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My employer won't allow me to work on public holidays. There is no distinction between the christian and secular public holidays. I enjoy the time off but it's not a choice I can make. So thank you christians, labour movement people, the queen, the Anzacs, captain arthur phillip and the carnies.
Been away for a few days, catching trout, smoking mutton birds, cape barron goose breast (legally shot by a friend) and fresh out the drink oysters, eating cray and abalone, and last but not least, drinking a shitload of quality booze..........But I'd just like to point out (in light of a rather public attack on my adopted state by a dirty, filthy NSWman (oohhhhh, the govt. is taking money away from my Baroque festival that myself and 18 other people attend.......wahhhhhh, wahhhhhhh) That.......
Ducatiboy stu said:
WTF is the go not being able to buy Alcohol on good friday.

**** the Christians.

I want my booze
BOTTO'S ARE OPEN ON GOOD FRIDAY IN TASMANIA. I hope Leo and his kooky arty friends all forgot to buy their liquor and went dry on Friday.
When I get to the great Nation of Tasmania there are only 2 things I will need

Chain lube

A big Visa card
Ducatiboy stu said:
When I get to the great Nation of Tasmania there are only 2 things I will need

Chain lube

A big Visa card

I went to TAS last year and I got into a fight because I said (about St George Lager): "We don't get this in Australia.". The 2-headed fockers WENT OFF. I was fighting this one dude, his missus was coming in from the side - throwing ém, and my brother was dragging me out of the pub by the back of my shirt. Good times. So Stu, you Grafton m0r0n, don't mention the "nation of Tasmania".
I've just been on a pub crawl through Kyogle. We only have 2 pubs; the top pub and the bottom pub. The best beers I could get were 150 Lashes and Tooheys Old (both great beers, don't get me wrong. But some variety would be nice).
****, you blokes (and Leo Schoefield) should spend some time on the Furneaux Islands. Use mutton bird fat as bar oil over there they do. Makes the Huon Grand on a Friday night look like a CWA tea party.
Ducatiboy stu said:
When I get to the great Nation of Tasmania there are only 2 things I will need

Chain lube

A big Visa card
As a motorcyclist....i will need

Chain lube

A big visa card
Well my first post was to point out that were a little bit more advanced than people think, but if you think you can pass yourself off as a touring biker, nude, credit card in one hand, lube in the other......well I guess we've got a long way to go then. A bike would help to sell part of the illusion.

Ease up brother.

My remarks are about riding a bike and needing a credit card as backup

Tasmania is on my list.
jlm said:
nude, credit card in one hand, lube in the other.....
I've just forked out for the ferry (the cheap seats) from Hobart and admission to MONA. This is exactly how I feel, except it was dencorub and not lube.
Ducatiboy stu said:
As a motorcyclist....i will need

Chain lube

A big visa card
I'm glad you used the word chain first.
spog said:
Get that base sand down and roughly levelled now,the rain will help with settling and some compaction.
So the rest of us can sit back with a cold one and laugh at you working in the rain. :)
Got a day and a half of fine weather so its almost done. Got the path laid as far as the brewery (which is the important bit). Just need to finish off all the cuts (damn fancy pattern) next weekend.

Damn... embedding photo from dropbox doesn't work.
2015-04-06 14.29.45.jpg

There we go... that's when rain stopped play yesterday. Rather chuffed with how it came out.
I'm more than happy to help out as an expert consultant. Explain the finer points of technique and all that. Put a beer in my hand and I'll stand around giving advice all day long while I watch you work.
I fired up the mini Acer Notebook after resting for a few months. Overnight it downloaded 142 Windows 7 updates and then takes 6 hours applying the updates. WTF Microsoft. Apple are no better with the Rip Off hardware prices about 300%+ above PC.

Linux Peppermint refuses to load up from DVD drive on proper PC and is only usefull for web browsing IMO.
Fountains of excrement disguised as discussion threads. Ooooooooohhhhh yea! My wife and I run a daycare together and I change enough nappies there thanx. I'm verging on deciding that fight-starting poisonous ridicule is the proper response.
Tropical_Brews said:
Linux Peppermint refuses to load up from DVD drive on proper PC and is only usefull for web browsing IMO.
Linux can do heaps of things. Just depends on what you want to do.
goomboogo said:
My employer won't allow me to work on public holidays. There is no distinction between the christian and secular public holidays. I enjoy the time off but it's not a choice I can make. So thank you christians, labour movement people, the queen, the Anzacs, captain arthur phillip and the carnies.
You're most welcome.

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