Epic Pale Ale Clone

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I've had my clone in the bottle around 4 weeks now and it's neither here nor there.

Used Maris Otter and US-05 instead of the GP/1272. The nut/biscuit of the malt is a little off with the citrus tang of the cascade. Certainly drinkable but not special.
re the second dry hopping in keg at 4 deg

do you chill, dry hop, carb up and start drinking straight away? or is it best to let it sit for a certain period of time?


1052 SG -23litres

Golden promise 4.36kg
550grams Crystal 15
180grams - Carapils
360grams -Crystal 20

64-65 degrees Mash

Wyeast 1272 Pitch at 18 let warm to 21 degrees and hold

1011 FG

US Cascade
7g 75m
14g 30m
43g 0m
50g dry hop primary (couple days before finishing)
50g dry hop secondry or keg at 4degrees
Dry hops in the keg can caus issues. I'd be looking at the Stainless teaballs or something similar if hopping in the keg. Otherwise, I think 5-7days dry hop when it's cold will be the go. Things happen alot slower when it's cold.
I only recently listened to the clone brew show on the Brewing Network and don't recall them giving a time for the cold hopping. Might be worth tracking it down and re-checking though.
Watch those tea balls, some have a small part that is not stainless and rusts out quickly
crystal 15 and crystal 20??

What are the equivalents?

Watch those tea balls, some have a small part that is not stainless and rusts out quickly
For keg hopping... just grab a small hop bag or voile bag, fill it up with whatever hops you want and add a little stainless fitting, like a lock nut or threaded nipple, just to keep it submersed. Even tie a small bit of fishing line to the bag if you want to only hop for a limited time. Just let it poke out of the o-ring for the keg lid. Easily retrieved.
crystal 15 and crystal 20??

What are the equivalents?

From the podcast, Crystal 15 is Bairds Caramalt and Crystal 20 is TF Pale Crystal.

If you can't get Bairds Caramalt I think that Weyermann Carahell would be a good substitute. I'm not sure about the Crystal 20 as TF Pale Crystal is 50 - 70 EBC.
Missed jacknohe... my apoligies.

Hi Brycey

Just been listening to the podcast. They mentioned another addition of 42.5g of Cascade after the whirlpool. Did you miss this by accident or did you leave it out intentionally (i.e. you don't whirlpool yourself etc)?
Normally the colder you're at, the longer you need for utilization. Some say 1 week, others as long as 3 weeks. I'd give it at least a week. (Which is my normal CO2 absorb time) Taste it... then if it lasts longer than the weekend keep tasting at intervals. 2 week, 3 week. See if you think it gets better or worse. Then you know your process for keg dry hopping.

re the second dry hopping in keg at 4 deg

do you chill, dry hop, carb up and start drinking straight away? or is it best to let it sit for a certain period of time?

With the hop schedule in the podcast I only get around 25 IBUs (using Rager and BeerAlchemy), but Luke says the beer has 45 IBUs. Is that right or am I missing something?

EDIT: after listening again, JZ says about 23 IBUs calculated but you get more bitterness from the long, hot whirlpool.
Has anyone no chilled this recipe?

That is a massive amount of late hops, I would think that no chill would screw with the bittering in this recipe.

I will chill if necessary but adds a couple of hours to the brew day with my crude method, that is I plonk the whole boiler into a large tub of ice.


Have wanted to do this clone for a while now as it sounded awesome, but had never tasted it. Went to NZ for xmas and managed to track it down. Lovely! Nice dry hop flavour.

I'm planning on brewing a clone this weekend. I no chill for all my brews and intend on using no chill for this clone too. I've decided to place all the whirlpool hop addition into the cube and count it as a 10min addition. This appears to bring the IBU up to the right level in Beersmith. We'll see how it works out.

Has anyone no chilled this recipe?

That is a massive amount of late hops, I would think that no chill would screw with the bittering in this recipe.

I will chill if necessary but adds a couple of hours to the brew day with my crude method, that is I plonk the whole boiler into a large tub of ice.


Had this again two days ago and think this will be the best way to get rid of my cascade.

Has anyone brewed this exact recipe as far as the grain bill goes? Seems like a really high amount of crystal is all.

Yup - I brewed this recipe and you'll have no problems with this amount of crystal.

Actually, I brew with 500g of crystal in a 5.5kilo batch everytime I brew a California Common. I would hesitate in putting more than 15% crystal but 10% is fine. I'm about to brew a Fuller's 1845 recipe (from the BN and from what I remember it was from the Fuller's head brewer himself) that calls for 10% crystal, 10% amber and 80% pale.
Not brewed it as yet but that recipe is directly from the brewer.

Here is the link to the episode.

Just fast forward until you hear a kiwi accent.


Not brewed it as yet but that recipe is directly from the brewer.

Here is the link to the episode.

Just fast forward until you hear a kiwi accent.



yeah, i did that as well after i posted here. Put the 1500 kilos of malt into beersmith and scaled down to 1.052. worked out basically the same as the BN CYBI recipe. I had just assumed that the americans had changed it to suit their crystal malts...


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