Drinks At Ross's Bar

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Bugger, see what happens when you don't log-on for one day. :( Have a good one you lot...
When I left at 6:30 all the bottled beer was gone and they were settling in for a big one... and every time I burp I think of some guy named Roger Watson for some reason :lol:

Heres the APA and Dunkelweizen recipe.

Simarillo APA

Brew Type: All Grain Date: 3/02/2007
Style: American Pale Ale Brewer: Jye Smith
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 30.08 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.0 % Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Actual Efficiency: 82.0 %

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
2.00 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (3.0 SRM) Grain 41.7 %
1.50 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (1.7 SRM) Grain 31.3 %
1.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 20.8 %
0.30 kg Amber Malt (Joe White) (23.0 SRM) Grain 6.3 %

10.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (25 min) Hops 7.7 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (20 min) Hops 6.7 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (15 min) Hops 5.5 IBU
20.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (10 min) Hops 8.1 IBU
20.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (5 min) Hops 4.4 IBU
40.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (0 min) Hops -
28.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.40%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
28.00 gm Cascade [6.00%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -

0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
7.00 gm Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum) (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Nottingham (Danstar #-) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.053 SG (1.045-1.060 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.054 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.010-1.015 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Estimated Color: 6.3 SRM (5.0-14.0 SRM) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 32.5 IBU (30.0-50.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.8 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 5.2 % (4.5-6.0 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 6.0 %


Brew Type: All Grain Date: 21/01/2007
Style: Dunkelweizen Brewer: Jye Smith
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 30.08 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 84.0 % Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Actual Efficiency: 81.8 %
Taste Rating (50 possible points): 35.0

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
2.90 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) Grain 62.4 %
1.40 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 30.1 %
0.25 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (51.0 SRM) Grain 5.4 %
0.10 kg Carafa III (Weyermann) (525.0 SRM) Grain 2.2 %

35.00 gm Liberty [4.70%] (60 min) Hops 17.9 IBU
10.00 gm Liberty [4.70%] (5 min) Hops 1.0 IBU

1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) Yeast-Wheat

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.053 SG (1.044-1.056 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.052 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.010-1.014 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.012 SG
Estimated Color: 15.2 SRM (14.0-23.0 SRM) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 18.9 IBU (10.0-18.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.0 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 5.3 % (4.3-5.6 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 5.2 %
Simarillo APA

Beer Profile Measured Original Gravity: 1.054 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Bitterness: 32.5 IBU

'Hops overpowering'

:lol: :lol:

When I left at 6:30 all the bottled beer was gone and they were settling in for a big one... and every time I burp I think of some guy named Roger Watson for some reason :lol:

Heres the APA and Dunkelweizen recipe.

Simarillo APA

Brew Type: All Grain Date: 3/02/2007
Style: American Pale Ale Brewer: Jye Smith
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 30.08 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.0 % Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Actual Efficiency: 82.0 %

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
2.00 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (3.0 SRM) Grain 41.7 %
1.50 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (1.7 SRM) Grain 31.3 %
1.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 20.8 %
0.30 kg Amber Malt (Joe White) (23.0 SRM) Grain 6.3 %

10.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (25 min) Hops 7.7 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (20 min) Hops 6.7 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (15 min) Hops 5.5 IBU
20.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (10 min) Hops 8.1 IBU
20.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (5 min) Hops 4.4 IBU
40.00 gm Amarillo, Simcoe [10.20%] (0 min) Hops -
28.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.40%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
28.00 gm Cascade [6.00%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -

0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
7.00 gm Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum) (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Nottingham (Danstar #-) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.053 SG (1.045-1.060 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.054 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.010-1.015 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.008 SG
Estimated Color: 6.3 SRM (5.0-14.0 SRM) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 32.5 IBU (30.0-50.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.8 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 5.2 % (4.5-6.0 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 6.0 %

Brew Type: All Grain Date: 21/01/2007
Style: Dunkelweizen Brewer: Jye Smith
Batch Size: 23.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 30.08 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 84.0 % Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Actual Efficiency: 81.8 %
Taste Rating (50 possible points): 35.0

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
2.90 kg Wheat Malt, Pale (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) Grain 62.4 %
1.40 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 30.1 %
0.25 kg Caramunich I (Weyermann) (51.0 SRM) Grain 5.4 %
0.10 kg Carafa III (Weyermann) (525.0 SRM) Grain 2.2 %

