honest the last week has been my hardest as a member, I have had to make some pretty tough decisions, I am fortunate to have a great team of people to bounce ideas off and give me different points of view before a decision is made. The current mod team is a great diverse bunch of brewers that have helped immensely. The support we have all received from Austin has been fantastic.

Also Batz- you have been a pillar for this community, you will always be an honorary moderator in my book.

Anyone thought the pool of genuinely sensible brewers joining the site might be a declining %?

I haven't seen hazing given to newbs that do try to help themselves. Personally I've gotten to just ignore anything that doesn't interest me, and even then if it's very very 'please spoon feed' me like. Some don't. There is an element of political correctness gone wrong when someone told to go DASFFS goes and whinges about that and then mods pull up the guy suggesting a DASFFS. What do you expect the brewer to do when brewing? See a shade of yellow unknown and log on to AHB for an explanation? That kinda ppl get very irritating. It'd be another thing if they talk sense and give detail etc but most can be very sketchy on detail because perhaps they don't understand the process and simply follow by rote and can't be bothered/able to help themselves first. Disdain of that behaviour is nothing unbecoming and a mod telling someone otherwise because it's 'their' forum doesn't change that.

Besides some good discussions every now and then most new topics are tending to be useless rehash, is it that surprising people don't want to read them and the few that do are looking for a fight? Fighting the symptom there, you are, mods. There is a basic quality problem. A bit more discipline all round will be a lot more helpful than targeted modding. The politer mods don't seem to cop abuse either, just the trigger happy ones.

Again, if there isn't interest in keeping some life in here, then wgaf. Maybe the aim is to have an endless barbie house with all the models of the dolls in an endless setting of doll rooms.
Though my earlier response to my response in Post 54 didn't happen I'm very happy to post this one re Batz's Post above.

I can emphasize with Batz about the better ‘atmosphere’ in the old AHB which IMHO DID contribute to a much better forum in all aspects over what we have at this moment of time.
A better world, a better place.

But for better or for worse this joint has to go onwards & upwards (Maybe?) with the new owners & I would like all AHB’s to acknowledge Batz’s great contribution to this forum. :super:

His efforts over the years can only be applauded & congratulated.
Not that we haven’t had our moments but nobody can take away the excellent contributions that Batz has given to us all on AHB & for that I thank you Batz absolutely. :)

Don’t read too much into this Batz. :wub: :lol:
Batz, get out of petes account! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well deserved kind words Pete. :beerbang:

So its 'Gripes' about the current... or more so what 'was' and how it 'used to be'

For lack of a better saying "Lets not use the past, to try and change the future"

"Cant we just make it how it used to be" - No, we are here now. Lets move in to the future, being tomorrow and right now, in fact.

For the historians, wake up, deal with it. Lets move forward [My least favourite term]

Ok, Give respect to the ones who founded this place but now the place is founded and today is exactly that... TODAY.
