Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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It's quite simple really.
The price of oil goes up, the price of petrol goes up.
The price of oil goes down, the price of petrol goes up.
It's quite simple really.
The price of oil goes up, the price of petrol goes up.
The price of oil goes down, the price of petrol goes up.

And as a followup to the above, I've heard the BS in the past that had it not been for the stability/strength/optimism of/about the Aussie $, it would have gone up even further, so be grateful it's only gone up as much as it has!

And how was it that we (the clever clever country) closed down all our refineries (I believe this is the case, but stand to be corrected), and now have a very limited supply on hand, should the **** hit the fan, and we can't get our refined fuel in from OS? Ya gotta love this country. (And I'm Aussie through and through BTW)
**** the ******* Bureau of Meteorology. 90% chance of storms and rain forecast today, so I spent all morning not brewing, but fertilizing lawns and mulching gardens in anticipation. Not a ******* drop, nor is there likely to be.
Serves me right I guess for trusting government agency.

BOM relies entirely computer generated forecasts these days. Forecasts with a human touch are still much more accurate and there are usually plenty of sites with local knowledge for many areas.
BOM relies entirely computer generated forecasts these days. Forecasts with a human touch are still much more accurate and there are usually plenty of sites with local knowledge for many areas.

Humans? Nah mate, they're expendable. Computers much more user friendly. And cheaper to hire.
**** the ******* Bureau of Meteorology. 90% chance of storms and rain forecast today, so I spent all morning not brewing, but fertilizing lawns and mulching gardens in anticipation. Not a ******* drop, nor is there likely to be.
Serves me right I guess for trusting government agency.

Your didn’t wash and polish the car Dave, what do you expect:rolleyes:
There's a 90% chance this is completely wrong. Even if it is right, it's because the government keeps cutting staff and reducing the funding at BoM.

Not just there....any govt agency you want to ring these days, don't count on getting through in under an hour to an hour and a half.
There's a 90% chance this is completely wrong. Even if it is right, it's because the government keeps cutting staff and reducing the funding at BoM.
Well....After looking into it more. It is if you live in regional areas at least. The BOM has fully automated many of our weather stations and these stations output 100% computer generated forecasts. They can't take the place of experienced local forecasters ....yet. During and leading up to extreme weather events, humans from BOM have more of an input, but they still don't come close to the accuracy of when those stations were manned by local meteorologists.
Yep, here's an idea: the government should properly fund a government agency that provides useful services to the people.
Revolutionary, I know.
Back to the ranting.

For the second time in as many weeks, a man sounding suspiciously like Mahatma Cote has called up wishing to pay me compensation for a car accident I was involved in recently.

He withdrew the offer after I informed him it was actually a hit and run and I was driving with my feet at the time.
LOL! I've had the same and told the bloke I was so relieved it wasn't my fault! When he asked me about it, I told him I was in traffic, bored and on the vinegar stroke and just ran into the car in front. It wasnt until I explained what vinegar stroke was to his manager that they abused me and hung up! He called me a mother F&^%er! Very rude I thought!
Bloody parochial western Aussies!

Wife and I have been looking at moving across to Perth to be closer to family, so I've been on the hunt for work. Every job I look at insists that I "must have a current valid Western Australian drivers licence"

I explain I have an unblemished Australian drivers licence .. they say "sorry we can't interview you". What the hell! They may as well secede and get it over with.
Bloody parochial western Aussies!

Wife and I have been looking at moving across to Perth to be closer to family, so I've been on the hunt for work. Every job I look at insists that I "must have a current valid Western Australian drivers licence"

I explain I have an unblemished Australian drivers licence .. they say "sorry we can't interview you". What the hell! They may as well secede and get it over with.
Take the bastards to the High Court breach of constitution if they are a company they have to have a barrister or not appear which means they lose if they do appear the legal costs will cost them a fortune.
Take the bastards to the High Court breach of constitution if they are a company they have to have a barrister or not appear which means they lose if they do appear the legal costs will cost them a fortune.
Yeah take them to court, they'll definitely hire you then.
Makes for an inbred system of employment if you're not looking to go outside the state for potential expertise...
Australia Post rant

The last two items I've ordered online have been entrusted to Australia Post for delivery. I got the first one after some unexplained extra journeys which took an extra few days, and the second one? Who knows! Might get here next week, maybe not.

In the following screenshots, Underwood is BRISBANE, Kearneys Spring is TOOWOOMBA, and Highfields is, well, HIGHFIELDS (a few km north of Toowoomba). My local postal facility is HAMPTON (a few more km north of Highfields).

Parcel 1:
Made it to Toowoomba, then out to Highfields, then back to Brisbane, then up to Toowoomba again, and finally to Hampton.

Aust Post tracking _item 1.jpg

Parcel 2:

Still haven't got it

Aust Post tracking _item 2.jpg

Domestic violence got to love when a radio presenter plays a classic song and they get to the interesting part of the song like when Ray Hadley played "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town" as a tribute to song writer Mel Tillis who died at 85 how can you go wrong with a wholesome Kenny Rogers until Kenny gets to the line "And if I could move I'd get my gun and put her in the ground" probably not going to hear this song on the radio again .

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