OK I'm going to be the lone dissenter. I couldn't give a fat rat's arse if Lion Nathan bought out Coopers. I don't think their beers are all that special. In the late 80's and early 90's I drank loads of Coopers at the Austral and the Exeter, but this had more to do with being a uni student trying to be different to everyone rather than a real desire for the beer. We were just rebeling against West End and Southwark drinkers.
Now I basically avoid Coopers, however recently I tried both the Pale Ale and the Stout. I thought the Pale Ale was thin, lacking malt, too sweet and under bittered. The Stout also lacked a lot. It didn't have enough roasty notes and was also thin and lacking a decent malt profile. Their so called Mild is even worse. I've also had their Vintage off tap. What a cash in this was. The bottled version is not bad, but the keg version is again a thin watery poor imitation.
If Lion Nathan take Coppers over and change the beers, so what, it's not like their anything worth saving.
Coopers = over rated.