I regularly knock up a batch of GMK's Aust draught using a kit, light malt, SafAle yeast and dry hopping with some Hallertau. The hops tend to make it a bit floral/spicy but I really like that. I ferment in primary for about a week and then rack into sec' for about 10 days. The only slight change this time was that I added about 250g of liquid wheat malt to give it just a bit more mouthfeel.
I've just tried the first taste of one I kegged a couple of weeks ago and I've finally discovered what the books talk about when they descibe Diacetyl as being 'buttery'. Bloody hell it's crook.
It's not a flavour I enjoy really even though I know that in some styles like Brown Ale a hint of this flavour is considered desirable - but wow have I overdone it and I wasn't even trying
Looking though some texts (Palmer in part') I am led to believe that this can occur either due to an infection (pediosomethingorother) or too long a lag time. I've looked up my brewing notes and see that it only had a lag time of about 6 hours before bubbling become evident so I'm guessing that that wasn't the problem.
If it's an infection then I'm going to have to revise my already neurotic sanitation techniques but I wondering it there's anything else that may have caused it that some of you may have encountered?
Was it the Wheat Malt - I don't think so as I've added small amounts to a number of brews without this effect.
One thing that did come to me was that perhaps it fermented a bit too warm at the start of the primary and then a bit too cool for the rest of the time. If this is the cause is it too late to perhaps try a Diacetly rest by standing the keg in a warm spot for a few days.
Or does anybody want some liquid butter for their toast :blink:
I've just tried the first taste of one I kegged a couple of weeks ago and I've finally discovered what the books talk about when they descibe Diacetyl as being 'buttery'. Bloody hell it's crook.
It's not a flavour I enjoy really even though I know that in some styles like Brown Ale a hint of this flavour is considered desirable - but wow have I overdone it and I wasn't even trying
Looking though some texts (Palmer in part') I am led to believe that this can occur either due to an infection (pediosomethingorother) or too long a lag time. I've looked up my brewing notes and see that it only had a lag time of about 6 hours before bubbling become evident so I'm guessing that that wasn't the problem.
If it's an infection then I'm going to have to revise my already neurotic sanitation techniques but I wondering it there's anything else that may have caused it that some of you may have encountered?
Was it the Wheat Malt - I don't think so as I've added small amounts to a number of brews without this effect.
One thing that did come to me was that perhaps it fermented a bit too warm at the start of the primary and then a bit too cool for the rest of the time. If this is the cause is it too late to perhaps try a Diacetly rest by standing the keg in a warm spot for a few days.
Or does anybody want some liquid butter for their toast :blink: