Favorite Brewery

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Yeah i know........... there have been a few of these.

Whats your fav comerical beer, recipe yada yada yada.

I have tonight decided my fav brewery of choice when buying beer is Weihenstephaner!!!

I have tried most of them now and i just keep going back to the good old blue label weizen. I love it so much i hardly bother to brew it myself because i cant bring myself to cock it up.

And now i have a glass of Vitus in hand and ohhhhhhhh....... just smelling it maked me drool, literally!.

I have never had a Weihenstephaner beer that was bad! Never did i not enjoy one.

I can say that for any other brewery.

Yes some have have not made a bad beer but they just dont get the hairs on the back of my neck up like the Weihenstephaner beers!

I love em!

Whats your favorite ?
Gotta be Unibroue for me Id say. La Fin du Monde has got to be my favourite beer! Not to mention Trois Pistoles, Maudite, Blanche de Chambly... the list goes on! :lol:
yeah that was the one brewery that really made me think......... is there another that had done no wrong?

Just bought a bottle of Teribble.... cost be about $24 but i wouldnt hesitate at a good bottle of red for $40..... so who am i to complain :)

might save it for my birthday in october ........ to build some sexual beer tension between me and the bottle!

Gunna have a couple bottles of Vitus on hand as well i can tell ya!
ive tried 2 ROgue beers now.......... $16 a bottle...... and both times i thought, its ok, but i can make it better!

Was not impressed at all!
ive tried 2 ROgue beers now.......... $16 a bottle...... and both times i thought, its ok, but i can make it better!

Was not impressed at all!

And to think I was going to put a vote in for Rogues... Have tried mabye 8 and thought they were all great. If you got em better perhaps I should be sampling yours Tony :party: .
yeah that was the one brewery that really made me think......... is there another that had done no wrong?

Just bought a bottle of Teribble.... cost be about $24 but i wouldnt hesitate at a good bottle of red for $40..... so who am i to complain :)

might save it for my birthday in october ........ to build some sexual beer tension between me and the bottle!

Gunna have a couple bottles of Vitus on hand as well i can tell ya!

La Terri-blah :icon_drool2:
Another vote for Unibroue,

Id like to counter Weihenstephaner with Franziskaner, for me they can't do anything wrong.
My vote goes to an American brewery that i have recently discovered.. 'The Flying Dog Brewery'. So far I have tried their Barleywine, Marzen, and IPA.. I am quickly becoming obsessed
I can definitely sympathise with Tony on his love of Vitus, but then I am also a fan of Georg Schneider und Sohn (Aventinus!!) , most Leffe brews (except the blonde) and Paulaner.
Another vote for Unibroue. Man... have not had a bad one, nor even one that has just made me say "Meh". They're all really really good.

Apart from the great beers they make, I find it amazing that their beers always look great, even old stock. I wonder how great they must taste fresh.
Lates Brewery....

but its quite often closed due to blown taps.
I'd have to go an Aussie brewer, and say Murrays is my favourite.
All their beers are a cut above standard, creative yet enjoyable.

Though I gotta say Unibroue and Weihenstephaner are both excellent breweries...I find a few Unibroue beers a bit similar, but hard to fault in general.