Earth Hour

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Everyone already knows. If you don't then your head's in the sand and you are already in the dark.

But people arriving at Coles in their Landcruiser V8 opening the back to get out their "green" bags? BULLSHIT to that.

Token gestures are actually bad because they make people feel good about doing essentially ... nothing.

Earthhour is a token gesture. I will be burning an effigy of Al Gore on my front lawn during Earthhour made entirely of plastic bags.

Everyone already knows. If you don't then your head's in the sand and you are already in the dark.

But people arriving at Coles in their Landcruiser V8 opening the back to get out their "green" bags? BULLSHIT to that.

Token gestures are actually bad because they make people feel good about doing essentially ... nothing.

Earthhour is a token gesture. I will be burning an effigy of Al Gore on my front lawn during Earthhour made entirely of plastic bags.

I'd pay to see that video! :p

And no we don't participate in our house, for the obvious reasons, by this time of night we're all too pissed to not have the lights on, it's just the OH&S rules here. :party:
huh?? that doesn't not sound like double talk, maybe I need more beer :icon_drunk:

At the risk of Bum accusing me of wearing a monocle once again:

Rephrased sentence

'Possibly not. However (unlike some other things) the concept of Earth Hour doesn't make me angry enough to tell my lady that that she has a head full of charcoal.'

Had an hour out the back drinking beer and talking to my lady. I don't feel like I saved the world (did that earlier while wearing a spandex cape) but it wasn't so bad. Tomorrow I'm going to donate an old doona to the local St Vincent's and tell myself all is right with the world.

Everyone already knows. If you don't then your head's in the sand and you are already in the dark.

But people arriving at Coles in their Landcruiser V8 opening the back to get out their "green" bags? BULLSHIT to that.

Token gestures are actually bad because they make people feel good about doing essentially ... nothing.

Earthhour is a token gesture. I will be burning an effigy of Al Gore on my front lawn during Earthhour made entirely of plastic bags.

You could burn some green bags.

They're made of plastic.
We do it.

Plus, to make up for the slckers in our street, we make it no TV/etc.

I go and turn the power off for an hour.

Is a bit of fun, but rises awareness.

Love seeing how the kids react.

Hands up.........Who would turn off their fermentation fridge for earth hour?? way!

I'd go without a shower for a day rather than do that. It would prob save more energy and a shit load of water anyway.

Hmmm maybe I can stop showering all together.

Earth hour is not so much about being good for one hour and then being a sinner for the rest of the year. It is more so about raising awareness and getting people to think about ways they can improve their energy consumption, carbon footprint, blah blah blah and not be so wasteful etc.

Anyway.....I know I do the right thing, generally :D

EDIT: and if there are ppl who turn out their lights for one hour and think they have done a good deed and dont change anything in their wasteful day to day lives, then there is really no helping those ppl anyway....maybe they need to be turned off :D (ooooooooooh.........touchy)
Hands up.........Who would turn off their fermentation fridge for earth hour??

My fermenting fridge turns itself off for over an hour regularly - doubt it'd make a difference (no matter how you look at the issue).
Relax guys, you only had to turn off your lights and even doing that token flick of the switch makes a pretty big difference to our collective power consumption.

If you switched off, all power to you!


My fermenting fridge turns itself off for over an hour regularly - doubt it'd make a difference (no matter how you look at the issue).

Mine was in the brackets (in case you missed it).
I agree i that a hour wont matter people need to learn to not waste so much water and electricity there is heaps of ways to do it alot cost money but most dont! turn off lights, tv and appliances when you dont use them this means off at the wall not the remote as everything goes on standby now and you might as well turn everything off at the wall for a week then the lights off for 1 hour you will save the same amount (if not more energy) also have showers as cold as you can have them (if electric hot water service), have shorter showers, use fan instead of aircon and the list can go on for hours but this will save 1000% more then turning lights off for a hour
Our Earth Hour was adequately seen to during the fookin hail storm in Perth earlier this week. No power for 26 hours...
Earth Hour tonight at 8.30 - 9.30. Just dug out the candles. Who else is dimming the lights?



Why is it always bum, manticle and bum chum BribieG always have to respond to every post? Then Kleiny and citymorgue2 to follow up the rears

guys Get a life!!!!! Post something useless; geese guuys you are good at that

Didnt you guys get the memo? It is the 27th and that is tonight not yesterday.

I for one will be participating fully. I plan on turning on all of my lights. May even turn the electric heat up instead of tossing some wood on the fire.

From your banter I think you have been sniffing way too many broken CFLs and have mercury poisoning.
Arhh f' the earth, we'll be able to find another one before this one is f'ed.
Dam all the rivers, seek out any forest that is old growth and either chop it down or burn it. Kill all the native animals, we don't need them, it cows and sheep we need.
Why should we have respect for the planet, it's a good little money maker. Just another usable resource.
The masses will die but not before we are rich, ha ha aha aha ahhahhha ha ha.
Imagine for a moment the drain on each and every generator as it struggles to meet demand AFTER urth our.

They have to stagger the premier league kick off times in Blighty because of demand at half time with all those kettles going on...

I love a bit of altruism as much as the next man, but they've not really thought this one through have they...
We all know what it's like when the power goes off and I think that the message wouldn't go through unless it was all shut down for a whole week.
F' all your so called profit. We have have all learned to depend upon a non-sustainable source for the profit of a minority.
Hey.....Leave Manticle and BribieG alone or I will have to find somewhere to shove that big banana from coffs (close enough to QLD) (NO, THIS ISNT P0RN)

Manticle and BribieG have helped 100's (prob more) brewers learn alot of stuff and make better beer. Bum tries in his sarcastic and negative ways that offends most people, but alas I think he is trying to help.....i think.


Why is it always bum, manticle and bum chum BribieG always have to respond to every post? Then Kleiny and citymorgue2 to follow up the rears

guys Get a life!!!!! Post something useless; geese guuys you are good at that

Why is it always bum, manticle and bum chum BribieG always have to respond to every post? Then Kleiny and citymorgue2 to follow up the rears

guys Get a life!!!!! Post something useless; geese guuys you are good at that

Something useful huh. Ok how about some economic therory behind earth hour? Govt supports earth hour becuase it aims to correct market failure through market choice failures with the need for govt to step in and correct with regulation. However this is a precusoe to the govt stepping in with regulation in the form of carbon trading. Earth hour is a blow softener to all involved and then govt comes in with regulation as a follow up.

Because of gross market failure govt will also use others forms of market correction to focus on price and not just quantity ie increasing prices of electricity and water. This will have a significant cost impact on everyone including us brewers who have generally excl water/elec cost from brewing cost thinking because it been so cheap. No longer. NSW essential servies commission gas already reported that NSW can expect increases of about 40-60% to water/elect bc of carbon trading

I could go on but it's a bit boring compared to light hearted quips.

Is that Better mate? :)

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