Fully Automated Brewing System Design

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Yes, but since most people learn through repetition, I'm hoping that at some point you'll start to listen to us.
Yes, but since most people learn through repetition, I'm hoping that at some point you'll start to listen to us.

Already answered. "The project will going ahead as planned."
Accept it, and stop my clogging up my thread please.
Well, I got the prototype grain hopper mechanism put together, but the bracket that was bolted to the rotating 90mm pvc pipe wasnt central enough and so was making some catching noises as the motor was turning. So I cut a new one, but its too late to finnish, so it'll be tomorrow night. It's looking so crazy, got a nice motor centralising system going on and all.

Will call the wholesalers tomorrow to get a price for a reel of teflon tubing - not looking forward to the quote.
Got the grain hopper put together, and it did do one turn with grain in it, and did work, but then the motor was unable to turn it anymore. The pvc pipe is not quite circular after all the screwes were put in. Will try loosening some screws, but looks like it probably need to be more powerful. Concept is there, but thats why its a prototype. Pics attached.

So now I need to find some proper materials to make it out of - I'm thinking UHMW-PE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene), similar to chopping board - very low fiction. Saw some on the specialised wholesaters site - they source from dotmar which I have sourced UHMW-PE from before for mining applications. Something cheaper would be better though. If it doesnt work, a worm drive will be the next test.

I ordered 10 metres of 1/4 inch OD 4.7mm ID and
10 meters of 0.5 inch OD 0.375 inch ID teflon tube today. Cost about $600. Should recieve it in a week.


Hmmm... things not working as per fancy drawings... who would have thought?

Can you understand why people say to approach the project in stages?

I also recommend getting rid of those wussy little motors and sourcing some decent ones. I had great success with used windscreen wiper motors. Cheap, very robust, great torque, very amenable to PWM.

Also how easy will that setup be to clean?
Hmmm... things not working as per fancy drawings... who would have thought?

Can you understand why people say to approach the project in stages?

I also recommend getting rid of those wussy little motors and sourcing some decent ones. I had great success with used windscreen wiper motors. Cheap, very robust, great torque, very amenable to PWM.

Also how easy will that setup be to clean?

It is a prototype held together with electrical tape :)

Yea, will look on ebay for some higher powered geared motors very soon. I wasnt planning on cleaning the grain hoppers. I should probably make sure there is more of a gap between the inner and outer tubes so tiny grain particals just fall straight through , mabee. Think that might be what jammed it.
I have decided to start preliminary modeling so I can get an idea of the space I have availabe and wether I can increase or have to decrease the scale. Just started, and this is all I have atm. Just about to start measuring up the brewery / laundry. Eventually - like ages away, I will be producing 3d models like the kitchen of the last place I lived in - huge difference at he moment! Thats what happens whan I get bored.


very nice kitchen but I don't see any beer, stop ******* around and build it
:D I am, but in 3d. Patience. The brewery was in another room: Was a cupboard made of mdf and insulated with bean bag beans and other insulation too. Was cooled with 3 watercooled peltier modules - needless to say, it was a faliure - only got down to about 10C when cooled with 24 x 600ml frozen bottles - the morning queensland sun heating up the room was the killer - needed heaps more insulation. Took 3 or 4 months to build.

Pics here: http://s82.photobucket.com/albums/j248/ali...f-fermentation/



Starter inside it:

I'm hoping that at some point you'll start to listen to us.

Bandito it seems that you continue to try to extract expensive information from knowledgeable people that have failed at just what you are trying to achive. Why cant you just give up. You think you can just ask questions and then receive answers for each problem you find but dont share the information for everyone else to gain from. If even just one section of your design works which would enable everyone the chance to copy because you shared the design then it would probably be worth it. But like I said you dont share.
/End extreme sarcasm/

Bandito if you can afford it and have the motivation to continue, go hard. If you fail with any of this then many can be proud that they told you so.

