Firestone, Dogfishead, Lagunitas, Stone Available In Australia

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Pardon my ignorance but what is CYB??

This was years ago and just comprised a few google searches with people's opinions, so who knows... I remember it tasting very American so I must admit I was a little surprised at the willamette suggestion.

Just had another quick look and there are still quite a few people saying its all willamette. Including Jamil it seems (not that he is necessarily right!)
Sorry T.D. its CYBI - can you brew it, i did write ti correctly, you may have misread the 'i' as a '!'

Either way its jamils new 'clone brew show' they spoke to the brewer and got the recipe. Noiiiice! ;)
Any chance of some dogfishhead getting over to WA? I'm looking at you Brendanos...
Out of curiosity, what Aussie brews are there similar to the Rogue, Stone, Rock Art Brewing, Russian River, and Dogfish Head beers (that list can go on and on)? You know, over the top beers, especially ones found downunder but not in yankee land?
Out of curiosity, what Aussie brews are there similar to the Rogue, Stone, Rock Art Brewing, Russian River, and Dogfish Head beers (that list can go on and on)? You know, over the top beers, especially ones found downunder but not in yankee land?


Murray's Icon 2IPA has probably come the closest.
Checked out their site. Looks like they have a fine stable of beers. Their RIS sounds yummy. Wonder if I can find that on this side of the ball.
The purvis beers are actually from acland st cellars/ and they are cheaper there.

Also, fourstar - have you had the hop stoopid yet? What'd you think?
The purvis beers are actually from acland st cellars/ and they are cheaper there.

Also, fourstar - have you had the hop stoopid yet? What'd you think?

Quite good, sharp bitterness and nice and hoppy. The ISO hop was a good idea to keep it really mellow. it drinks like its 50 IBU. :D
Maybe also because it's travelled/aged a bit that the bitterness isnt as present. Either way, I thought it was one of the better ones out of the IPA's they got in.

Dogfish 60 dissapointed me a bit. Perhaps too balanced? haha.
Had tasted them all before - they are in pretty good condition except for the AB and DFH 60 and to a leser extent 90.

For me the Firestone Walker IPA is the pick followed by hop stoopid and lagunitas IPA.

Sampled them next to a Jamieson Beast last night and you realise how little oomph that beer has compared to the yanks
I still quite like the AB... what has changed about it from when you tried it fresher? I should get the firestone IPA again - didnt wow me but I think I might have still been sick when I tried it.
Well I still stand by my assumption that -

Double *******>AB>Oaked AB

So unfortunately we got the least interesting one. DB and AB are hoppy mothers time on the oak doesn't do this beer a service. Maybe I sampled a bad bottle but this particular Oaked had no hop flavour and was very malty maybe even slightly astringent...BUT I've never really 'got' oaked IMHO

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