First attempt at aussie mega swill - help appreciated!

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Quick side Q, will 5% wheat do anything noticeable? I usually use it 50:50 but i cant remember why :p
My limited understanding is to improve head retention. A higher conversion temp around 70 degC is optimal for forming the proteins that help head retention, I'm aiming around 62 or 63 for a couple of hours so the wheat will possibly help with better head. (Insert bawdy joke here)
Though I have been wrong before and will be again so I also figure it can't hurt!
I think in that small amount carapils would be more suitable for head retention, but my knowledge is limited too! Can a heavyweight chime in??
I'm neither fat, knowledgeable nor experienced**, but:
Both are doing roughly the same.
Carapils adds Dextrins and proteins. Wheat adds (generally more) proteins.
So it probably means you need to do the 70-72*C step to get the most out of these. One possible difference might be that the Dextrins from the carapils are ready to go, whereas the proteins in the wheat (& a lesser extent, the carapils also) might need that 72*C step a bit more, so they'll do the appropriate head retaining role.
Not much help on required quantities, I'm afraid.

** I probably do need to lose a kilo or 2
If a Mash it low and long at 62 - 63 then will be nothing left for the higher temperature mash .
doon said:
I did one with 4kg pilsner 500 grams sugar and a touch of roast Barley for colour. Fermented with s23 at 16. Its come out a cracking beer that my non craft friends are going to love.
I have a big function coming up and was thinking of doing this how long do I need with the s23 ? I have that
With S23 it should ferment out at ale speeds at 16 degrees .. I'd give it ten days to vent off any sulphur as well, then a few days cold crash to get it settled out.

A bit late for the OP here but I've just tapped a megaswill that I brewed to try out Super Alpha hops that came my way. (now called Dr. Rudi hops).

Just a plain BB ale (not the pale) with 500g of da sugaz and Dr Rudi to around 25 IBU .. I was looking for an ultra clean NZ style mega like their Export Gold.

Turned out a really crisp hop profile, very very commercial in the megaswill sense.

However in the malt department it's a bit let down by using an ale yeast that has made it slightly fruity despite about 10 days cold crashing... I'll def. try a lager yeast if I do it again.

Nice quaffer, I just sank the following glass after having a VB up the local club (sue me) and there's a lot in common. :blink:

Kiwi gold style.jpg
skb said:
I have a big function coming up and was thinking of doing this how long do I need with the s23 ? I have that
One week and it was completely fermented out. I rose temp a few deg 5 days in for d rest and was lazy and left it for another week. Now crashing and fining. You would get away with 10 days. I had 0 sulphur smell coming out of this too
Perfect, if you aren't getting sulphur (fart gas) then hustle it along.
Probably a silly question but do I add the sugar to the boil so it is sterile ? Or to fermenter directly
I actually forgot to add to boil and chucked it into fermenter just before i pitched and all is good
skb said:
Probably a silly question but do I add the sugar to the boil so it is sterile ? Or to fermenter directly
Not a silly question at all, shows you're thinking about it the right way, it's a good idea to chuck it in the boil, there's not much chance of anything going wrong adding it to the fermenter but no need to risk it. If you're doing a boil, chuck it in with 5 minutes to go or at flame out, at the very least it'll help dissolve it easier :)

Edit: as above adding to the fermenter is not going to be a particularly bad thing
Boil it in some water then add to fermenter, kills off any nasties
I've tried the Mangrove jacks workhorse yeast, makes a very clean faux Lager when brewed down to 15c.
This lightweight agrees. Carapils won't affect flavour and aids head retention, wheat will aid head retention but contribute to different flavour.
Bribie G said:
Reading off the same page as SmallFry. He must know the same people at two breweries that I got the basic info from nudge wink.

This one won second in the pale lagers in the 2013 Nats and will delight any bogan.

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 23.0
Total Grain (kg): 4.500
Total Hops (g): 43.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.049 (°P): 12.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.010 (°P): 2.6
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.09 %
Colour (SRM): 3.0 (EBC): 5.9
Bitterness (IBU): 25.3 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
3.500 kg Lager Malt Australian (77.78%)
0.500 kg Cane Sugar (11.11%)
0.500 kg Carapils (Dextrine) (11.11%)

Hop Bill
25.0 g Pride of Ringwood Leaf (8.3% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1.1 g/L)
18.0 g Hersbrucker Pellet (2.8% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (0.8 g/L)

Single step Infusion at 62°C for TWO HOURS then mashout at 78 for 20 mins.

Wyeast Danish Lager 2042
Ferment 13 degrees rising to 19 degrees over 10 days.
Lager -1 degrees for 7 days.

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

Bribie, I'm considering giving this recipe a run. When it says "Ferment 13 degrees rising to 19 degrees over 10 days" do you mean rise it up after fermentation has ceased or rise it up after fermentation has started at 13 degrees? Using Hallertau instead of Hersbrucker as it's in the freezer.
Yes, the idea is to run it at 13 until the first rush is finished, say five days, then gradually ramp it up to finish it off. Didn't make it clear in my OP

The reason for the Carapils was to give a bit of body and lacing that might have been sacrificed by mashing very low.
Bribie G said:
Yes, the idea is to run it at 13 until the first rush is finished, say five days, then gradually ramp it up to finish it off. Didn't make it clear in my OP

The reason for the Carapils was to give a bit of body and lacing that might have been sacrificed by mashing very low.
Cheers mate.
Brew Day is late tomorrow ... only consideration I have left is the grain bill .. I have several choices :

1) Premium Pilsner (Weyermann)
2) Barrett Pale Malt
3) Galaxy -- but not that keen to use my last bit as I love this malt
4) Golden Promise
5) Red-X

My Target is that Mega Swill taste for mass consumption -- making 40L, using S-23 I have a lot harvested so should not be a problem.

My gut says go with the Barrett Pale Malt - not only is it the cheapest but probably the best flavour profile. . without using beer smith I am thinking 10kg Pale Malt + something small to add some colour, 500g Carapile and 1Kg Table Sugar... US-23 fermenting profile over 10 days of 13c x 3, 15 x 4, 17 x 3. Crash for 2 days - keg, and consume 5 days later at function.

I am going to mash in at 63 for 2 hours, hops will be POR @ 60min and something at whirlpool (this will be the hardest part restraining myself) - I have some Willamette I have never used maybe a little of that but also have (Galaxy, Cascade, Summitt, SaaZ, amarillo, Tettnang .. so open to suggestions).

open to any suggestions prior to tomorrow night and then will post tasting notes on the 28th when consumed.

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