Well Australians are now paying the highest prices for everthing because bloody everything is being exported, a lot of which is by the sale of our land and goods. Explain why Australians should have to pay the highest in the world for its own bloody gas, Australian gas. It’s ******* cheaper in Japan.
I’m getting off this topic because Australia is now about two things, the haves and the have nots, the middle class is gone. Those that think selling off Australia is alright and don’t have a problem with, to me are obviously financially well off as they think it’s alright. Work hard all your bloody life and then live off the pension, ha. We can’t all be filthy rich, someone has to do the hard yards. Like youth, can’t all be technicians, sit behind a desk, work hospitality. There was a a place called manufacturing the supported thousands but no more. Today’s news, Australia has major skill shortage, well ******* pollies most of us plebs could have told you, warned you, bloody years ago.