Ever Had One Of Those Days?

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Thats why it's important to come home and enjoy a HB with the peeps you love!!


If you are in jail you can make prison hooch and enjoy a HB with the perps you love :ph34r:

What really pisses me off is when I go to Ross's shop to pick up an order when I'm on my way to work (no alcohol, if they detect one sniff you are sacked on the spot) and the bar there is full of Winkle and PaulH and the usual suspects drinkin' and I can't touch a drop. Oh the humanity. :(
I weep for you, Michael.... :ph34r:

At least you can make it to CB on the odd occasion
Ever had one of those days where you're working hard on a dreary day, getting nowhere then you get a text from your brother (who is on holidays on the other side of the country) "mmm going through the taps at little creatures brewery. had the single brown, sliding down 2 easy. rogers coming up" <_<

My Bro didnt completely shaft me. He sent another text last night saying he bought me a few browns for sampling when he gets back + a shirt & a T shirt ! woo hoo for me.
IM having one of those months, Doing dry july :-\ and i have to drop my housemate to the pub every day for happy hour, and then i go in, have a couple of softies, maybe even a water, while all my mates sink piss in front of me..... I only go cos im in the social club, punters club, and if my name came up while i wasnt there, id be ropable...

I guess its good to catch up with the boys for a yarn and a few cigs....

Still.. this is day 8, Longest ive been without beer since i turned legal (or possible before i was legal)

Aaaaaaaaaargh... on the upside, ive raised $606 for cancer research, so its good in a way :) But goddamm im gonna deserve a few come Aug 1!
If you are in jail you can make prison hooch and enjoy a HB with the perps you love :ph34r:

What really pisses me off is when I go to Ross's shop to pick up an order when I'm on my way to work (no alcohol, if they detect one sniff you are sacked on the spot) and the bar there is full of Winkle and PaulH and the usual suspects drinkin' and I can't touch a drop. Oh the humanity. :(

If you're getting sick of feeling so anti-social they do sell little bottles of Listerine these days - perfect size for one's glovebox.

People who don't work in call centres but do operate heavy machinery please disregard the above.
I have a mate who's a pilot and he keeps sending me pics of himself drinking beers in places around the country.
On the upside he does occasionally bring some back too.

At the last ANHC there was a guy from up here who didn't make it so I took a pic of a seat between two of us on the bus for the microbrewery tour and sent it to him saying we'd saved him a seat :)
Booms scare the shit out of me I have to admit. We've got 45ft knuckle booms - I get about 7 meters up to get on the service platform for our overhead cranes and shit bricks! The boys on site use them all the time and they go up over a wall back down the other side then swing the basket around. Pretty amazing stuff in reality. The 45 footers weigh in at about 8.5 tonne with a 5.5kVa generator with most of theat weight down low so they are fairly well counter balanced. I've got no idea how they go with the bigger 60footers and I dont even want to know about the big ******* 125 footers! or worse the thought of being out in a man box hanging off a tower crane pendant - YUCK! braver blokes than I do those jobs!

i don't mind working @ heights, good place to get away from every ******* and it always looks like you're busy if you start the grinder up and make a few sparks every now and then :icon_cheers:

you're right though, the big EWPs can get a bit hairy at times, i prefer to be hanging in a man box from the hook of a crane, the highest I've been was 88 metres doing a weld repair on a dragline, pretty sure i rang Ross that day and placed an order because it was the only place on site we could get phone reception.

i hope the guy that got injured is ok, did he drive off the edge of the slab ?

Yeah he's gunna be ok. He was in fairly high spirits the first few days after it happend - but I think he is now coming to terms with the severity of the incident and how lucky his is as well as how long its going to take to recover.
I seriously hope he doenst have any on going issues caused by this accident - but unfortunately I think when you take a hit like that theres a fairly high chance you will have done hip or knee etc damage that you probably wont realise untill all the other more obvious injuries recover.

He didnt drive off the slab - in fact thats probably harder to do because of the safety devices built into the machines. He hit a pocket in the slab at full lock turning the machine. He didnt see the pocket because of water on the slab which was reflecting the sun. The machines platform extension is also the end the controls are located - which is also the same end as the driving and steering wheels. As you're probably aware when a scissor turns at full lock they almost pivot around the non-driving wheels so when your at the opposite end to the pivot point and your about 4+ meters up and you weigh about 90-100kg+ and you hit something with a drive/turning wheel things become unbalanced fairly quickly.

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