Fully Automated Brewing System Design

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I found a place in QLD that can bake teflon onto vessels. Trying to find a damn good reason not to have everything baked with teflon. The malting parts are the only ones so far that I think would need it though.

I think you need to look into teflon ...


The less teflon I come in contact with the better!
You seem to love the stuff though.

I would assume in the malting / kilning process you wouldnt get it to temperatures that hot to cause issues but if it were me I'd be avoiding it.
You have got to be kidding! You have any idea how long it will take to malt enough grain to feed your automated brewery?

Plus roasting grains requires them to age so you will be out for any other then base malt.

Then there are crystal malts to consider.

You planning on moving into a bigger basement apartment with an extra bedroom and a good enough floor to hold your monster brewery?

No, I am quite serious! Now thinking multiple intermitantely rotating perforated plastic cylinders for the malting (stacked vertically), and a rotating perforated SS cylinder being heated by a fan forced oven type of setup. I know the design as a 'reactor'.
Manual bagging will allow them to age.

A move is on the books in a few months time, will be looking for a decent brewery location.

fukcin hell :lol:

you'll be growing it next..

Unfortunately the 1 hectare area I had earmarked and planted with a small test crop of spuds flooded earlier this year :( . First time in 6 years that it has flooded, and is still under water. I hope to retrieve my garden fork one day.

I think you need to look into teflon ...


The less teflon I come in contact with the better!
You seem to love the stuff though.

I would assume in the malting / kilning process you wouldnt get it to temperatures that hot to cause issues but if it were me I'd be avoiding it.

Thanks, I am aware of that, its only 270C+ that is bad. Even gillette fusion shaving gel has PTFE in it!

Interesting PDF MHB, I like the last line, but surely the feeding of the brewery cat could be automated too!
I missed the valve delivery! Theres no emoticon for what I'm feeling! Another couple of days. Hopefully they call me this time.

Valves arrived! They look great, teflon coating is quite thick and smooth. Frickin heavy! Will post a pic tonight.
Wow they are big. You don't often see something that's white and 12 inches.
Thanks for that link daft Templar, I think this one should be smaller than that - nothing mentioned about the grain disposal though, so I'm guessing not fully automated, but lots more to make up for it though.

Having a play with the volume of the MLT and Kettle atm, and come up with this: it is calculating as having a volume of 87L. A plain cylinder 300mm diameter would need to be 1250mm high to have the same volume. I could be wrong though (cad programs arent giving volumes directly atm so have to do it old school way).

Anyway, this could allow for 60L FG batches with the one mash. Will do some friction tests to see what angle is required to make grist slide down stainless on the weekend.

If you remember your spelling mistake "gran disposal"
So I said "gran disposal" try www.euthanasia.com/
I thought that link you posted was a bit harsh, but now I get it :D
maybe the mods didnt get it either
Wow! I'm so disappointed with you bandito.
If you remember your spelling mistake "gran disposal"
So I said "gran disposal" try www.euthanasia.com/
judging by the comments I'm suprised I'm the 1st brewer pointing you there.
Anyway, you got offended and somehow got the post deleted...after you asked me to suck your balls. Obviously that got deleted too.
Well now that I have the chance to reply...no thanks.

What happened to all that Teflon? I thought that **** would slide straight off...you cock

Actually, I just sent a very nice peace making PM to another member, so I am in the peaceful mentality.

Yes, this whole issue started by me misspelling grain disposal as 'gran disposal' and Jakup76 making a funny about it.

For the first few reads it sounded as though he was saying that I should off myself, which has been suggested a few times in this thread, but on the fourth read I realised what he said. Then:

Yes, after asking you to delete the link to the euthanasia site, I did report your post! I dont think that discussions of that nature are appropriate here - this is my thread and thats how I feel - I have had enough crap in this thread, and I am sorry that your post got the brunt of my fed-up-ness. There are others that should have got a lot more than you (but your post is the first I have reported (apart from that spammer a month ago), and when I saw that you had deleted your post (as I thought you had- I deleted my post inviting you to suck my balls - I saw it as ' you deleted your post just as I asked, so I deleted my obsene post directed at you.

So yes, I got quite offended by a link to a site like that in my thread! You and anyone else would too. In the words of chappel "Do I come to your job and smack the broom out your hand"
I do appoligise to have had to report your post, but I did ask you to delete it first at least 3 times - I really did think that you had deleted it on your own occord and as such I deleted my retort.

This is a forum about beer, so sometimes stuff gets ****** up. Sometimes one makes stuffed up posts. Please accept my appoligies, and if you have something meaningful to post, please do, but please leave potitics and death jokes out of the beer - it tastes better that way!

All forgoten!? Start a fresh? Is as far a I am concerned!
sounds good
So where are you up to? You got your giant valves the other day. are you going to start fabricating the vessels soon?
or are you waiting till you move houses.
Thanks for that link daft Templar, I think this one should be smaller than that - nothing mentioned about the grain disposal though, so I'm guessing not fully automated, but lots more to make up for it though.

Having a play with the volume of the MLT and Kettle atm, and come up with this: it is calculating as having a volume of 87L. A plain cylinder 300mm diameter would need to be 1250mm high to have the same volume. I could be wrong though (cad programs arent giving volumes directly atm so have to do it old school way).

Anyway, this could allow for 60L FG batches with the one mash. Will do some friction tests to see what angle is required to make grist slide down stainless on the weekend.

to get things off to a good start - Jakub76 - what do you think of the MLT / Kettle design?
sounds good
So where are you up to? You got your giant valves the other day. are you going to start fabricating the vessels soon?
or are you waiting till you move houses.

Thanks Bradley, That is a question and a half!

I would like to get relay boards and power supplies to test out the pinch valves, as there is a lot of work to be done there, but would also love to be able to test how nuch force is required to turn the huge butterfly valves snd order the actuators.

Its all going to come to a head very soon! Like very very soon! aussie dollar is down today. so Will save up an pounce when its good. Given the dollar, it looks like its all about timing (and how much longer it takes to save up)

Remember - I'm not rich, just a working bloke!

Please dont remind me about the vessels! They are calling to me in my sleep! ----bandito!!!!! you know you want to have us!!!!

I have to work out the parts that will be used for the vessels. Currently, I think a standard flange to attach to the butterfly valve,
then a standard reducer, then a standard diameter cylinder. Damn that was hard to put into words!
sounds good
So where are you up to? You got your giant valves the other day. are you going to start fabricating the vessels soon?
or are you waiting till you move houses.

Yes. i have decided quite soon indeed!