wide eyed and legless
Well-Known Member
Might explain why the price of spuds have gone up considerably.
shouldes are tough, gimme a leg anytime
Anyone a bit peckish yet?
tomatoes that can be grown as a bush rather than staked?
Am I doing something wrong? For temperate climate in October, November and December everything is “seed”. Don’t seem rightTry this site Bribie tells you what to sow and when.
Le Corbusier : Grass is the enemy of the city
Hmm... excavator, now you've got me thinking.
LOGAN CITY Council This year, council officers launched a plan to write to owners of about 1400 properties where there was a discrepancy over pool registration. Officers said there were 1421 pools in the city not on council’s data base.Swimming pool? Sneak that one in.![]()
Been digging up lawn
The only thing I don't put in my compost besides cat litter, is grass clippings. Our lawn is full of weeds, although maybe now that stuff breaks down in our compost so quickly (chockers full of worms, presumably good bacteria, etc) it might be time to try.Le Corbusier : Grass is the enemy of the city
Actually, being on half an acre I quite like my lawn activities, keeps me fit mowing and yields masses of clippings for compost, mixed in with kitchen waste and cow poo, I reckon I've produced tonnes of the stuff over the last two years.
I'm a tenant as well, and sneakily expanded an existing bed into a veg garden. Then expanded it, then expanded it. Recently the owner came round to do some work on guttering, cast a quick eye over the veg garden and commented "oh I see you have green fingers"
Hmm... excavator, now you've got me thinking.