Extract To All Grain Conversion

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I've seen some really nice looking recipes in BYO mag but a lot of them are extract/partial. One in particular is 2.7kg wheat liquid malt extract and the recipe also has 0.45kg wheat malt. So how do I convert the extract back to grain weight?
if it only has wheat extract sub the wheat for the wheat extract to the same SG but if it has say wheat and other extracts then not to sure. I think beersmith does (well did) have a conversion tool. I know I did one AG recipe I converted to extract but sure it can do it both ways??
if it only has wheat extract sub the wheat for the wheat extract to the same SG but if it has say wheat and other extracts then not to sure. I think beersmith does (well did) have a conversion tool. I know I did one AG recipe I converted to extract but sure it can do it both ways??

Wheat Extract is often 50/50 or 60/40 etc Wheat Malt/2 Row or Wheat Malt/Pilsner

I would swap the wheat malt extract for for 50/50 Wheat/Pilsner to the same gravity
if it were me i'd get brewmate, put the initial ingredient in and see what gravity it gives. Then put the substituted ingredient in.

Eg 1kg of wheat malt @ 70% eff and 23L gives an OG of 1010
1kg of wheat malt extract in 23L gives an OG of 1013, so i wound back the OG to give me an OG of 1010 to yield 745g of wheat malt extract.