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I just thought they let Josh too close to the keyboard.. :D


Sorry Brewers,

I'm pretty sure I know who's doing this & will be taking action if i can prove it! It's a personal attack on our business & the livelihood of our 9 employees, but some low lifes just don't give a f**k.

Apologies to all our great customers...

Ross & the Craftbrewer Team

Regardless of whether you can prove it or not, might be wise to get the cops involved given the potential for below to happen.

That's the biggest question. Someones not been malicious to the site as such, but has stolen sensitive information that specifically ties emails addresses to Craftbrewer. I sure hope they don't retain credit card information on the same server.

Hope you get to the bottom of it mate.
I'm sure Ross said that payment details eg credit cards go to another site and having nothing to do with Craftbrewer. Passwords, mailing addresses and names etc. maybe a different story.

I'm sure Ross would be onto it today.
That's the biggest question. Someones not been malicious to the site as such, but has stolen sensitive information that specifically ties emails addresses to Craftbrewer. I sure hope they don't retain credit card information on the same server.

Oh the c/card paranoia. Ever gone to a restaurant and gave a person your c/card for them to take away and charge? They have your card, your expiry, csv number and signature. This is far greater a concern than a breach of a website that handled your transaction via a secure gateway. You gave your card, consented it to be charged and with a smart phone, allowed someone to take a pic of your signature for future misuse along with another copy of a receipt for them to further copy your signature.

That person could then charge the crap out of the card before your even back to your car and do a runner with the loot ... ohh the insecurity ... versus a secure gateway where the business does not retain your c/card info ... I know where I would be more concerned, and it would not be with a website using an encrypted gateway.

Just shop the way I do - rock up unannounced and annoy Anthony and Ross for an hour. After an hour you can be fairly sure they're the real deal, even if they are a little seedy from the night before :)


You mean that's not the way it should be done?
Correct. Many people use the same password for everything. If someone gets a hold of it on a non-secure site, then they can get into your emails, and from there that opens up dozens of opportunities for fraud.

Lesson: Do not use the same passwords for everything.

As for payment gateway, youre probably right, Nick. Im only a new customer to Craftbrewer, because I mostly buy locally in my own city. And I think I gave my CC details over the phone.
Oh the c/card paranoia. Ever gone to a restaurant and gave a person your c/card for them to take away and charge? They have your card, your expiry, csv number and signature. This is far greater a concern than a breach of a website that handled your transaction via a secure gateway. You gave your card, consented it to be charged and with a smart phone, allowed someone to take a pic of your signature for future misuse along with another copy of a receipt for them to further copy your signature.

That person could then charge the crap out of the card before your even back to your car and do a runner with the loot ... ohh the insecurity ... versus a secure gateway where the business does not retain your c/card info ... I know where I would be more concerned, and it would not be with a website using an encrypted gateway.


There's no need to be an *******, mate.
just confirming that we NEVER see your credit card details via the site - All payments are made direct with the credit card company's payment gateway. It's also illeagal to store credit card details (probably for this very reason).
Also, we can view your username but we can't view your passwords.

IT guys are working on it. Again, apologies for any inconvenience.

Cheers Ross
CB site is down, so obviously working on it.

Hopefully :huh:
There's no need to be an *******, mate.


It's his thing.
But don't worry, he knows stuff.
Oh the c/card paranoia. Ever gone to a restaurant and gave a person your c/card for them to take away and charge? They have your card, your expiry, csv number and signature. This is far greater a concern than a breach of a website that handled your transaction via a secure gateway. You gave your card, consented it to be charged and with a smart phone, allowed someone to take a pic of your signature for future misuse along with another copy of a receipt for them to further copy your signature.

That person could then charge the crap out of the card before your even back to your car and do a runner with the loot ... ohh the insecurity ... versus a secure gateway where the business does not retain your c/card info ... I know where I would be more concerned, and it would not be with a website using an encrypted gateway.


Scotty, you have blown my mind once again.

I will never look at a restaurant the same way again.

From now on, I shall carry large wads of cash around in my front pocket for complete security and peace of mind.

But on a more serious note, I have only ever gone to the counter to pay at restaurants, since I need a PIN to do it anyways. I know my parents will often just give there card out though and wait for the reciept to come back to sign. Might not be a bad idea to let them know to be a little more cautious. Never hurts to be a little over cautious in this dog eat dog world...
Scotty, you have blown my mind once again.

I will never look at a restaurant the same way again.

From now on, I shall carry large wads of cash around in my front pocket for complete security and peace of mind.

But on a more serious note, I have only ever gone to the counter to pay at restaurants, since I need a PIN to do it anyways. I know my parents will often just give there card out though and wait for the reciept to come back to sign. Might not be a bad idea to let them know to be a little more cautious. Never hurts to be a little over cautious in this dog eat dog world...

And the ladies may think you have something huge in there :D
gmail picked this email up as a phishing scam, straight to spam box. wouldn't even have noticed but for this thread (unless going to the craftbrewer website)

+1 to multiple passwords. I use 1PasswordManager these days and generate unique secure passwords for every website I use. I had an online account compromised (albeit an unimportant non-financial one) and it was a bit of a wake up call that the same details could have caused me serious trouble on other sites.

I hope you catch the culprits and sour mash then boil them.
And the ladies may think you have something huge in there :D

They can always tell the difference between financial and masculine size...

And neither are on my side... <_<
gmail picked this email up as a phishing scam, straight to spam box. wouldn't even have noticed but for this thread (unless going to the craftbrewer website)

I thought I may have been one a a few not to receive the email, but as with hsb it was in my spam box.
Well having put through an order less than 24hrs earlier and payed $120 freight I was devistated when I saw the email title this morning!
You more computer savvy guys, what's a good password manager? Is there a decent free download?

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