Went to a good mate's birthday at a bar last night. Bought him a nice single malt for a present.
Bouncer wanted to look in the bag, being a cooperative kind of a guy I said 'no drama - it is alcohol'. He looked stressed, I stressed 'it's an $whatever bottle of whisky mate, we're not going to get on tables and neck it'
He gets the bar manager, she (nice, polite, helpful, cooperative) suggests we let her hang on to it. Being a cooperative kind of a guy, I say 'no problem, do you mind if I come in, present it to my mate, then give it to you to hang on to until the end. She (nice, cooperative) says no problem. Great. Friendly arrangement reached by people listening to each other, being cooperative, etc.
All good, except obviously the bouncer feels his cock hasn't had enough attention and needs to slap someone with it to prove that it's still there. As I'm about to go in, he looks at me and says 'you find her or I will come and find you'.
I look him straight in the eye and say 'ok mate'.
He says 'just joking mate' and pats me on the shoulder.
Onya boss.
Turkey slap some other ******.
Stupid tit.