35.00 gm Liberty [4.70%] (60 min) Hops 17.9 IBU
10.00 gm Liberty [4.70%] (5 min) Hops 1.0 IBU

1.00 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) Yeast-Wheat

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.053 SG (1.044-1.056 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.052 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.010-1.014 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.012 SG
Estimated Color: 15.2 SRM (14.0-23.0 SRM) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 18.9 IBU (10.0-18.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.0 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 5.3 % (4.3-5.6 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 5.2 %

I got to sniff that one as I walked out the door to drive home the 50 odd Ks to Ipswich. Would have loved a taste :( Thing is, I made it home 10 mins early........ what a waste... what a waste.......



PS Pete, your Shhvarrhhts beer didn't look green at all to me ;)
Hey Screwtop,

Is this still the recipe for Mr Roger Watson or have you made changes? and what temp do you ferment at?

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - www.beersmith.com
Recipe: HefeRoggenWeizen (Sehr guter Weizen und Roggen Bier"
Style: American Wheat or Rye Beer
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 24.00 L
Boil Size: 31.50 L
Estimated OG: 1.053 SG
Estimated Color: 12.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 30.5 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.50 kg Pale Malt, Galaxy (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBGrain 62.5 %
1.00 kg Rye Malt (9.3 EBC) Grain 17.9 %
1.00 kg Wheat Malt (Powells) (3.5 EBC) Grain 17.9 %
0.10 kg Crystal, Dark (Joe White) (216.7 EBC) Grain 1.8 %
25.00 gm Northern Brewer [8.50%] (60 min) Hops 22.3 IBU
10.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (20 min) Hops 5.4 IBU
10.00 gm Cascade [5.50%] (15 min) Hops 2.9 IBU
0.25 tsp Sodium Metabisulphate (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Weihenstephan Weizen (Wyeast Labs #3068) Yeast-Wheat

Mash Schedule:
Total Grain Weight: 5.60 kg
Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Sacc Step Add 16.00 L of water at 70.9 C 65.0 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 0.00 L of water and heat to 76.0 C 15 min

15/12/06 SG 1.053
17/12/06 SG 1.020
22/12/06 SG 1.018
28/12/06 Kegged SG 1.012
Hey Screwtop,

Is this still the recipe for Mr Roger Watson or have you made changes? and what temp do you ferment at?

EXACT Jye, would not change a thing, another one going down this week for Easter camping trip, and probably something from Browndogs secret recipe stash. Did you pitch the secret sauce BD?

Left Ross' place with Tidal Pete's car dragging on the ground, bags of malt, kegging gear and shit stacked to the roof, had to remove the hatch deck to fit it all in. Managed to get over the hump in the Gateway bridge, just! As always the beers just keep getting better, great to see so many brewers/beers turn up with such short notice, was a pleasure as always.

The hospitality was certainly appreciated, and as usual we were spoiled bloody rotten! Thanks again Ross and Jacqui.
Pitched the secret sauce this afternoon after a few days working itself up in 1/2 a litre of wort. Had Kiwi Greg over this morning picking up my old three tier stand. Good to see another Banana Bender preparing to jump into the deep end.


Sorry but been off line over the weekend, thanks again Ross' top afternoon and great to meet all the brewers again.

Thanks screw top on the advice, Jye the dunkel weizen was absolutely bueadiful, will have to give this one a go soon.

PS Pete, your Shhvarrhhts beer didn't look green at all to me ;)

If you had held it up to the light you would have seen a slight green tinge Tony as it was barely 4 weeks in the bottle. :D
Don't like to give anyone anything aged less than 6 weeks but this was an exception to the rule.

Jye --- Thanks for the Simarillo recipe. Plan having a go at this ASAP.

If you had held it up to the light you would have seen a slight green tinge Tony as it was barely 4 weeks in the bottle. :D
Don't like to give anyone anything aged less than 6 weeks but this was an exception to the rule.

Jye --- Thanks for the Simarillo recipe. Plan having a go at this ASAP.


Thanks for the lift down Pete :super: Might have forgotten to say thanks due to the hurried departure on Sat.
Was great to meet up with a few more new faces. I wish I didn't had to drive, but y'all had some very nice beers to sample.