Cost Of Making An Extract Brew ?

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Cheers fellas

Will take all that onboard

Think I was a little in shock when he told me the price, but was also excited and frothing at the bit to make this .

I think in the long run its going to cost him more than its cost me . Wont be gettting much there from now on .
I looked at extract brewing, and for the price of the ingredients :eek: I never touched it. If you have the space, jump straight to BIAB. A 50L pot / keggle and a burner will last you many years. I make 100L batches and buy ingredients in bulk, some of the beers would only cost $70 for the entire 100L batch.

Talking of that I just noticed the BB Ale bulk price, last time I looked was $32 now its $45 :(

Ouch! I hope your LHBS bought you a drink before they bent you over the cash register.

Same as most in the thread, my extract brews were around $40-45. Got into BIAB on the stovetop and I won't be going back to extract now.
i reckon i regularly spend 40 -50 bucks on an extract...

but that will give me quite a bit of leftover hops etc for the next few brews...

but i look it at it like i'm brewing 2 slabs worth of beer for around 50 bucks that is better than what they try and slug you 70 bucks for at the bottle shop....

good economy in my world.
Speaking of BIAB, I basically use a system you can get into for less than $300 - a 40L urn and a purpose made bag. Everything else is what you'd have anyway whatever method of brewing you use.

Current brew that's on the boil now is a Yorkshire Best Bitter about 5% alcohol and the cost for a 23L batch is more or less:

4.5 kg pale ale malt $9
200g specialty grains $1.20

300g maize 85 c

Hops $5

Yeast around $2 - I'm using a fresh pack of liquid yeast but it will be reused / stored etc and will probably do 4 or 5 brews

Electricity and other incidentals 40c

So total batch is about $18.45 for a full strength beer that's probably going to get entered into a couple of competitions in the coming months, and very similar in quality to what you get over the bar in the UK, better if anything.

It would only take about 15 such brews to pay for the equipment, if you buy in bulk as I do. Even quicker if you brew some of the more basic Aussie Lagers etc that you can easily crank out for less than $15.
To do a double batch of something simple like a coopers clone costs me about $25-30, inlcuding gas, but i buy grain and hops in bulk, plus i only pay $22 per gas bottle. And i set the whole system up on a students income (ie none), so its pretty cheap to setup (~$250) and you don't need to buy everything at once. If you're paying $75 per brew you may as get a BIAB setup and start buying from the sponsors. $75 a batch is bloody expensive, you could get an 80L pot for that!

Speaking of BIAB, I basically use a system you can get into for less than $300 - a 40L urn and a purpose made bag. Everything else is what you'd have anyway whatever method of brewing you use.

Current brew that's on the boil now is a Yorkshire Best Bitter about 5% alcohol and the cost for a 23L batch is more or less:

4.5 kg pale ale malt $9
200g specialty grains $1.20

300g maize 85 c

Hops $5

Yeast around $2 - I'm using a fresh pack of liquid yeast but it will be reused / stored etc and will probably do 4 or 5 brews

Electricity and other incidentals 40c

So total batch is about $18.45 for a full strength beer that's probably going to get entered into a couple of competitions in the coming months, and very similar in quality to what you get over the bar in the UK, better if anything.

It would only take about 30 such brews to pay for the equipment, if you buy in bulk as I do. Even quicker if you brew some of the more basic Aussie Lagers etc that you can easily crank out for less than $15.