Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

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And whats even better is that she likes beer and enjoys helping me brew it.
You look like a happy couple.
Likes beer and enjoys helping you brew it! You sir, sound like a fibber or a very lucky bloke. Besides that, there is some sort of thing nibbling at me from having seen this picture. You know, the first thing that pops into my head... his missus is a Country & Western Singer. There I have said it, please don't be offended. A bit like a dark haired Gina Jeffreys? Hmm maybe there is someone else I am thinking of, but I am not that familiar with the genre. :D
Anyways, its good to see you have cooled Winston.
Like this alot Tim!

My Story:
I have two, count 'em - TWO Black milk crates....

Not only am i a real brewer now, but i'm also an exporter!!!

and yes, the milk crates do in fact need to be black to qualify. Just like the green brewing bucket. Black buckets just don't cut it.

Accept no compromises....

the red ones, the blue ones, they are just feeble impersonators of the black milk crate and owning one does not make anybody a "real" brewer.....

i mean c'mon, no one here would dare use a RED milk crate would they???

Ive got a red milk crate....
You look like a happy couple.
Likes beer and enjoys helping you brew it! You sir, sound like a fibber or a very lucky bloke. Besides that, there is some sort of thing nibbling at me from having seen this picture. You know, the first thing that pops into my head... his missus is a Country & Western Singer. There I have said it, please don't be offended. A bit like a dark haired Gina Jeffreys? Hmm maybe there is someone else I am thinking of, but I am not that familiar with the genre. :D
Anyways, its good to see you have cooled Winston.

We are a happy couple and I am a very lucky bloke...LOL.
Im certainly not offended because you think she looks like a country and Western singer, in fact she would be wrapped to hear that because we both love country and Western music, and Tim McGraw is her absolute favourite artist..So wait till I tell her what you just said..You will have made her year...LOL. But I can assure you shes no one famous..just my wife...LOL

And yeh Ive cooled off, you know it just annoys me that you come onto a forum to ask for genuine advice and hints from helpful people such as yourself and you have to listen to mindless dribble from a smart arse who thinks you shouldnt ever ask any questions on a forum. Anyway Ive ignored him now so dont have to put up with his childish crap.
Melbourne brewers has a k&k/k&bits comp each year to show that kits/extract can be good in the right hands.

If ur a good brewer and understand.ur ingrediants iants etc.then u can make good beer with anything. Ive oassed off k&bits as ag and ag brewers thoght it I spent ages learning about ingrediants, what they did etc jusy as I would with food

Those who cant accept k&k can be good are as closed minded as megaswill zelote drinkers.

My 1c worth as my opinin on this matter is well documented on ahb.

Brew on brewing brothers and sisters
Geez CM2 that was a pretty loose attempt to pull this thread back on topic......

And a fairly pissed one at that... That spelling and grammar... Hatchy would be spewing!!!
I reckon Haysie and Vicki are a slightly more attractive couple. Let's start a poll B)
Made with Barrett Burston Grain currently. Mate did a tour of the brewery. Most CUB beers are using it. Used to be Joe White I think.

Fermented with a lager yeast on high (17 degrees). That gives most of the CUB beers their 'mousey' ester profile.

If you're talking extract the main extract in it is isohop. :D Haha.

For tips on exactly what's in it the guru to chat to is Thirsty Boy.

Yes it is...Thank you, yes she does.... and yes life is good with beer. And whats even better is that she likes beer and enjoys helping me brew it. She even came with me to the G&G BIAB demo so she would know what to do..


she is a HOTty!!!!
Can we see less goatee and more ****s please Truman ? You're all hot & all, but I like to rub one out while viewing the internets.
Can we see less goatee and more ****s please Truman ? You're all hot & all, but I like to rub one out while viewing the internets.

Sure no worries, next pic I'll take my top off for you and shave the goatee..... :D :D
Nice hat, by the way. Very butch.

Thanks mate...When Im not an Internet street fighting god, Im a family man who likes to pull the xmas crackers with my kids and wear the silly hats to get into the spirit of things. I even laugh at the silly jokes they read out from the xmas cracker. As I said ...Lifes good.... :D

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