Earth Hour

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We can look out the window and look at the newspaper for anecdotes to see whether climate change is real, but i'm not sure that's completely helpful. The long-term analysis is relatively alarming.
But it's probably just a conspiracy from scientists who have nothing to gain but all got together and decided to wreck the economy or something.

But whether it melts or not, greenland can be quite hot

And i'm trying to be relevant to all, and have to finish here because my wife is calling me for dinner.
you do know we are monkeys right? advanced perhaps but still monkeys.

Sorry, I was making a (clearly overly subtle) homage to the late, Great, Charlton Heston, another neigh sayer to the end, and also to the previously expressed concerns about fissile material in earlier posts.

We'll probably take the monkeys with us, given that most are on the verge of extinction anyway, if the propaganda is to be believed :p
I'm sure we can all take a firm position on this issue.
You lucky bugga BribieG, I bet she was a real honey.

ja, straw haired viking. I reckon Nuuk is Greenlandic for Nookie because apparently that is the major activity during the dark sunless months :) :)
Yep, you're wrong again Boagsy. Phil Jones, one of the leading pro-warming climate "scientists" admits that the recent warming 1975-1998 is not exceptional, but is in fact about the same rate and magnitude of warming as previously measured warming periods (when there was not significant man-made CO2 emmissions), with cooling in intervening periods (even when man-made CO2 emissions were rising, for example, 1945-1975). In any case the medieval warming period about 1000 years ago was warmer than now, and there has been cooling in the last 10 years.

Link below for Dr Jones's admissions:

Global warming is a scam and I marked Earth Hour with a celebration of human progress by turning all my lights on. Better than darkness, ignorance and repression.

That article doesn't prove I'm wrong. It only proves that Dr Jones is a substandard scientist and that methods for estimating pre-technology data about climate don't give an accurate representation of facts. Global temperatue fluctuations vary from region to region. While the earth was cooling the polar caps were melting. We are in a glacial decline but it's getting colder?

Mr Rimrunner is like the rest of the sceptics clutching at straws so they can maintain a non-sustainable way of life, profiting from the destruction of our planet. They are the ones with something to lose, not the people who are willing to accept that we are having a negative impact on the planet and ourselves. Another thing he has wrong is that he thinks he is more advanced than a monkey. At least they aren't ******* the planet they have to live on and they live sustainably. If you honestly think that humans aren't having a negative impact on the earth and something doesn't have to be done to change our ways or we will be shitting in our own nest, then, you have got your head up your arse.

Rebut all you want and ignore any valid points that I have made while you are at it. The facts are that if it's happening without us, it's gonna be worse with us unless we do something.

I hope this thread gets dumped in the off-topic section. I'm going fishing and thinking about beer for the rest of the day.
Rebut all you want and ignore any valid points that I have made while you are at it. The facts are that if it's happening without us, it's gonna be worse with us unless we do something.

What you state as a fact is only one scientific theory...there is a huge debate over the level of impact our CO2 emissions make on temperature variations, from 0% impact to 75% impact...

Now to use your name calling, you pro-climate changers (who also have something to gain) also only look at one set of data...

I love how in this debate, non-scientists get involved to defend data they don't really understand...
Trying not to wade into the sciency stuff but if I remember correctly this cooling was predicted by some pro-climate changers who suggest melting polar ice-caps will ultimately interrupt the Great Conveyor which will **** up all sorts of shit (sorry for the boffiny science talk, guys - in layman's terms this means something bad could happen).

Not presenting this as fact but more suggesting that a changing climate doesn't really do much to disprove the notion of climate change.
Trying not to wade into the sciency stuff but if I remember correctly this cooling was predicted by some pro-climate changers who suggest melting polar ice-caps will ultimately interrupt the Great Conveyor which will **** up all sorts of shit (sorry for the boffiny science talk, guys - in layman's terms this means something bad could happen).

Not presenting this as fact but more suggesting that a changing climate doesn't really do much to disprove the notion of climate change.

Basically another mini-ice age...we went from "global warming" terminology to "climate change" because the ipcc finally conceded that while some places will warm, others will cool...
Now all they need to do is get the doubters to acknowledge that's not a tops thing to happen.
Thinking that "global warming" is a cut and dried issue that simply equals: CO2 = hotter, is missing the point a little. It's a much more complicated issue, and I'm not talking about the science.

