Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
It’s fine when it’s still clear enough for communication. There’s a few whose use of written language is so awful, it rarely reads as anything other than gibberish.
Much more interesting on a motor bike and more common.One day, when I've had enough I'm gonna take someone's car door right off when they just swing it wide open in the street expecting cars to dart out of the way, feck'n'ell
Always fun in a bus when idiots don't bother looking before flinging doors open. Nearly took off two in less than a minute one morning.One day, when I've had enough I'm gonna take someone's car door right off when they just swing it wide open in the street expecting cars to dart out of the way, feck'n'ell
Yeah I commute to work on a pushy, I stay as left as I can obey all the traffic rules, and at least once a month someone tries to kill me with a car door, or they back out of an angle park without looking at all, hopefully they will all be hit by the karma bus, driven by rocker!One day, when I've had enough I'm gonna take someone's car door right off when they just swing it wide open in the street expecting cars to dart out of the way, feck'n'ell
Along the same lines, whenever they report on crashes they always say "speed was a factor". Well no ****.
People, and newsreader type people in particular, who think the space that separates opposing lanes of traffic on divided roadways is the "medium strip".
From memory, there is a cafe in Rundle Mall, Adelaide called ‘expresso yourself’You must like expresso.
At least 20 years ago, I remember them being a waste of time in the 90s as well. No idea when they began throwing the ball into the second row though.Another of life's little mysteries: At what point did the "scrum" in Rugby League become as useless as tits on a bull?
Now they are supposed to be kept for two reasons. Firstly, to break up the play and allow players some rest in what can be very fast games...