Me, I think that maybe, just maybe something will get invented that might help others in their brewing. This is a forum isnt it for sharing information not pessimism. If you have somethig negative to say, say it once. Dont continue to say it. Im sure he heard it.

Im sure I read somewhere that BIAB wouldnt work.
/End extreme sarcasm/
:lol: Only just got that! Thanks, I guess the moral of the previous post is 'dont try to make a fridge from scratch unless you have an unlimited supply of hardcore insulation!' I am just as willing to post my faliures as my successes.

When I have a workable design, I will post all the materials required to make it - this does limit my design, as I could have parts custom machined, but that is expensive, and since one of my design criteria is that parts of this can be extracted by others for integration into their own systems, I would prefer not to do that unless I have to - but if I do, cad files will be posted to allow others to do the same.

Bandito if you can afford it and have the motivation to continue, go hard. If you fail with any of this then many can be proud that they told you so.

Me, I think that maybe, just maybe something will get invented that might help others in their brewing. This is a forum isnt it for sharing information not pessimism. If you have somethig negative to say, say it once. Dont continue to say it. Im sure he heard it.

Zakley! (exactly)

Well, I finnished modeling the basic extents of the laundry / brewery, It really does seem tight on space. And also attached is a zip file which when extracted can be opened on most computers with internet explorer (some pc's wont open it no matter what - tomorrow I will get a link to the software which will open it on pcs that cant open this with ie (windows only - sorry, no linux or mac).

Nothing is positioned, only just finnished measuring up the laundry, er, I mean brewery.

View attachment banditos_bad_ass_brewery_1.zip

So will my brewery be the first to use teflon tubing or what? Unfortunately, I have never used silicon tubing that I know of. I think my air pump from craftbrewer came with silicon tubing - it is pretty squishy, is that silicon? I am at a loss as to what it is like. I would like something to compare it to when it arrives - counting down the minutes at this point.

It seems the larger size I got is 3/8th of an inch, and although I dont see any sanitry valves for that size, I do see heaps of motorised valves on ebay - it seems to be used for air - pnumatics - and someone suggested that air valves are available in metal. If I can get a peristatic pump for that size, it may very well be the go. Sives on the MLT & Kettle to prevent blockages.
So will my brewery be the first to use teflon tubing or what? Unfortunately, I have never used silicon tubing that I know of. I think my air pump from craftbrewer came with silicon tubing - it is pretty squishy, is that silicon? I am at a loss as to what it is like. I would like something to compare it to when it arrives - counting down the minutes at this point.

Bandito, Im wondering why you ar so focussed on teflon tubes. The whole world is using silicon tubes as the first choice for use in peristaltic pumps.

Okay, may be you have too much money in your hands ;)
I would call it a teflon obsession! I would love to share the reasons why I am so obsessed with it, but it would prevent me from applying for patients on yet untested inventions.

I am quite dissapointed that this tubing is not clear, very dissapointed indeed, but on the bright side, this stuff will be so slippery that I probably wont need to see inside it, because nothing will stick to it, adhere or adsorb. I dont have any silicon frypans! I do expect big things from this tubing - as long as it is the right size! I had to act fast to ensure I got it for cost price plus tax, if I had waited I might have been charged double what I paid. No Zwickel, not much money in my hands since paying for the tubing!

As for the brewery design, I was really worried that I just didnt have enough space and would need to take over the bathroom instead, but by moving the washing machine infront of the back door, I now have up to 1.3 meters width at my disposal. Phew, was quite worried for a while there.

the back door to the house is totally over rated..... great idea! please tell me you have other access....
I do prefer the front door, or the other back door, or when I misplace my keys, the balcony door - spider man, spider man....

I have only used that back laundry door twice in 6 months - it wont be missed.
Okay, so I spelt it incorrectly! it should read patent!
Lots and lots of talk here, I dont know if this thing will ever eventuate.

This thread is like a C- grade budget movie. :huh:
Lots and lots of talk here, I dont know if this thing will ever eventuate.

he'll be that old by the time it's finished that the beer will be have to be administered intravenously

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