Do You Drink Your Hydrometer Sample?

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Lover of Beer
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Talking to some fellow brewers, and they don't taste their hydrometer samples. Seems a waste to me!
So what's the general consensus?
When I used a hydrometer, I tasted, but didnt drink the whole lot, so it was still a waste anyway :)

There's hardly any wastage with a sniff of the fermenter and a few drops on the refractometer.
It's been brought up a few times since I've been here. Seems like everyone does it each time :p On the rare occasion I take a hydro sample I drink it.

Ever since I got rid of the taps and became a dedicated siphoner, I dont really take hydro samples except when I rack.
Always! Part of understanding beer is to sniff and taste at every stage of brewing. By the way, I sip, not drink the hydro sample. ;)
im only up to my second brew , but i have tasted all the samples .

just couldnt resist having a taste
and every time im impressed how nice it is ( but might be the old saying it tastes better when you make it )
If you could see how manky my test jar is you'll understand why I discard mine. :icon_vomit:

Must clean it one day.

Warren -
I always give them a taste... if it has finished fermenting then I often drink it all... there have been a few occaisons where I have been tempted to go for a second hydro sample - just to be sure :icon_drunk:

I always do, sometimes it's a taste, other times I drink the whole thing....
i take a hydro sample just so i can taste it. the gravity reading is an extra bonus.
I always give them a taste... if it has finished fermenting then I often drink it all... there have been a few occaisons where I have been tempted to go for a second hydro sample - just to be sure :icon_drunk:


hell yeah i drink my hydrometer sample..... and i'm with you brendo..... sometimes i need a second reading!


You are mad if you dont I say.

Take one pre boil - taste.
Take one post boil - taste.


This way you can make sure its not infected and you can take further notes on taste.

I would never not taste - it helps me to brew better.
Absolutely. However, I started to waste a lot of beer. Now I ask myself do I really what to know the gravity or do I just want to taste the beer :icon_cheers: . I keep a glass next to the fermentor to use when I just want a little taste.

Hell yeah I do! How else do ya know how the brews going? Never wasted a drop yet. You can tell alot about what's going on by tasting which smell/aroma alone won't, yeah?

Are ya a brewer or a mouse? :ph34r:
Hell yeah I do! How else do ya know how the brews going? Never wasted a drop yet. You can tell alot about what's going on by tasting which smell/aroma alone won't, yeah?

Are ya a brewer or a mouse? :ph34r:

Chappo also licks the fermenter once emptied - just to ensure he gets all the beery goodness :D

I always taste post boil leftover, at yeast pitch, and after a few weeks, and also after some CC.

It has taught me not to panic so much at funny tastes before it is finished bottle conditioning.
Every hydro get's a taste. As the ferment is progressing the sips get bigger as generally it tastes better. Always interesting to taste how the flavours are changing while the little yeasties are doing their job.
I taste post fermentation - but personally Post boil with the hops added to me is just :icon_vomit:

Before all those hops go in and its like candy! :icon_drool2:
I always taste post boil leftover, at yeast pitch, and after a few weeks, and also after some CC.

It has taught me not to panic so much at funny tastes before it is finished bottle conditioning.

I think i would take something in the order of 10 samples per batch, from post boil to kegging.

Hydro 'jar' is a 100mL measuring cylinder.

I have a refractometer but only use it for pre-boil/pots-boil measurements.

Best way to learn about all the different flavours in a wort/beer IMO :icon_cheers:

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