Grand Cru Recipes? Cant seem to find any

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Hey guys, i have a few Grand Cru beers left from Murrays Brewery here in NSW... When i had it off tap, i was quite pissed so couldnt really depict the style... after finishing these few bottle and now feeling the effects pretty much after the second beer (its 8.8%)...

Thought id go and look for "Grand Cru" recipes.... but no one really has a definitive answer on what they should contain.. As i like the murrays one i want to try and replicate it... says on the website its a cross between a golden strong ale Ale and a Belgian trippel... using pacifica hops... To me and according to Beer judge this is just a Belgian tripple.

Anyone got any ideas?

A Golden strong ale and a tripel are both very similar in style and almost interchangeable once you get into differences between breweries. I'd be doing a using pilsener malt with about 10-15% dextrose to thin out the body, maybe some melanoiden. I'd reccomend as flavoursome a pils malt as possible, maybe weyermann floor malted bohemain? Mash for a low FG. bitterness should be around 35ibu. i'll let you decide what to do for hopping, looks like murrays dry hops with pacifica.
Grand Cru doesn't really encompass a particular style as such. The term really just means a step up or extra special ( like the murrays). Done on traditional Belgian yeasts, with a big flavour hit.

A Grand Cru could be a traditional style dolled up with some nice big bold hops and a smooth malt character or it could be a wood aged sour beer, but it'd really have to have French/Belgian roots in what goes in to be considered a Grand Cru in context.

Got a couple of recipes kicking around if you want a starting point. Yell if you want them.

( just my 2 worthless cents )

A couple here. The first is not mine and I haven't brewed it but looks nice.

Second is mine and I've made it a few times. Well received at a Vic case swap. Both based around Hoegaarden grand cru - not sure how similar that is to Murrays as grand cru isn't a style as such (mentioned above). I have found styrians dry hopped too long give a weird flavour so a couple of days only although you might replace some or all of the hopping. Decoction is not out of place in this beer.

Type: All grain
Size: 22 liters
Color: 13 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 32 IBU
OG: 1.087
FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 9.6% v/v (7.6% w/w)
Grain: 6kg Dingeman Pilsner
2kg Wey Munich
300g Briess victory
500g Wheat malt
Mash: 70% efficiency
TEMP: 55/62/68/72/78
TIME: 5/10/50/10/10
Boil: 90 minutes, SG 1.056, 34 liters
Hops: 30g Saaz (5.2% AA, 60 min.)
30g Styrian Goldings (3.5% AA, 60 min.)
10g Saaz (5.2% AA, 10 min.)
10g Styrian Goldings (3.5% AA, 10 min.)

2 pack Wy forbidden fruit or suitable starter

CaCl2 and CaSO4 to mash and boil

Dry hop 1g/L styrians
It would be nice to get the recipe for Brooklyn grand cru, that was an awesome burst of bubblegum!

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