Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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I get really annoyed when someone is all like "Hey, look at this awesome video I took on my phone" and they have recorded said video in portrait, not landscape.

Makes me want to break their phone.
Arsehole came into the shop on Saturday and complained about the price of our dried malt. Requested a discount because he can get it cheaper elsewhere. He then wanted to know the cost comparison between a kilo of c02 and a kilo of white table sugar. Why are these people born? No discount was given on the malt. To top it off he was a smart arse American.
Should have sold him a kilo fo Co2 in a plastic bag and told him to piss off.:)
Just the other day I was tailgated for a long time by some dickless chimp, even though I was already going 5 kph over the limit. And to top it off, he was an Australian.
Liam_snorkel said:
it was probably Shaunous :ph34r:
Hahaha, Settle down Liam, I dont Tailgate people who are doing the speed limit or over, thats just uncalled for.

Also im no Dickless Chimp, although I can do one hell of a Mangina...
I always like to sit behind ( not tailgating )drivers doing over the speed limit. Cause gues who gets pinned first by the Highway Patrol.
Working in my garage yesterday putting up shelves, so I can stack stuff and make room to rebuild my brewery.
Chap pulls up at the neighbours, in his red Series 2 E type Jaguar roadster.
Neighbours not home, so I walk out of the garage and get talking to said chap.
After few minutes I cheekily asked if he'd mind giving me a ride in said Jaguar.
He was very obliging, and gave us a skoot around our local area.
I won't be buying one anytime soon, mrs warra wouldn't approve the drain on our budget. I'm on the tall side, so my head stuck out over the windscreen and I copped the full blast of the wind. The sunvisors blocked half of my forward vision. Getting in and out was a bit of an acrobatic exercise but caused no injuries that a couple of physio visits can't straighten out. Did I enjoy the ride? You betcha. I'm a fan of classic cars, and the E type Jag is about as classic as they come.
Got a mate who has an EH sedan....drives it long distances. .....Bench seat, 3 on the tree...sits on about more.....would he swap it for a

I get the same question asked of my old morry ute....its a bit slow...rough....noisy...would I swap

Do I get a whole range of people stopping,waving,pointing at my ute...hell yeah.
warra48 said:
Working in my garage yesterday putting up shelves, so I can stack stuff and make room to rebuild my brewery.
Chap pulls up at the neighbours, in his red Series 2 E type Jaguar roadster.
Neighbours not home, so I walk out of the garage and get talking to said chap.
After few minutes I cheekily asked if he'd mind giving me a ride in said Jaguar.
He was very obliging, and gave us a skoot around our local area.
I won't be buying one anytime soon, mrs warra wouldn't approve the drain on our budget. I'm on the tall side, so my head stuck out over the windscreen and I copped the full blast of the wind. The sunvisors blocked half of my forward vision. Getting in and out was a bit of an acrobatic exercise but caused no injuries that a couple of physio visits can't straighten out. Did I enjoy the ride? You betcha. I'm a fan of classic cars, and the E type Jag is about as classic as they come.
Think I missed the rant in there warra. Great story though.
Warra doesn't rant, he's from Netherlands extraction and therefore a perfect gentleman.
Ducatiboy stu said:
I always like to sit behind ( not tailgating )drivers doing over the speed limit. Cause gues who gets pinned first by the Highway Patrol.
Didn't know old morries went over 40 mate.

practicalfool said:
Stirplate is pissing me off.

Worked excellently in water test. Worked great to degas beer sample for hydrometer.

Not fukin working for actual yeast starter. ****** piece of ****. Need this to work so I can pitch before I leave town Wednesday.

Not happy Jan.
Actually, centred the fukin stir bar with my tool magnet. Made sure it is in the middle. Slowly lowered onto stir plate. No fukin movement. Start from low to high, not a wobble. Nada. The damn thing is stuck frozen. I can move it alright by just tilting the bottle a bit. Just that the stirplate won't do it!!!

Getting over this pretty quickly.
My pushbike is powered by lard. Hopefully it will run out of fuel eventually.
Got on of the boys running a broom over the workshop this morning while we're quiet.

Complains about dust and can I slip up to Bunnings and get a mask. Fair enough.

I go downstairs to find him with mask pulled up to his forehead.

So he can smoke a cigarette.

**** me..