Epic Pale Ale or Hop Zombie Clone

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Has anyone got a good clone for any of the above?

Thanks for the link, they make reference to a post on the forum which has more detail regarding timings etc..... Do you know where?
Run an "Epic Pale Ale Clone" search on this forum and you will find what you want.
With the risk of sounding stupid, I've tried and can't find it
Much appreciated.... I still can't get this to come up in my search!!
Is there much difference between US Cascade and AUS Cascade?
Very different in the context of that particular beer. You'll still make a nice beer but if you want to 'clone' a beer, use the same ingredients as the brewer.
There are differences between all the cascades, American, Australian and new Zealand's, with NZ by far being my favourite, if I hadn't choice, NZ Cascade every time
Thanks for your help guys, I've got my recipe set..... Fingers crossed it's a winner!! I'm new to the forum and loving it!!
a mate and I recently brewed the epic according to the CYBI recipe using Australian hops adjusted as they were 7.6a a. Drinking that beer fresh, in a taste off, we liked our versions better than the real thing albeit they both finished a tad drier around 1010-1011. It was right as we picked this years crop of cascade which some were added to the dry hop, the biggest issue was racking off without picking up all the hop leaves in suspension, but all round sensational, didn't want that brew to end.

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