Everyone wants a car. 2 billion people (1/3 of the world's population) are getting richer and richer every day. They are nearing the point where they also want to own a car and drive to work like us.

There ain't that much oil to sustain this for much longer than a decade or two. By then China and India will be as rich as us.

So who gets the remaining oil? And for how much? And will this break down the world economy? Yes.

There's people much smarter than us who can see these situations about to happen. They know full-well that we rich westerners aren't just going to get out of bed one day and say, "I'm selling the car".

They know we need to be weaned off our dependance. They know we won't do it unless we are assured we're breaking the very thing that supports us.

I say PHOOEY to Global Warming - it's got nothing to do with the globe warming, but it's probably a good idea if we stop thinking we are going to be able to buy cheap petrol anymore. Last time it went up heaps it nearly collapsed the economy (OPEC searching for breaking points).

What you state as a fact is only one scientific theory...there is a huge debate over the level of impact our CO2 emissions make on temperature variations, from 0% impact to 75% impact...

Now to use your name calling, you pro-climate changers (who also have something to gain) also only look at one set of data...

I love how in this debate, non-scientists get involved to defend data they don't really understand...

I'd have to go over points I've already made to rebut your comments on science and facts.

Our CO2 emissions is only part of the equation.
I'm talking more on what other things we are doing to the planet that will make things worse given the impending rise in global temperature that we all have to admit is upon us regardless of our impact.

Clearing all the forsests.
Poisoning the waterways and atmosphere.
Killing off species of animals.
Over-using the land,
Primitive farming methods which are non-sustainable,
the list is endless - how, if we continue in the manner that we are will we cope with a warming earth. A question worth contemplating even if you do think we will have no impact on the climate.
I too blame the pirates <_<

BUT the pirates I am taking about are within the scientific community that profit, AKA, get big sexy multi-million dollar grants drummed up from scare tactics that suit government agenda's eg CLIMATE CHANGE. Stuff a duck we don't know fully how a tornado works and how they are formed let alone the full FACTUAL effects of CO2 emmissions on our atmosphere and global climate change. This is about oil! Without the population scared governments cannot effect or get the mandate for change. Would we have gone to Iraq for a second time if we knew WMD (weapons of Mass Destruction) were about as real as Mary Poppins? Was there any real out cry to behead our politicians for lying to the public again? No! Why?

Commonsense says we need to change our habits and how wasteful we are as a species if we want to survive on this planet. Personally I would like to see zero fossil fuels consumed not only from the obvious benefits to the health of our planet but also to shift the power play away from little PITA states. What worth would Iraq, Saudi etc etc have if they had no oil?

Hmm who are the big oil producers?

<H3 class=dynamic>Top Ten Oil Producing Countries</H3>1. Saudi Arabia 11 million barrels per day (13.9% of estimated world total)

2. Russia 9.9 million bpd (12.5%)

3. United States 8.3 million bpd (10.5%)

4. Iran 4.2 million bpd (5.3%)

5. Mexico 3.8 million bpd (4.8%)

6. China 3.7 million bpd (4.7%)

7. Canada 3.1 million bpd (3.9%)

8. Norway 3 million bpd (3.8%)

9. Venezuela 2.8 million bpd (3.6%)

10. Kuwait 2.7 million bpd (3.4%).

Why are the yanks soooooo interested? They consume 3 x what they produce domestically. So? Current account deficeit sky rocketing? National debt is out of control? Or all of the above? Forget their bullshit reluctance for the Kyoto protocol. That was more game play on the world stage and to bargain a bigger bite of the apple.

So where's the money for the sovereign state you ask? Taxes on air! Yep that's the cash cow. How can we legitimately tax air and make the population swallow it? Oh I know Climate Change! Hell yeah at least we won't be as unpopular as raising income taxes huh?

Sorry I can digest the bullshit being fed as scientific facts on this so called "Climate Change" because this isn't climate change this is mass paradigm change of a global scale. Open your eyes people and see the wool being pulled over them.

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