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Hey Guys it's us, Bindi, PistoPatch and Screwtop. Ross is pouring us beers on the other side of the bar and he thinks we are using his laptop to buy stuff from Craftbrewer but we're really here just making frivolous posts under his name - don't tell him.

Whoops! Bindi has just had his eight Ruination Ale and fallen on the floor. Have to go now and attach syphon hose from tap to Bindi'd mouth - he keeps pointing at the tap and then his mouth.

(Don't tell Bindi's Mrs that his still hear. if she asks, he is still stuck in the same traffic he told her about 4 hrs ago. OK?)
Obviously you are way to coherent to be apart of that mob ,get annother into ya
Whoops! Bindi has just had his eight Ruination Ale and fallen on the floor. Have to go now and attach syphon hose from tap to Bindi'd mouth - he keeps pointing at the tap and then his mouth.

Haha, too funny! :D :lol: I think Bindi's been drinking too much of you guys' share, if he's fallen over and you're still typing! having a blast by the sounds of it though :party:
Screwtop and Bindi - if you've recovered later in the week, are you keen for a cleansing ale - I've got the week off (for recovery!)
... but we're really here just making frivolous posts under his name - don't tell him.

Surely Ross is able to make his own frivolous posts, and maybe even spell correctly?

I'm sure that I can.

Seth :lol: :p
They've all fallen over now. Just stumbled across a hacksaw so am sneaking out to Ross's storage shed where I've got my van backed up. Keep your eye out in the Retail section tomorrow, "PistolPatch Releases Hops - Prices Like They Fell Out the Back of a Truck."

I a good speller Seth ;)
Good work, PP. Now you can make your beers nice and hoppy too! :lol:
What a great day, bugger being designated driver, you guys had far too much fun! Bindi must have been doing Virgil (Thunderbirds puppet) impressions, looked like he had strings attached to his knees or maybe it was the APA causing him to walk like that?


$260 bucks ? what a rip off, my bag's only quarter full
LOL Stuster. Screwtop, by revealing the fact that you're home you have ruined the highly fictitious story I was about to write involving Ruination fumes to keep you lot passed out, an oxy torch, a fire in the hop shed and finally a quick getaway in the van. (So glad I haven't had a beer tonight otherwise I'd be posting some ridiculous stuff here for sure.)

Bindi on Ruination is an extremely entertaining show that he should consider taking on tour. And Screwtop caused me to double over many a time today. Great stuff! Wonder if Ross has caught us out yet?

P.S. InCider you are not allowed back at Bindi's. He had to brew 3 days straight after you left last time.
P.S. InCider you are not allowed back at Bindi's. He had to brew 3 days straight after you left last time.

Yeah - I get thirsty. And I'll take all the blame - chivalry is not dead. Every time I eat, all I can taste is Chinook Hops. Still...

InCider :)
I am awake, sober [and in the sh$t :( ] and at it's 4 in :huh: the morning and I can now focus and I find this post :rolleyes: and a PM from Incider wanting to help me build up my stock of beer again, no need as we had too much fun, I love mashing.
Thanks Screwtop thanks for driving us home in my car.. Oh dear a 6 hour traffic jam :D , she did not buy it. Also;
What's wrong with you guys? You don't like hops.
Warren, Im with you on the idiots bit ;) Could have been worse though Screwtop wanted to start this thread in the recipe section LOL

Morning Bindi! LOL! Spose you slept with Zeuss. Good day though and Ross still isn't on to us! Was about to tell the following story about Ross on the Ruination. You might not remember this...

Even Ross acts a little strange after his Ruination Ale. At one stage he said to us, Just gotta help my son with his homework. He went and sat down at the desk and started a very animated conversation with the sentence, OK son. Say youve got 5 fermenters and I take away 2, how many hop socks would you have left? This went on for about ten minutes.

We all found this a little worrying especially as his son is in late high school, doesnt study maths and worst of all, wasnt even home at the time. :huh:

Ho! Ho! Ho!
Warren, Im with you on the idiots bit ;) Could have been worse though Screwtop wanted to start this thread in the recipe section LOL

Morning Bindi! LOL! Spose you slept with Zeuss. Good day though and Ross still isn't on to us! Was about to tell the following story about Ross on the Ruination. You might not remember this...

Even Ross acts a little strange after his Ruination Ale. At one stage he said to us, Just gotta help my son with his homework. He went and sat down at the desk and started a very animated conversation with the sentence, OK son. Say youve got 5 fermenters and I take away 2, how many hop socks would you have left? This went on for about ten minutes.

We all found this a little worrying especially as his son is in late high school, doesnt study maths and worst of all, wasnt even home at the time. :huh:

Ho! Ho! Ho!

:lol: :lol:
Oh dear a 6 hour traffic jam :D , she did not buy it.
What's wrong with you guys? You don't like hops.

That's a lot of traffic - via Kilcoy? :D

I love the hops - wasn't until I had Santas Off Season APA that I realised how much I like it. Will have to grow some :D

Morning guys,

Thanks for the great company yesterday afternoon, haven't laughed so much in ages - another long day at the office :D

Note to self: Rember to log off when Pat's in town... B)

cheers :party: Ross
Thanks Ross for putting-up with the 'three stooges' the only one missing to make it four stooges would have beenTidalpete :blink: and thanks for the rice 'gulls' :D ever try catching sea gulls after having a taste test of ten beers on tap? :p :D

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