First BIAB All Grain Beer very Average

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The urn has a concealed element so no problems with scorching and whatnot, yes the recipe was very basic and not very well thought out in regards to matching grains with hops and yeasts etc, i think the over all combination with the US05 where one of the packets was a bit old aswell didnt help either.

Carbonation drops, 2 of them into my swingtop 750ml bottles, hasnt failed me yet. :D
Oh well, not the urn then.

Maybe something else to consider is that most of the good simple Maris Otter/Fuggle type ales I have really enjoyed stand out because of the fine details, such as the malt/hop balance, yeast profile/esters, mouthfeel etc. Which are generally the details which you tend to focus on more as you get more and more brews under your belt.

Stay strong, but if you need a confidence boost, maybe give something a go that will really jump out at you with flavour, such as a Stout or an AIPA as was previously mentioned.

Also, give bulk priming a whirl. It's pretty easy and you'll never go back to carb drops. :D
Carlos The Gerbil said:
Oh well, not the urn then.

Maybe something else to consider is that most of the good simple Maris Otter/Fuggle type ales I have really enjoyed stand out because of the fine details, such as the malt/hop balance, yeast profile/esters, mouthfeel etc. Which are generally the details which you tend to focus on more as you get more and more brews under your belt.

Stay strong, but if you need a confidence boost, maybe give something a go that will really jump out at you with flavour, such as a Stout or an AIPA as was previously mentioned.

Also, give bulk priming a whirl. It's pretty easy and you'll never go back to carb drops. :D
Champion mate thanks for all your advice :icon_cheers:


Yeah +1 to bulk priming. But just make sure you get a good seal on your caps as I had a complaint about a flat beer and it was because I didn't cap down hard enough and I tried capping with a reused screw top bottle.
brewermp said:
Yeah +1 to bulk priming. But just make sure you get a good seal on your caps as I had a complaint about a flat beer and it was because I didn't cap down hard enough and I tried capping with a reused screw top bottle.
Not that you can't get screw caps to seal well, just have to make sure the capper goes down harder than normal and still lifts the bottle hen you come off the handle (assuming you're using a lever bench capper)
O T. Jonnir, the pic in your avatar is that in Te Anau NZ by any chance ?
Hey Dan, it's possible that pitching the yeast at those temps may have created some off flavours, my advice would be to pitch as close to ferment temp as possible.

With the no chill cube I also lean my over onto its side so the whole cube gets hot wort onto it.

Cheers Wadey
When you say your cube was in the hot bathroom, was it in sunlight as well? You're best to keep your cubes out of direct sunlight so you don't skunk the hops.
Major Arcana said:
This cooled for a day, but i left it in the bathroom forgetting that it gets the afternoon sun so when i went to transfer to fermentor and pitch yeast i realised the wort was still at 26-27degrees.
A couple q's.
Re poor head retention- are you confident your thermometer is telling the truth. If it's reading high you might have been mashing at a lower temp and be lacking body ( like some k+k).
Re taste -assuming the cube may have copped some sun not just the room the hops in the brew may not have enjoyed their time in the sun. If you pour a glass of standard commercial beer from a brown bottle and leave it in the sun and take a sip every now and then over an hour or so does the flavour change get closer to the flavour you don't like in your ag?
You would greatly improve head retention by adding a bit of wheat malt or carapils to your grain bill.
Casting my mind back to my first all grain attempt, it was horrendous but im glad i stuck with it.

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