You will be strapped to a chair with a table in front of you. On that table will be a cage and in that cage will be a warm, flat and stale beer.
It was a postal survey, they have to give it a period of time for everyone to send back their forms etc., not like going down to the polling booth on a Saturday morning where everybody votes on the same day.If your paying $10 a vote sure they can arrange the result does not take that long to count votes seems that a lot of elderly in nursing homes did not get to vote.
If an individual chooses to engage in Facebook, rewards cards, Google searches, tote a smart phone which is akin to wearing a tracking bracelet, etc, that's a voluntary participation, and the individual should know, and be comfortable with, the implications.
However, expressing a personal and private view in a ballot, election, or whatever, should be just that - private!
It's an old fashioned system of beliefs I grew up with.
100 my sources say - so where's the other 22?
100 my sources say - so where's the other 22?
22% booking fee.
I think you should get your ears recalibrated as you are having difficulty distinguishing BILLIONS from millions.Dunno wot youse is all bovered about - it's guvment money hey!
Then on the radio this afternoon I heard where the ATO "crackdown" on big companies' tax evasion has so far netted one and a half million $, (in how long?) which can be spent on worthwhile projects, presumably "schools and hospitals" - the usual beneficiaries quoted by politicians. Just imagine what $122M could have done...
I think you should get your ears recalibrated as you are having difficulty distinguishing BILLIONS from millions.
Read this
Yep just chill out evoo4u, identifying individual ballots worked out fine in pre-war Germany.No, you miss the point - the betrayal of annonymity. And you say it was a ballot? Look it up:
noun: ballot; plural noun: ballots
a system of voting secretly and in writing on a particular issue.
Righto another rant, being a Grandpa entitles me so. The better half and I have been looking at solar panels and thinking mmmm 5kw maybe more due to the ever increasing costs/ charges etc. In SA we basically get ****** over,so imagine my shock when told that as of Friday Dec 1st SA Power Networks will no longer connect ANY residential properties ( as now legislated) over 5kw capacity, it’s been halved from what was allowed.
So, is big business in conjunction with Government legislating that NO person nor family can or will bust a gut to save for, or borrow money to, in the long run save money or lessen their dependence on mains power let alone do their bit for the environment?
This one seems to have flown under the radar, not I keep up with too much as it’s all doom and gloom in the media these days.
Makes a bloke wonder just what the utilities sale contracts fine print contains in this state of SA.
Rant over, G,pa is going to crack a beer now!