First Brew - I Am A Moron

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Hi all,
I've been living on this site getting an awesome amount of free tips and info for the last month and tonight I attempted my first brew. I even snuck off early from work (claiming stomach cramps) as I was so eager to get into it.

I have searched around for the answer to my question so please forgive me if its been covered. I've also read and re-read til I am having dreams of bathing in my own beer, but alas, I am an idiot.

I used an IPA recipe someone kindly posted on here as such:

can Coopers Brewmaster IPA
can Coopers Liquid Light Malt
100 g Brew Enhancer 2
packet Morgans Fuggles Finishing Hops and kit yeast

In my excitement at mixing everything up, I forgot the enhancer. I had everything in the fermenter, including the fuggles bag and pre-pitched yeast and was smugly standing back staring in wonder and lust at MY beer when my most co-operative other half happened to ask me "what is this stuff for?"

In that moment of sheer terror, and without running to my pc to look it up on here, I ripped open the lid, threw in the powder (dry, not mixed) and stirred madly. I haven't been as panicked since my mum caught me smoking in the shower 25 years ago, and I am now grieving like my own other half just got hit by a bus (which for a moment I would have rejoiced over).

Is my brew stuffed? I am worried as I stirred the yeast and the fact that the enhancer was dry and clumped in the fermenter.

Sorry again if this has been answered and cheers to any replies

I can't see any real problems aside from stirring like mad. I don''t think you have stuffed it but I am very new at this too. Chill out and relax, the enhancer WILL disolve, the yeast will eat it up. Be sure to start using your hydrometer, take a reading right now and every 3 or 4 days.
Relax. It will be fine. Unless you stirred it all in with a toilet brush. It will ferment and make beer. Your best beer - NO. Why? Each brew gets better mate! :)
Hi all,
I've been living on this site getting an awesome amount of free tips and info for the last month and tonight I attempted my first brew. I even snuck off early from work (claiming stomach cramps) as I was so eager to get into it.

I have searched around for the answer to my question so please forgive me if its been covered. I've also read and re-read til I am having dreams of bathing in my own beer, but alas, I am an idiot.

I used an IPA recipe someone kindly posted on here as such:

can Coopers Brewmaster IPA
can Coopers Liquid Light Malt
100 g Brew Enhancer 2
packet Morgans Fuggles Finishing Hops and kit yeast

In my excitement at mixing everything up, I forgot the enhancer. I had everything in the fermenter, including the fuggles bag and pre-pitched yeast and was smugly standing back staring in wonder and lust at MY beer when my most co-operative other half happened to ask me "what is this stuff for?"

In that moment of sheer terror, and without running to my pc to look it up on here, I ripped open the lid, threw in the powder (dry, not mixed) and stirred madly. I haven't been as panicked since my mum caught me smoking in the shower 25 years ago, and I am now grieving like my own other half just got hit by a bus (which for a moment I would have rejoiced over).

Is my brew stuffed? I am worried as I stirred the yeast and the fact that the enhancer was dry and clumped in the fermenter.

Sorry again if this has been answered and cheers to any replies


Your brew will most likely be fine. As fasty suggested, it will dissolve all on its own. If it happens again, it's probably better to boil it up in water and let it cool as this will help avoid infection (and give you the added bonus of making sure it's dissolved).

Stirring will be fine at this point as it will help aerate. You don't want to aerate after fermentation has kicked off but early on is fine.
I wouldn't stress too much though.
Thanks guys, I will try and relax and possibly spend the night in the garage singing lullabies to my fermenter.

Appreciate your responses, and I will learn.

cheers again
100 grams of BE2? I seriously wouldn't bother about it.
Id say even if it didn't make it in there it wont be stuff as 100g of Brew Enhancer 2 overall wouldn't make a huge difference. Just a few tips for your next one.

1. Start recording recipes,brew days,mistakes,triumphs (I have a brew book)
2. Prepare your work area with all your ingredients and what order you use them.

Have a commercial beer and relax.
The old saying is RDWAHAHB (Relax, Don't Worry And Have a Home Brew)

The extra stirring of the wort will actually oxygenate the wort better; that is good for early stages of yeast development! :icon_cheers:

Now get your brew temperatures under control and reap your rewards.

