Daisy Chaining Corny Kegs

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I usually make 54 liters and fill a full 50 liter keg.

I have 3 taps and wouldnt you believe it......... the 3rd 50 liter keg misses out of fitting in by the rib...... about 15mm. :angry:

So..... i either do small 20 liter batches or make 40 liter batches and fill 2 kegs........ thats the plan.

I filter so there is no yeast, and i can carb the kegs individually to ensure they carb equally.
Ive done it and it works. I carbed individually and then went joined them beer out to gas in. I didnt purge head space - didnt even think of it to be honest. But as it was for a piss up any way I really dont think it made a difference. The kegs blew dry by about 1am.

Have a big weekend planned end Feb with around 30 Kegs to push through. up to 4/5 of any 1 type of Brew. Planning on have 10 Kegs in a "Cool" Box and pushing the warmer kegs into them and then through a couple of Miracle boxes to serve, using this method.
This will stop us changing kegs around in the "Cool" Box as much as possible. So long as I bleed the headspace in the first keg in each line, I am thinking it should work. I will let you the results...

I'm so tempted to suggest making the kegs just a bit thinner, wont tho as it would involve a heavy hammer and a couple of hard blows to the bits sticking out.

Not the sort of thing sparkies do, more of a metal bashers approach.

Hey..... i did my time with BHP!

EVERYTHING can be fixed with a hammer and/or silastic!

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