Food Gardening

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Agreed rats are way smarter than mice but talking to the pest guy at work - they get slower and less cautious as they get older. We had traps and cats for months - suddenly in two weeks, we got close to one a day.
Netted all my apple and pear trees today, lovingly nurtured an old plum tree and this year it produced some amazing looking plums. Didn't get one plum from it, possums and birds saw them off. Good harvest to be had on my peach tree that will be covered tomorrow and my female Kiwi fruit tree is absolutely loaded, for some reason possums leave them alone.
Hydro tomatoes all rooted, according to my readings (one in line and one with wand) nutrients seemed good, everything else grew well. Big difference between brewing and gardening is if something ***** up in gardening its a year wait till the next go.
Lost all my apples to birds in two days.
Oh well.
More bananas coming, massive amount of avocados as usual. Decent bowl of Davidson Plums so will be making some jam. Perhaps a Davidson Plum wheat beer next year?
My hydro tomatoes are picking up, to late to get the usual harvest, absolute glut of beans, Kings Cobra climbing beans and Simba dwarf beans. Good old reliable Money Maker (talking tomatoes here) doing well in the garden, along with chilies, capsicum, corn, eggplants and more beetroot. Got Butter beans growing between the corn.
Money Maker
What eats corn off the cobs when there on the plant is it rats or birds or possums probably rats.
What eats corn off the cobs when there on the plant is it rats or birds or possums probably rats.
Usually me, I don't generally grow corn though I do love it, takes up a lot of space, and never makes it indoors, but my wife bought the seeds this year.
I would guess rats the small native ones, anything sweet they will eat, always have a few beetroot and swede gets nibbled around the edges.
Bastards have all but destroyed my pumpkin plant which was flourishing and flowering beautifully a week ago
Was thinking about building a trap with a wifi security camera and when there in the trap close the doors remotely could then sell as snake food after giving time for any rat poison to be rendered harmless.
Dog got his first possum for the year, big'un too. They have to try to get water in this heat, makes them vulnerable.
Shallots drying out, white salad onions already dried out beetroot pickled more beetroot to be harvested next week going to make pickled roasted beetroot. Tomatoes (in ground doing well) as is the sweet corn. Going to start chitting some early spuds towards the end of next month.
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Weal, when you chit spuds do you plant “ the” spud with whatever growth/ sprouts on it as a whole, or do you slice the sprouts off separately and plant as individuals.
The reason I’m asking is ,I have in the past gone the later and this year the yield has been very disappointing to say the least.
I have been dividing the spuds, as above for yonks but last yr wasn’t so good and this yr is....pffft.
And before I piss off to bed, best advice on the peas/ plants that sprout from pea straw that has/ is used as a mulch.
Could differ from where you are and I am.
I’m of the understanding that they are high? In nitrogen, good for some veggies/ plants but not for others.
Weal, when you chit spuds do you plant “ the” spud with whatever growth/ sprouts on it as a whole, or do you slice the sprouts off separately and plant as individuals.
The reason I’m asking is ,I have in the past gone the later and this year the yield has been very disappointing to say the least.
I have been dividing the spuds, as above for yonks but last yr wasn’t so good and this yr is....pffft.
Last year I managed to get some early spuds from a seed and corn merchant, I plant the whole spud if they are a regular size. I then wanted some Kestrel potatoes which we cannot buy as certified so I got some from Woollies, they were all closed fist size, those I cut in half making sure there were chits on both halves, only 2 failed to crop just rotted in the ground.
As for you peas from the pea straw they do put nitrogen back into the soil which is good, they are not overloading the earth with nitrogen, I doubt whether you will get any peas off them being a cool temperature veg, but in the winter let them grow and eat the peas.
Weal, when you chit spuds do you plant “ the” spud with whatever growth/ sprouts on it as a whole, or do you slice the sprouts off separately and plant as individuals.
The reason I’m asking is ,I have in the past gone the later and this year the yield has been very disappointing to say the least.
I have been dividing the spuds, as above for yonks but last yr wasn’t so good and this yr is....pffft.
What was the weather like last year do not like hot weather if you plant larger seed potato can plant deeper as they can sprout from deep in the soil and that could protect roots from heat have seen on youtube where they did this where there could be very cold and the extra time under ground allowed for weather to change .
I have tried growing spuds late in the season, not by design but Bunnings were almost giving them away, got some Fir Apple, thought they would be OK if I kept the water up to them, never got a one. Though they were in big pots so the temperature would have got pretty high.
constant theme in the last few pages of posts, birds raiding fruit, about to net the fig tree as the harvest is coming to the pointy end.