+1and 100g of BE2 will make next to no difference. Usual to add 1/2-1 Kg to a kit brew.
+1 for the brew book, keep dates, ingredients, sg readings, ie date it went into fermenter, date bottled, date you started drinking it and I rate my beers in my book giving 1 star for crap and 10 stars for good beer and what it tastes like, ie malty, not bitter enough.
Here is one of my pages, started out too simple then started adding stuff. I am only up to batch 25 and I have more details in my book than on this page, but this gives you an idea. By the way, I ferment for 3 weeks now and don't drink it until at least 3 weeks in the bottle, that's why I have 8 fermenters going.

I can't see any real problems aside from stirring like mad.
Stirring like mad is not at all a problem. As Manticle said oxygenating/aerating your wort prior to fermentation is very important for yeast health. Stirring it roughly for a full minute is an easy way to acheive that - just don't go sneezing into it and make sure everything is clean and sanitized!

I agree with keeping comprehensive notes, the example offered above is very simplistic (it's taking a lot of effort not to say any more about it). At least note your dates, recipes, process, original gravity, volumes, temperatures, finishing gravity, additions and tasting notes. It will help you tweak and improve recipes and process in your future brews.

PS - Your brew's going to be fine. It sounds like you did a lot of research before starting and that makes a big difference. Also the fact that you've made a big, flavourful beer with a dry hop addition will mean you'll probably only taste all those big ingredients instead of the fermentation flaws apparent when trying a light lager-style kit beer without temperature control.
As long as your spoon was clean, you'll be fine.
Don't even try to do anything with any lumps. All will be fine.

1. Start recording recipes,brew days,mistakes,triumphs (I have a brew book)
2. Prepare your work area with all your ingredients and what order you use them.
+1 = great tips. Record as much as you can. There is no such thing as too much information.
Make sure you rate your beers. Not what others say. They don't matter. What's important is what you think. Brew to your tastes not to please friends. If they enjoy too that's a bonus.

By the way, I ferment for 3 weeks now and don't drink it until at least 3 weeks in the bottle, that's why I have 8 fermenters going.
I always ferment for 3 week now .... I actually never take SG readings .... I'm sure that would be frounded upon.
I hold off drinking as long as possible. They will get better even between week 3-4 and week 4-5, so older is better.

8 fermenters!!! .. I thought I was a bad boy with 3!
Like I said jakub, they are early pages, I keep a much better record now. Each to their own I guess. (thanks for not bagging me out)
Guys you have all been beyond helpful. My other half is grateful to you all also as my mood had gone from rage to depression to outright suicide. I'm sure its happened to everyone early on in one form or another, I put it down to enthusiasm and finding a hobby that is right up my alley - making and drinking beer.

By the way fasty73, thanks for the tips on keeping records, I've spent the last hour putting together a pretty snazzy excel; God I'm think I'm already obsessed with this game.

cheers all, and thanks again for the moral support.
No probs mate. I find it easier to use pen and paper, but thats just me, I am pretty hopeless when it come to the computer (aside from forums LOL). Hope I have helped.
Just had a quick peep in my trusty old bible that started 16 yrs ago and had a laugh at what i thought where very sophisticated recipes.The two big things that helped me where the local hardware guy who homebrewed(lent me books,got me to use new ingredients judged the local show comp etc)and having a fermentation fridge to control temp.

Its really easy to brew great beer. JUST:
Be really clean.
Be organised
control fermentation
Use the best ingredients you can afford
Buy a second fermenter for racking and bulk priming
Join a club(one of the best beers i have drunk was
made by a canberra brewer = Kolsch)
Hey fasty, I read your brew log and laughed so hard. It was at coopers pale ale, 9 days - very green, shit. Lmfao. That's exactly how it is and meant to be at 9 days, so damn right and honest.
You are not a moron. Everyone starts into the hobby with limited knowledge. Keep at it, relax and stay positive. Read heaps, try lots of different styles. Soon you will be punching out great beer, but it takes time to refine your process.
Guys you have all been beyond helpful. My other half is grateful to you all also as my mood had gone from rage to depression to outright suicide. I'm sure its happened to everyone early on in one form or another, I put it down to enthusiasm and finding a hobby that is right up my alley - making and drinking beer.

By the way fasty73, thanks for the tips on keeping records, I've spent the last hour putting together a pretty snazzy excel; God I'm think I'm already obsessed with this game.

cheers all, and thanks again for the moral support.

Mate I'm in exactly the same boat,early days with the enthusiasm and obsession but like a lot of things in life a bad experience can be a great educator :icon_cheers: