Dme Colour

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I finally lashed out an bought Promash the other day (the exchange rate tempted me) and have spent a good deal of the weekend messing with it.....

I'm having difficulty estabishing an accurate colour for my light DME. Its a re-packaged product and the owner of the HBS doesn't have access to the information. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a colour I should use or a way of working it out? (I've tried to attach a sample - but it doesn't seem to work)....
The Coopers light LME is 3 SRM. I would say that you would be looking at between 1 to 3 SRM for DME. This is only my opinion from experience with Coopers light DME. Someone else may know better.
I don't believe that your HBS guy can't come up with the info! Not real flash customer service there.
Thanks TDA - I'll use something like that....

I understand what you say there, but I didn't give the whole conversation - the HBS guy was very helpful actually.
The Bintani DMe is very light

A much better dme is the Muntons Amber
That is a bit darker, but much better quality, IMO

it used to be expensive, but now all extracts seem to be the same rip-off wholesale price

Jovial monk
I use the Bintani Light and I really like the light colour. It means I can steep or mash specialty grains to get the colour/flavour I like. You can always make a batch darker with roasted grain, but not lighter. :)

Has wholesale price just recently gone up JM? I bought a 25Kg Bintani sack for not ~much~ over $100 last month.
that is about what I pay now

used to pay $80-odd last year!

Jovial Monk
Australian Barly Prices have jumped a fair bit this year. Could explain a bit. But the Pacific Peso has climbed, so I wonder why the Bintanis, Muntons etc are more expensive? Meh, commodities... who knows?