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Unless they publicly name everyone who voted and what their individual vote was, it is still confidential.

It's not so much the question in this instance, I mean, who really gives a ****! It's the principle that a supposedly anonymous vote, whether it be for a sideshow like SSM, or a vote where you reveal your political preferences, is anything but anonymous. Your answer is linked with YOU, in a government database, and if you're happy that your response to whatever vote you cast in this manner, will never be used against you, and I mean NEVER, by a government, or agency, present or future, then I'm happy for you.

Ignorance is bliss, a luxury to enjoy.

Note - I'm NOT saying you're ignorant, rather a very trusting soul who has faith in your government to always look after your interests.
I personally don't see how the ABS could put such data to use in any useful way... I see it as paranoia for the sake of paranoia, to be blunt.

Putting trust (or lack thereof) in your government aside though. You hand your personal data to plenty of corporations who don't even have to pretend to have the public's best interest at heart. If you're that worried about your personally identifiable information you shouldn't have given your photo ID to Telstra when you signed up to that plan, or paid for that incredible burrito at Zambreros with your debit card, or given PayPal your bank details and allowed it to conduct transactions with your "authorisation", or used Google to further your shopping habits.

The point I'm making there is: your personal information is, for the lack of a better phrase, public record for those who seek it (or provide a service good enough to entice you to provide it).
You hand your personal data to plenty of corporations who don't even have to pretend to have the public's best interest at heart.

I'd have to agree - Google, Facebook et al are probably far smarter and tech-savvy than the guv'ment. It's a whole new world out there!

ED - and with bigger hard drives!!!
I don't feel the government always has our best interests at heart, in fact I feel they only ever have their own best interests at heart. However, I also don't see how the voting info from this survey could be used in any useful manner against the population, or why they'd even bother. I agree with mtb, it's just paranoia. There's enough real threats on us as it is without people going around making up ****...
Just heard on the news that results of the SSM postal survey will be released tomorrow, with a breakdown by state, electoral boundary, age and sex.

Hands up all those naive fools who thought their vote was confidential!

Big brother - helllooooo!!!

The inner party doesn't need a survey to convict you of thought crime.
And depending on how big brother swings, I expect to be whisked away to room 101 for a spot of re education shortly.
I won't be at ease when online voting is introduced. Will you?
Will be heaps better than having to walk across the road on a Saturday, telling multiple brochure waving social outcasts to **** off and find something useful to do on their weekends all for the chance to randomly cross 72 boxes on a bedsheet sized piece of pulped tree to vote in some self serving ******* over another self serving ******* and walk off with a cold burnt snag.

I will also enjoy the massive melt when the website gets hacked and no one can vote, ala the Census.
The inner party doesn't need a survey to convict you of thought crime.
And depending on how big brother swings, I expect to be whisked away to room 101 for a spot of re education shortly.

You will be strapped to a chair with a table in front of you. On that table will be a cage and in that cage will be a warm, flat and stale beer.

Agree withe majority, if you're concerned about your information being used against you get off Facebook, Twitter, Instabrag, loose the credit card, stop the supermarket rewards schemes, dump all of your apps (actually, dump the phone altogether) and stop doing anything. For more info look up Cambridge Analytica for how these things work.

The problem you have with the govt and census information isn't the govt per se. It's the govt's ability to protect others from breaking in and using it for other purposes. Same with your bank, your insurance company, etc. etc. (actually, you probably should be concerned about what your bank and insurance companies do with your info.....).

Being concerned that your name was on the SSM ballot is missing the play, that's not where you're most likely to be vulnerable.
Back to the ranting.

For the second time in as many weeks, a man sounding suspiciously like Mahatma Cote has called up wishing to pay me compensation for a car accident I was involved in recently.

He withdrew the offer after I informed him it was actually a hit and run and I was driving with my feet at the time.
So the SSM plebiscite results are in ( excuse the pun) or out, which ever way you want to call it. But according to ABC Radio they’re calling it a vote and it could be law by Christmas.
If so when was it considered a vote for or against, to me it’s an opinion poll.
Perhaps we should have a plebiscite on looking after the Pensioners in this country and see how that pans out.
At this rate I’ll be bald by Christmas as I’ll have scratched all the hair off my head trying to figure out just what the **** is going on and exactly who is running this country?
If one nation Pauline Hanson chief of staff James Ashby married Liberal party Christopher Pyne and they had a child what would be the result.
Your right, ABC news, everyone going on as if this was a vote by the people, no it was/is an opinion poll that had the potential for corruption in persons sending in more than one response as happens with telephone and on line polls.
Being concerned that your name was on the SSM ballot is missing the play..

No, you miss the point - the betrayal of annonymity. And you say it was a ballot? Look it up:

noun: ballot; plural noun: ballots
a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.
No, you miss the point - the betrayal of annonymity. And you say it was a ballot? Look it up:

noun: ballot; plural noun: ballots
a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.

Ok, so it wasn't completely anonymous. Why do you care?
... if you're concerned about your information being used against you get off Facebook, Twitter, Instabrag, loose the credit card, stop the supermarket rewards schemes, dump all of your apps (actually, dump the phone altogether) and stop doing anything.

If an individual chooses to engage in Facebook, rewards cards, Google searches, tote a smart phone which is akin to wearing a tracking bracelet, etc, that's a voluntary participation, and the individual should know, and be comfortable with, the implications.

However, expressing a personal and private view in a ballot, election, or whatever, should be just that - private!

It's an old fashioned system of beliefs I grew up with.